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Hurmet function that renders a beam diagram
# Hurmet module for beam diagram creation.
# function diagram() returns a rendered beam diagram.
# function shearMaximums() returns a vector containing the maximum and minimum shear values
# function momentMaximums() returns a vector containing the maximum and minimum bending moment values
# Copyright 2022 Ron Kok
# Released under terms of the MIT License,
function diagram(diagramInput)
# This function creates a beam diagram.
# It displays a load diagram, a shear diagram, and a moment diagram.
# Given a beam divided into n segments, the input to this function is:
# (P₁, L₁, w₁ ; P₂, L₂, w₂ ; … ; Pₙ, Lₙ, wₙ), where:
# P is the point load at the left end of the segment (kips),
# L is the length of the segment (feet), and
# w is the line load on the segment (kips/ft).
# If a point load or reaction exists at the right end, append a [ P, 0, 0 ] to the input matrix.
# Collect information
lenInput = length(diagramInput) / 3
numSegments = {
lenInput if diagramInput[lenInput, 2] > 0 ;
lenInput - 1 otherwise
# Load input into vectors
L = diagramInput[1:numSegments, 2]
w = diagramInput[1:numSegments, 3]
P = diagramInput[, 1]
if lenInput == numSegments
P = P & 0
end if
L_beam = sum(L)
w_max = max(w)
w_min = min(w)
if w_max < 0
w_max = 0
if w_min > 0
w_min = 0
# Calculate shears and append each shear value to a vector.
# Along the way, keep track of Vmax and Vmin.
V = [0, P[1]]
Vmax = 0
Vmin = 0
x = 0
for i in 1:numSegments
if L[i] < 0
throw "Error. One segment has a negative length."
Vstart = V[length(V)]
if Vstart > Vmax
Vmax = Vstart
xVmax = x
if Vstart < Vmin
Vmin = Vstart
xVmin = x
end if
Vend = Vstart + w[i] * L[i]
V = V & Vend
x = x + L[i]
if Vend > Vmax
Vmax = Vend
xVmax = x
if Vend < Vmin
Vmin = Vend
xVmin = x
end if
V = V & (Vend + P[i + 1])
# Calculate local maximums for moment
Mstart = 0
Mmax = 0
Mmin = 0
x = 0
for i in 1:numSegments
Vstart = V[2 * i]
Vend = V[2 * i + 1]
if Mstart > Mmax
Mmax = Mstart
xMmax = x
end if
if Mstart < Mmin
Mmin = Mstart
xMmin = x
end if
Mend = Mstart + Vstart * L[i] + 0.5 * w[i] * (L[i])²
if Mend > Mmax
Mmax = Mend
xMmax = x + L[i]
if Mend < Mmin
Mmin = Mend
xMmin = x + L[i]
if sign(Vstart) * sign(Vend) == -1
xcross = Vstart / -w[i]
Mmid = Mstart + Vstart * xcross + 0.5 * w[i] * xcross²
if Mmid > Mmax
Mmax = Mmid
xMmax = x + xcross
if Mmid < Mmin
Mmin = Mmid
xMmin = x + xcross
Mstart = Mend
x = x + L[i]
# Work out some geometry
L_diagram = 300 # width of each diagram, in px
xScale = L_diagram / L_beam
wScale = {20 / (w_max - w_min) if (w_max > 0 or w_min < 0); 0 otherwise}
vScale = 60 / (Vmax - Vmin)
mScale = 60 / (Mmax - Mmin)
