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Hurmet module to create a Concrete Column Interaction Diagram
# ConcreteColumnInteraction
# By Ron Kok. Copyright 2023.
# Released under terms of the MIT license,
# This is a Hurmet module that draws a concrete column interaction diagram
# for recangular columns per ACI 318.
# The first input, `column`, must be a single-row dataframe, like this example:
# column =
# ``f_c′ f_y width depth barSize bars cover tieSize
# psi psi in in in
# 4500 60000 24 30 #7 4x5 2 #4``
# To create a diagram in, first create a cell that fetches this code, e.g.:
# colDiagram = import("") = !
# Then create a cell that uses the module to draw a diagram, e.g.:
# colDiagram.draw(column, Pu, Mu) = @
# Pu and Mu are optional arguments that contain the axial and bending forces on the column.
# This module is not unit-aware. The units in the example are mandatory.
# If the number of bars is evenly divisible by 4, you can write "bars" as a single number.
# Otherwise, the bar pattern must be written in the form: 𝐦x𝐧
# where 𝐦 and 𝐧 are integers ≥ 2.
# This diagram is not the last word on column capacity. Slenderness must be
# addressed elsewhere. Also, ACI 318 has several prescriptive requirements that
# must be met in order for this diagram to be valid. Such as: maximum bar
# spacing, minimum ρ values, and minimum cover. You
# are responsible to check those prescriptive requirements.
# Only qualified engineers should use this diagram.
draw(column; Pu = 0, Mu = 0)
title "Concrete Interaction Diagram"
frame 640, 180
view 0, 800, 0, 225
fontsize 12
text [80, 215], "**Concrete Column**"
text [102, 185], "f~c~′", "left"
text [102, 163], "f~y~", "left"
text [102, 141], "ACI 318-", "left"
text [102, 119], "Width", "left"
text [102, 97], "Depth", "left"
text [102, 75], "Bar size", "left"
if isnan(column.bars)
text [102, 53], "Bar pattern", "left"
text [102, 53], "Bar qty", "left"
text [102, 31], "Clear cover", "left"
text [102, 9], "Tie size", "left"
if isnan(column["f_c′"]) throw "Error. fc′ must be numeric"
if isnan(column["f_y"]) throw "Error. fy must be numeric"
if isnan(column.width) throw "Error. Width must be numeric"
if isnan(column.depth)
throw "Error. Depth must be numeric"
fc′ = column["f_c′"] / 1000
fy = column["f_y"] / 1000
b = column.width
H = column.depth
barSize = column.barSize
cover = column.cover
tieSize = column.tieSize
barPattern = column.bars
rebar = ``#size diameter area
in in²
#3 0.375 0.11
#4 0.50 0.20
#5 0.625 0.31
#6 0.75 0.44
#7 0.875 0.60
#8 1.00 0.79
#9 1.125 1.00
#10 1.27 1.27
#11 1.40 1.56
#14 1.69 2.25
#18 2.26 4.00``
barDia = rebar[barSize].diameter
barRadius = barDia / 2
areaPerBar = rebar[barSize].area
tieDia = rebar[tieSize].diameter
tieIR = 2 * tieDia # inside radius of tie bending curve
tieOR = 3 * tieDia
Ag = b * H
if isnan(barPattern)
pos = findfirst("x", barPattern)
numTopBars = number(barPattern[1:pos-1])
numLayers = number(barPattern[pos+1:end])
numBars = 2 * numTopBars + 2 * (numLayers - 2)
numBars = barPattern
if mod(numBars, 4) ≠ 0 throw "“bars” should be divisible by 4, or written with two integers: 𝐦x𝐧."
numTopBars = (numBars / 4) + 1
numLayers = numTopBars
if numBars < 4 throw "ACI 318 section 10.7 requires at least 4 vertical bars."
As = numBars * areaPerBar # steel area
ρ = As / Ag
if ρ < 0.005 or ρ > 0.08
throw "ACI 318 sections 10.6.1 and require ρ to be between 0.5% and 8%."
