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Last active December 6, 2023 16:12
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Guide to Hurmet macros for civil and structural engineers

Guide to Hurmet macros for civil and structural engineers

To have these macros available in, copy this text into a Hurmet calculation zone

macros = import("") = !

Then, write a macro name, place the selection point after the name, and hit Alt-E.


Mnemonic: Area of Bolt
Prerequisite: db, diameter of bolt


¢` A_b = (π d_b^2) / 4 = ?? in² `, bolt area


Mnemonic: Area of Steel required for Concrete beams

Name Description
fc prescribed concrete strength, psi
fc′′ ditto, psi²
b width
d depth to reinforcement
fyr yield strength of steel reinforcement
Mu strength level bending demand
ρT max reinf ratio for which ρ may be 0.9


Find required reinforcing steel, ¢` A_sMin `

¢` x_c = (0.85 f_c′ b d) / f_yr = ?? in² `, parameter for next line of calculation

¢` A_1 = x_c - √(x_c² - (2 x_c M_u) / (0.9 d f_yr)) = ?? in² `, from CRSI Report 22

¢` A_2 = (b d· max(200 'psi', 3 √f_c′′)) / f_yr = ?? in² `, per ACI 10.5

¢` A_sMin = min(max(A_1, A_2), 1.33 A_1) = ? in² `

¢` A_sUsualMax = b d ρ_T = ?? in² `, maximum reinf ratio for which ¢` ϕ_b ` may be 0.9

¢` @test A_sMin < A_sUsualMax `


Description: Bending strength of a concrete beam.

Name Description
As area of reinforcing steel
b width
d depth to reinforcement
fc prescribed concrete strength, psi
fyr yield strength of steel reinforcement


¢` a = (A_s f_yr) / (0.85 f_c′ b) = ?? in `, depth of Whitney stress block

¢` ϕM_n = 0.9 A_s f_yr (d - a//2) = ?? k·ft `, beam strength
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