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Last active February 11, 2024 23:10
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Example of an end plate connection calculation. Not complete. Not for production.

Steel End Plate ConnectionEndPlateConnection

¢format = "h3", round result fractions to 3 significant digits.

Get properties of wide flange steel sections:

¢wideFlanges = fetch("") = !

Load individual dimensions into variables for the beam and column:

Beam properties:

¢b_bf, t_bf, t_bw, d_b = wideFlanges.W16X57["bf", "tf", "tw", "d"] = !

Column properties:

¢A_c, b_cf, t_cf, t_cw, d_c, k_c = wideFlanges.W14X109["A", "bf", "tf", "tw", "d", "kdes"] = !

For an actual steel connection of this sort, a calculation would typically run to about three pages. We’ll do just a few lines.

+---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | Steel properties | Factored reactions at end of beam (from analysis | | | results) | +=============================================+====================================================+ | ¢F_y = 50 'ksi', yield strength | ¢P = 15 'kips', axial force | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | ¢E = 29000 'ksi', modulus of elasticity | ¢V = 150 'kips', shear | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | ¶ | ¢M = 220 'k·ft', bending moment | +---------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ {.nogrid colWidths="NaN NaN"}

Check column web bucking

¢??F_u = M/(d_c - t_cf) - P = 〔181〕 kips, flange axial force

¢??h = d_c - 2 k_c = 〔11.4〕 in

¢??ϕR_webBuckling = 0.9 (t_cw³ √(E F_y))/h = 〔13.8〕 kips ¢@{"> Fᵤ , ok" if ϕR_webBuckling > F_u; "ϕR_webBuckling < Fᵤ , continuity plates are required" otherwise } = 〔ϕR_webBuckling < Fᵤ , continuity plates are required〕

Check panel zone

¢??F_u = M/(0.95 d_c) = 〔194〕 kips, panel zone shear demand

¢P_r = 142 'kips', axial load demand in column from structural analysis

¢??P_c = 0.6 F_y A_c = 〔960〕 kips

¢ϕR_n = {0.9 × 0.6 F_y d_c t_cw if P_r ≤ 0.4 P_c; 0.9 × 0.6 F_y d_c t_cw (1.4 - P_r//P_c) otherwise} = %% kips ¢{"> Fᵤ , ok" if ϕR_n > F_u; \red("< Fᵤ, ng, doubler plates required") otherwise} = @

{.right alt="EndPlateConnection"}

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