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Created December 20, 2016 10:23
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Ascii Fluid Simulation (Windows)
// this de-obfuscated version by Davide Della Casa
// original obfuscated version by Yusuke Endoh
// modified for Windows (Mingw-w64)
// formatted in Chromium C/C++ style
// compile with gcc ascii-win.c -o ascii -O3 -s -flto
// usage and original repo see
#include <stdio.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define _POSITION +0
#define _WALLFLAG +1
#define _DENSITY +2
#define _FORCE +3
#define _VELOCITY +4
#define _NEXTPARTICLE +5
#define PARTICLE 5 *
#define NEXTSCREENROW 80 +
#define CONSOLE_WIDTH 80
double complex particles[CONSOLE_WIDTH * CONSOLE_HEIGHT * 2 * 5],
sandboxAreaScan = 0 /* 0 is top-left */, particlesDistance,
int x, y, screenBufferIndex, totalOfParticles;
int gravity = 1, pressure = 4, viscosity = 7;
char screenBuffer[CONSOLE_WIDTH * CONSOLE_HEIGHT + 1];
int main() {
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdout, &info);
short R = info.srWindow.Bottom - info.srWindow.Top + 1;
short C = info.srWindow.Right - info.srWindow.Left + 1;
DWORD written;
COORD curPos = {0, 0};
FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdout, ' ', R * C, curPos, &written);
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdout, curPos);
// read the input file to initialise the particles.
// # stands for "wall", i.e. unmovable particles (very high density)
// any other non-space character represents normal particles.
int particlesCounter = 0;
while ((x = getc(stdin)) != EOF) {
switch (x) {
case '\n':
// next row, going down the real part increases
// rewind the complex part too so particle is at the left
sandboxAreaScan = creal(sandboxAreaScan) + 2 + _Complex_I;
case ' ':
case '#':
// The character # represents �wall particle� (a particle with fixed
// position),
// and any other non-space characters represent free particles.
// A wall sets the flag on 2 particles side by side.
particles[PARTICLE particlesCounter _WALLFLAG] =
particles[PARTICLE particlesCounter _NEXTPARTICLE _WALLFLAG] = 1;
// Each non-empty character sets the position of two
// particles one below the other (real part is rows)
// i.e. each cell in the input file corresponds to 1x2 particle spaces,
// and each character sets two particles
// one on top of each other.
// It's as if the input map maps to a space that has twice the height,
// as if the vertical
// resolution was higher than the horizontal one.
// This is corrected later, see "y scale correction" comment.
// I think this is because of gravity simulation, the vertical
// resolution has to be
// higher, or conversely you can get away with simulating a lot less of
// what goes on in the
// horizontal axis.
particles[PARTICLE particlesCounter _POSITION] = sandboxAreaScan;
particles[PARTICLE particlesCounter _NEXTPARTICLE _POSITION] =
sandboxAreaScan + 1;
// we just added two particles
totalOfParticles = particlesCounter += 2;
// next column, going to the right the complex part decreases
sandboxAreaScan = sandboxAreaScan - _Complex_I;
while (1) {
int particlesCursor, particlesCursor2;
// Iterate over every pair of particles to calculate the densities
for (particlesCursor = 0; particlesCursor < totalOfParticles;
particlesCursor++) {
// density of "wall" particles is high, other particles will bounce off
// them.
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _DENSITY] =
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _WALLFLAG] * 9;
for (particlesCursor2 = 0; particlesCursor2 < totalOfParticles;
particlesCursor2++) {
particlesDistance = particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _POSITION] -
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor2 _POSITION];
particlesInteraction = cabs(particlesDistance) / 2 - 1;
// this line here with the alternative test
// works much better visually but breaks simmetry with the
// next block
// if (round(creal(particlesInteraction)) < 1){
// density is updated only if particles are close enough
if (floor(1.0 - creal(particlesInteraction)) > 0) {
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _DENSITY] +=
particlesInteraction * particlesInteraction;
// Iterate over every pair of particles to calculate the forces
for (particlesCursor = 0; particlesCursor < totalOfParticles;
particlesCursor++) {
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _FORCE] = gravity;
for (particlesCursor2 = 0; particlesCursor2 < totalOfParticles;
particlesCursor2++) {
particlesDistance = particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _POSITION] -
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor2 _POSITION];
particlesInteraction = cabs(particlesDistance) / 2 - 1;
// force is updated only if particles are close enough
if (floor(1.0 - creal(particlesInteraction)) > 0) {
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _FORCE] +=
particlesInteraction *
(particlesDistance *
(3 - particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _DENSITY] -
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor2 _DENSITY]) *
pressure +
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _VELOCITY] * viscosity -
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor2 _VELOCITY] * viscosity) /
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _DENSITY];
// empty the buffer
for (screenBufferIndex = 0;
screenBufferIndex++) {
screenBuffer[screenBufferIndex] = 0;
for (particlesCursor = 0; particlesCursor < totalOfParticles;
particlesCursor++) {
if (!particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _WALLFLAG]) {
// This is the newtonian mechanics part: knowing the force vector acting
// on each
// particle, we accelerate the particle (see the change in velocity).