# y coord of moment diagram is zero
yV = mScale * Mmax + 40 - vScale * Vmin # y coord of shear diagram
yW = yV + vScale * Vmax + 70 - wScale * w_min # y coord of load diagram
# Now we start to draw things.
svg = startSvg()
title "Beam diagram showing loads, shear, amd moment"
frame 390, 320
view -65, 315, -30 + {mScale * Mmin if Mmin < 0; 0 otherwise}
fontsize 12
# Draw baselines for each diagram
strokewidth 1.5
line [0, yW; L_diagram, yW]
text [-60, yW], "loads", "right"
text [-60, yW - 15], "(kips, ft)", "right"
strokewidth 1
line [0, yV; L_diagram, yV]
text [-60, yV], "shear", "right"
text [-60, yV - 15], "(kips)", "right"
# The left end of the moment diagram is set on the origin
line [0, 0; L_diagram, 0]
text [-60, 0], "bending", "right"
text [-60, -15], "(kip·ft)", "right"
# Draw vertical point loads
strokewidth 2
marker "arrow"
x = 0
for i in 1:(numSegments + 1)
if P[i] < -0.005
line [x * xScale, yW + 30; x * xScale, yW]
text [x * xScale, yW + 30], string(-P[i], "r3"), "above"
elseif P[i] > 0.005
line [x * xScale, yW - 30; x * xScale, yW]
text [x * xScale, yW - 30], string(P[i], "r3"), "below"
if i ≤ numSegments
x = x + L[i]
# Draw line loads
strokewidth 1
fill "#eee"
marker "none"
x = 0
linePath = [0, yW; 0, yW - w[1] * wScale]
for i in 1:numSegments
if i > 1
linePath = vcat(linePath, [x * xScale, yW - w[i] * wScale])
if L[i] / L_beam > 0.15
if abs(w[i]) > 0
pos = {"below" if w[i] > 0; "above" otherwise}
text [(x + L[i] / 2) * xScale, yW - w[i] * wScale], string(abs(w[i]), "r3"), pos
pos = {"above" if w[i] > 0; "below" otherwise}
text [(x + L[i] / 2) * xScale, yW], string(L[i], "r3") & "′", pos
end if
x = x + L[i]
linePath = vcat(linePath, [x * xScale, yW - w[i] * wScale])
linePath = vcat(linePath, [L_diagram, yW])
linePath = vcat(linePath, [0, yW])
path linePath
# Draw shear diagram
fill "none"
x = 0
shearPath = [0, yV; 0, yV + vScale * V[2]]
for i in 1:numSegments
k = 2 * i + 1
x = x + L[i]
shearPath = vcat(shearPath, [x * xScale, yV + vScale * V[k]])
k = k + 1
shearPath = vcat(shearPath, [x * xScale, yV + vScale * V[k]])
path shearPath
if Vmax > 0.001
text [xVmax * xScale, yV + Vmax * vScale], string(Vmax, "r3"), "above"
end if
if Vmin < -0.001
text [xVmin * xScale, yV + Vmin * vScale], string(-Vmin, "r3"), "below"
end if
# Draw moment diagram
# We'll draw ~75 points
dx = L_beam / 75
xStart = 0
Mstart = 0
momentPath = [0, 0]
for i in 1:numSegments
Vstart = V[2 * i]
# Vectorize the moment calculation
x = [0:dx:L[i]...]
M = (Mstart + Vstart * x + 0.5 * w[i] * (x ∘ x)) * mScale
x = (x + xStart) * xScale
momentPath = vcat(momentPath, (x & M))
xStart = xStart + L[i]
Mstart = Mstart + Vstart * L[i] + 0.5 * w[i] * (L[i])²
path momentPath
if Mmax > 0.001
text [xMmax * xScale, Mmax * mScale], string(Mmax, "r3"), "above"
end if
if Mmin < -0.001
text [xMmin * xScale, Mmin * mScale], string(-Mmin, "r3"), "below"
end if
function shearMaximums(diagramInput)
# Collect information
lenInput = length(diagramInput) / 3
numSegments = {
lenInput if diagramInput[lenInput, 2] > 0 ;
lenInput - 1 otherwise
# Load input into vectors
L = diagramInput[1:numSegments, 2]
w = diagramInput[1:numSegments, 3]
P = diagramInput[, 1]
if lenInput == numSegments
P = P & 0
end if
# Calculate shears
Vprev = P[1]
Vmax = 0
Vmin = 0
for i in 1:numSegments
Vstart = Vprev
Vend = Vstart + w[i] * L[i]
Vmax = max(Vmax, Vstart, Vend)
Vmin = min(Vmin, Vstart, Vend)
Vprev = Vend + P[i + 1]
return [Vmax, Vmin]
function momentMaximums(diagramInput)
# Collect information
lenInput = length(diagramInput) / 3
numSegments = {
lenInput if diagramInput[lenInput, 2] > 0 ;
lenInput - 1 otherwise
# Load input into vectors
L = diagramInput[1:numSegments, 2]
w = diagramInput[1:numSegments, 3]
P = diagramInput[, 1]
if lenInput == numSegments
P = P & 0
end if
# Calculate shears
V = [0, P[1]]
for i in 1:numSegments
Vstart = V[length(V)]
Vend = Vstart + w[i] * L[i]
V = V & Vend
V = V & (Vend + P[i + 1])
# Calculate local maximums for moment
Mstart = 0
Mmax = 0
Mmin = 0
for i in 1:numSegments
Vstart = V[2 * i]
Vend = V[2 * i + 1]
Mend = Mstart + Vstart * L[i] + 0.5 * w[i] * (L[i])²
if sign(Vstart) * sign(Vend) == -1
xcross = Vstart / -w[i]
Mmid = Mstart + Vstart * xcross + 0.5 * w[i] * xcross²
Mmid = 0
Mmax = max(Mmax, Mstart, Mmid, Mend)
Mmin = min(Mmin, Mstart, Mmid, Mend)
Mstart = Mend
return [Mmax, Mmin]
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