# Draw the column in a box 100px wide.
scale = 100 / max(b, H) / 0.8
text [102, 185], string(fc′, "r2") , "right"
text [140, 185], "ksi", "right"
text [102, 163], string(fy, "f0"), "right"
text [140, 163], "ksi", "right"
text [102, 141], "19", "right"
text [102, 119], string(b, "f1"), "right"
text [140, 119], "in", "right"
text [102, 97], string(H, "f1"), "right"
text [140, 97], "in", "right"
text [102, 75], barSize, "right"
if isnan(barPattern)
text [102, 53], barPattern, "right"
text [102, 53], string(numBars, "f0"), "right"
text [102, 31], string(cover, "f2"), "right"
text [140, 31], "in", "right"
text [102, 9], tieSize, "right"
# Draw the column outline
bot = 95
rect [210, bot; 210 + scale * b, bot + scale * H]
# Draw the ties
fill "black"
strokewidth 0
rect [210 + scale * cover, bot + scale * cover; 210 + scale * (b - cover), bot + scale * (H - cover)], scale * tieOR
fill "white"
strokewidth 0
rect [210 + scale * (cover + tieDia), bot + scale * (cover + tieDia); 210 + scale * (b - cover - tieDia), bot + scale * (H - cover - tieDia)], scale * tieIR
# Draw the vertical bars
fill "black"
brp = barRadius * scale # bar radius in px
topSpacing = 0
sideSpacing = 0
margin = {
cover + tieDia + (1 - 0.7071) * tieIR - (1 - 0.7071) * barRadius + barRadius if (1 - 0.7071) * tieIR - (1 - 0.7071) * barRadius > 0;
cover + tieDia + barRadius + 0.0625 otherwise
topSpacing = (b - 2 * margin) / (numTopBars - 1)
sideSpacing = (H - 2 * margin) / (numLayers - 1)
for i in 0:(numTopBars - 1)
circle [210 + (margin + i * topSpacing) * scale, bot + margin * scale], brp
circle [210 + (margin + i * topSpacing) * scale, bot + (H - margin) * scale], brp
for i in 1:numLayers - 2
circle [210 + margin * scale, bot + (margin + i * sideSpacing) * scale], brp
circle [210 + (b - margin) * scale, bot + (margin + i * sideSpacing) * scale], brp
# Write in the Ag, As, and ρ values
strokewidth 1
text [210, bot - 20], "A~g~ = " & string(Ag, "f1") & " in²", "right"
text [210, bot - 42], "A~s~ = " & string(As, "f1") & " in²", "right"
text [210, bot - 64], "ρ = " & string(ρ * 100, "f2") & "%", "right"
if topSpacing == sideSpacing
text [210, bot - 86], "bars at " & string(topSpacing, "f2") & "″ c/c", "right"
text [210, bot - 86], "bars at " & string(topSpacing, "f2") & "″ × " & string(sideSpacing, "f2") & "″ c/c", "right"
# Draw the x & y axis for the diagram
baseX = 460
baseY = 40
topOfGraph = baseY + 150
line [baseX, baseY; baseX, baseY + 180]
line [baseX, baseY; baseX + 200, baseY]
# øPn label on the y-axis
text [baseX, 210], "ϕP~n~ (kips)", "left"
# 0 at the origin
text [baseX, 40], "0", "belowleft"
# øMn label on the x-axis
text [630, 10], "ϕM~n~ (kip·ft)"
# Do the math to find the curve points
Px, Mx, Mxb, Pmax, MxMax, PatMxMax, MxAtPmax = curveArray(fc′, fy, b, H, Ag, numBars, numTopBars, numLayers, areaPerBar, barRadius, barPattern, cover, tieDia, margin)
needTwoCurves = false
Py = 0
My = 0
Myb = 0
MyMax = 0
MyatPmax = 0
PatMyMax = 0
MyAtPmax = 0
if b ≠ H or numTopBars ≠ numLayers
needTwoCurves = true
if isnan(barPattern)
