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Created October 15, 2010 12:01
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"" ============================================================================
"" ~/.vim/mail
"" Cedric Duval
"" ============================================================================
" Setup to write mails with vim
" To use with Mutt, just put this line your ~/.vimrc :
" autocmd BufRead /tmp/mutt* :source ~/.vim/mail
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"" Misc
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set pastetoggle=<f12> " toggle mouse paste mode with F12
set ft=mail " needless to say, vim had already guessed that alone :)
set spell
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"" Automatic line wrap
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set textwidth=72 " max line length
set formatoptions=tcql
set comments+=n:\| " '|' is a quote char.
set comments+=n:% " '%' as well.
" * <F1> to re-format the current paragraph correctly
" * <F2> to format a line which is too long, and go to the next line
" * <F3> to merge the previous line with the current one, with a correct
" formatting (sometimes useful associated with <F2>)
" These keys might be used both in command mode and edit mode.
" <F1> might be smarter to use with the Mail_Del_Empty_Quoted() function
" defined below
nmap <F1> gqap
nmap <F2> gqqj
nmap <F3> kgqj
map! <F1> <ESC>gqapi
map! <F2> <ESC>gqqji
map! <F3> <ESC>kgqji
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"" Suppressing quoted signature(s) if any when replying
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Thanks to Luc Hermitte for the original function
" (
" Thanks to Loïc Minier and Martin Treusch von Buttlar who pointed out an
" issue with the user's own sig.
function! Mail_Erase_Sig_old()
let i = line('$')
let j = i
" search for the signature pattern (takes into account signature delimiters
" from broken mailers that forget the space after the two dashes)
while ((i > 0) && (getline(i) !~ '^> *-- \=$'))
if (getline(i) =~ '^-- $')
" this is my own sig. please don't delete it!
let j = i - 1
let i = i - 1
" if found, then
if (i != 0)
" search for the last non empty (non sig) line
while ((i > 0) && (getline(i - 1) =~ '^\(>\s*\)*$'))
let i = i - 1
" and delete those lines plus the signature
exe ':'.i.','.j.'d'
" this new version handles cases where there are several signatures
" (sometimes added by mailing list software)
function! Mail_Erase_Sig()
" search for the signature pattern (takes into account signature delimiters
" from broken mailers that forget the space after the two dashes)
let i = 0
while ((i <= line('$')) && (getline(i) !~ '^> *-- \=$'))
let i = i + 1
" if found, then
if (i != line('$') + 1)
" first, look for our own signature, to avoid deleting it
let j = i
while (j < line('$') && (getline(j + 1) !~ '^-- $'))
let j = j + 1
" second, search for the last non empty (non sig) line
while ((i > 0) && (getline(i - 1) =~ '^\(>\s*\)*$'))
let i = i - 1
" third, delete those lines plus the signature
exe ':'.i.','.j.'d'
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"" Replacing empty quoted lines (e.g. "> $") with empty lines
"" (convenient to automatically reformat one paragraph)
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! Mail_Del_Empty_Quoted()
exe "normal :%s/^>[[:space:]\%\|\#>]\\+$//e\<CR>"
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"" Moving the cursor at the begining of the mail
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function! Mail_Begining()
exe "normal gg"
if getline (line ('.')) =~ '^From: '
" if we use edit_headers in Mutt, then go after the headers
exe "normal /^$\<CR>"
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"" Initializations
"" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
call Mail_Erase_Sig()
call Mail_Del_Empty_Quoted()
call Mail_Begining()
setlocal foldmethod=expr foldlevel=1 foldminlines=2
setlocal foldexpr=strlen(substitute(substitute(getline(v:lnum),'\\s','','g'),'[^>].*','',''))
fun! LBDBCompleteFn(findstart, base)
if a:findstart
" locate the start of the word
let line = getline('.')
let start = col('.') - 1
while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '[^:,]'
let start -= 1
while start < col('.') && line[start] =~ '[:, ]'
let start += 1
return start
let res = []
let query = substitute(a:base, '"', '', 'g')
let query = substitute(query, '\s*<.*>\s*', '', 'g')
for m in LbdbQuery(query)
call add(res, printf('"%s" <%s>', escape(m[0], '"'), m[1]))
return res
set completefunc=LBDBCompleteFn
ino <C-n> <C-X><C-U>
ino <C-p> <C-X><C-U>
" To be done elsewhere
":silent! lbdbq | awk '{ print }' > /tmp/lbdict
"setlocal dictionary+=/tmp/lbdict
"silent! %s/\(^\([a-zA-z-]\+:\|--\)\)\@<!\s\+$//
"silent! %s/^\(>\+\) >/\1>/g
"silent! %s/^\(>\+\) >/\1>/g
" map <F3> and <F4> to go to next inlined reply
" " register save/restore
" "autocmd FileType mail map <buffer> <F3> :/^>//^[^>]/<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>zzzv
" autocmd FileType mail map <buffer> <F3>
" :/^>//^\(>\)\@!\ze\s*\S/<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>zzzv
" autocmd FileType mail map <buffer> <F4>
" :/^>\s*>//^>\(\s*>\)\@!\ze\s*\S/<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>zzzv
" " (doc: that's just ":/pattern1//pattern2/")
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