// In turn, velocity changes the position at each tick.
// Position is the integral of velocity, velocity is the integral of
// acceleration and
// acceleration is proportional to the force.
// force affects velocity
if (cabs(particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _FORCE]) < 4.2)
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _VELOCITY] +=
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _FORCE] / 10;
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _VELOCITY] +=
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _FORCE] / 11;
// velocity affects position
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _POSITION] +=
particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _VELOCITY];
// given the position of the particle, determine the screen buffer
// position that it's going to be in.
x = particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _POSITION] * _Complex_I;
// y scale correction, since each cell of the input map has
// "2" rows in the particle space.
y = particles[PARTICLE particlesCursor _POSITION] / 2;
screenBufferIndex = x + CONSOLE_WIDTH * y;
// if the particle is on screen, update
// four buffer cells around it
// in a manner of a "gradient",
// the representation of 1 particle will be like this:
// 8 4
// 2 1
// which after the lookup that puts chars on the
// screen will look like:
// ,.
// `'
// With this mechanism, each particle creates
// a gradient over a small area (four screen locations).
// As the gradients of several particles "mix",
// (because the bits are flipped
// independently),
// a character will be chosen such that
// it gives an idea of what's going on under it.
// You can see how corners can only have values of 8,4,2,1
// which will have suitably "pointy" characters.
// A "long vertical edge" (imagine two particles above another)
// would be like this:
// 8 4
// 10 5
// 2 1
// and hence 5 and 10 are both vertical bars.
// Same for horizontal edges (two particles aside each other)
// 8 12 4
// 2 3 1
// and hence 3 and 12 are both horizontal dashes.
// ... and so on for the other combinations such as
// particles placed diagonally, where the diagonal bars
// are used, and places where four particles are present,
// in which case the highest number is reached, 15, which
// maps into the blackest character of the sequence, '#'
if (y >= 0 && y < CONSOLE_HEIGHT - 1 && x >= 0 && x < CONSOLE_WIDTH - 1) {
screenBuffer[screenBufferIndex] |= 8; // set 4th bit to 1
screenBuffer[screenBufferIndex + 1] |= 4; // set 3rd bit to 1
// now the cell in row below
screenBuffer[NEXTSCREENROW screenBufferIndex] |= 2; // set 2nd bit to 1
screenBuffer[NEXTSCREENROW screenBufferIndex + 1] |=
1; // set 1st bit to 1
// Update the screen buffer
for (screenBufferIndex = 0;
screenBufferIndex++) {
if (screenBufferIndex % CONSOLE_WIDTH == CONSOLE_WIDTH - 1)
screenBuffer[screenBufferIndex] = '\n';
// the string below contains 16 characters, which is for all
// the possible combinations of values in the screenbuffer since
// it can be subject to flipping of the first 4 bits
screenBuffer[screenBufferIndex] =
" '`-.|//,\\|\\_\\/#"[screenBuffer[screenBufferIndex]];
// ---------------------- the mappings --------------
// 0 maps into space
// 1 maps into ' 2 maps into ` 3 maps into -
// 4 maps into . 5 maps into | 6 maps into /
// 7 maps into / 8 maps into , 9 maps into \
// 10 maps into | 11 maps into \ 12 maps into _
// 13 maps into \ 14 maps into / 15 maps into #
COORD curPos = {0, 0};
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdout, curPos);
// finally blit the screen buffer to screen
Sleep(1000 / 60);
return 0;
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