# The bar pattern is written as `m x n`, where m and n are integers.
# So we reverse the order to look at moments about the y axis.
barPattern = string(numTopBars, "f0") & "x" & string(numLayers, "f0")
Py, My, Myb, Pmax, MyMax, PatMyMax, MyAtPmax = curveArray(fc′, fy, H, b, Ag, numBars, numLayers, numTopBars, areaPerBar, barRadius, barPattern, cover, tieDia, margin)
# find scales and find the max M
vertScale = 150 / Pmax
Mb = 0
Mmax = 0
PatMmax = 0
MatPmax = 0
biggerMAxis = ""
if MxMax > MyMax
Mmax = MxMax
PatMmax = PatMxMax
Mb = Mxb
MatPmax = MxAtPmax
biggerMAxis = "x"
Mmax = MyMax
PatMmax = PatMyMax
Mb = Myb
MatPmax = MyAtPmax
biggerMAxis = "y"
horizScale = 200 / (1.05 * Mmax)
fill "transparent"
envelope = [baseX, baseY + vertScale * Pmax]
for i in 2:length(Px)
P = min(Pmax, Px[i])
envelope = vcat(envelope, [baseX + horizScale * Mx[i], baseY + vertScale * P])
path envelope
if needTwoCurves
yEnvelope = [baseX, baseY + vertScale * Pmax]
for i in 2:length(Py)
P = min(Pmax, Py[i])
yEnvelope = vcat(yEnvelope, [baseX + horizScale * My[i], baseY + vertScale * P])
path yEnvelope
# Write Pmax
text [baseX, topOfGraph], string(Pmax, "f0") & " kips", "aboveright"
# Mpure
text [baseX + horizScale * Mb, baseY], string(Mb / 12, "f0"), "aboveleft"
# PatMmax & Mmax
xPos = baseX + horizScale * Mmax
text [xPos, baseY + vertScale * PatMmax + 6], "ϕP~n~ = " & string(PatMmax, "f0") & " kips", "right"
text [xPos, baseY + vertScale * PatMmax - 14], "ϕM~n~ = " & string(Mmax/12, "f0") & " kip·ft", "right"
# M at Pmax
text [baseX + (MatPmax * horizScale) - 8, topOfGraph + 8], "ϕM~n~ = " & string(MatPmax / 12, "f0") & " kip·ft", "right"
# Draw the background lines
iVert = backgroundLineSpacing(Pmax)
iHoriz = backgroundLineSpacing(Mmax / 12)
endX = baseX + 200
horizScale = horizScale * 12
strokewidth 0.5
strokedasharray "5 10"
for i in 1:20
if (baseY + i * iVert * vertScale > topOfGraph) break
line [baseX, baseY + i * iVert * vertScale; endX, baseY + i * iVert * vertScale]
text [baseX; baseY + i * iVert * vertScale], string(i * iVert, "f0"), "left"
for i in 1:20
if (i * iHoriz * horizScale > 200) break
line [baseX + i * iHoriz * horizScale, baseY; baseX + i * iHoriz * horizScale, topOfGraph]
text [baseX + i * iHoriz * horizScale, baseY], string(i * iHoriz, "f0"), "below"
if Pu > 0 and Mu > 0
fill "black"
circle [baseX + Mu * horizScale, baseY + Pu * vertScale], 3
function curveArray(fc′, fy, b, H, Ag, numBars, numTopBars, numLayers, areaPerBar, barRadius, barPattern, cover, tieDia, margin)
# Calculate the interaction diagram for a concrete column.
# Return the results in a pair of arrays.
ϕb = 0.9 # ACI 318 strength reduction factor for bending
ϕc = 0.65 # ditto for compression
tieIR = 2 * tieDia # inside radius of tie bending curve
y = [] # y-coordinate of each layer of reinforcing steel
A = [] # area of each layer of reinforcing steel
P = [] # axial strength
M = [] # bending strength
β1 = {
0.85 if fc′ <= 4;
0.65 if fc′ >= 8;
0.85 - (fc′ - 4) / 20 otherwise
As = numBars * areaPerBar
ρ = As / Ag
# find the locations of the layers of steel bars
spacing = (H - 2 * margin) / (numLayers - 1)
for i in 1:numLayers
y = y & {margin if i == 1; y[i - 1] + spacing otherwise}
numBarsInLayer = {
numTopBars if i == 1 or i == numLayers;
2 otherwise
A = A & (numBarsInLayer * areaPerBar)
# Find maximum compression, where moment = 0
Po = 0.85 * fc′ * (Ag - As) + fy * As
Pmax = 0.8 * ϕc * Po
# Load the initial values of axial strength, P, and bending strength, M
P = P & Pmax
M = M & 0
# get ready to start the while loop that will find axial and moment strengths
phiHasChanged = false
gotMatPmax = false
ε_c = 0.003 # concreteStrain
d = y[numLayers] # depth from compression face to max steel layer
# definition: ε_s = steelStrain = strain at "d"
ε_s = 0.003 # initial value, starting at max compression
# The upcoming loop will iterate with varying locations of the neutral axis.
# That varies the steel strain, starting at max compression, and adding tension
# to the steel in increments. At each iteration, we calculate column axial strength
# and bending strenth. We'll iterate until we reach the pure bending condition
# for the column.
δ = -(fy / 29000 + ε_c) / 25 # difference in strain per step
# Before we start the while loop, we're going to jump ahead to the point where a = h
# a = h = β1*c = β1*d * (0.003 / (-ε_s + 0.003)), so from algebra:
ε_s = 0.003 - 0.003 * β1 * d / H
ε_s = ε_s - δ # correct for the first increment
while true
ε_s = ε_s + δ
c = d * (0.003 / (-ε_s + 0.003)) # distance to neutral axis
s = (0.003 - ε_s) / d # slope of strain line
a = β1 * c # distance to edge of Whitney stress block
Cc = 0 # concrete compression chord force
Mc = 0 # moment about center of column due to Cc
Cc = 0.85 * fc′ * b * min(a, H) # Concrete compression chord force (first pass)
Mc = { # Moment about center of column due to Cc
Cc * (H / 2 - a / 2) if a < H;
0 otherwise
Psteel = 0
Msteel = 0
for j in 1:numLayers
# Find forces contributed by each layer of reinforcing bars.
yLocal = c - y[j]
localStrain = s * yLocal # strain in this layer of bars
fs = 29000 * localStrain # steel stress
fs = max(-fy, min(fs, fy)) # limited to yield stress
PsLocal = A[j] * fs # area of this layer times steel stress
Psteel = Psteel + PsLocal
localArm = H / 2 - y[j]
Msteel = Msteel + PsLocal * localArm
if a > y[j]
CcLocal = A[j] * 0.85 * fc′
Cc = Cc - CcLocal
Mc = Mc - CcLocal * localArm
P = P & ϕc * (Cc + Psteel)
M = M & ϕc * (Mc + Msteel)
if !gotMatPmax and P[length(P)] < Pmax
# This is where the curve dips below Pmax
MatPmax = M[length(M) - 1]
gotMatPmax = true
if !phiHasChanged and ε_s <= -0.005
iWhenPhiChanged = length(P)
phiHasChanged = true
δ = 2 * δ
if P[length(P)] < 0
# The last iteration of that loop just barely crossed into a point of negative axial load.
# Do a linear interpolation to find M at the pure bending point (where axial load = 0).
numPoints = length(P)
n = numPoints - 1 # index of next-to-last point
M = M[1:n-1] & M[n - 1] + (M[n] - M[n - 1]) / (P[n] - P[n - 1]) * (0 - P[n - 1])
P = P[1:n-1] & 0
numPoints = n
# Rework the points after the change in phi
numPointsAfterChange = numPoints - iWhenPhiChanged
if numPointsAfterChange > 0
f = (ϕb - ϕc) / ϕc
δ = f / (numPoints - iWhenPhiChanged)
f = [1:δ:(1 + f)]
M = vcat(M[1:iWhenPhiChanged - 1], f ∘ M[iWhenPhiChanged:numPoints])
Mb = M[n]
if ρ < 0.01
# In low seismic areas, ACI 318 sections 10.6.1 and allow ρ to less than 1%, but only
# if the area of the column is assumed to be small enough to make an effective ρ of 1%.
# Here, we do that reduction.
r = ρ / 0.01 # reduction factor
P = r × P
M = r × M
Pmax = r × Pmax
Mb = r × Mb
Mmax = max(M)
iMmax = findfirst(M == Mmax)
PatMmax = P[iMmax]
return P, M, Mb, Pmax, Mmax, PatMmax, MatPmax
function backgroundLineSpacing(num)
exponent = floor(log10(num))
numStr = string(num, "f0")
n1 = floor(num / 10^exponent) # first digit
n2 = floor((num - n1 * 10^exponent) / 10^(exponent - 1))
if n1 == 1
arry = [0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5]
n = arry[n2 + 1]
arry = [0, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
n = arry[n1]
return n * 10^exponent
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