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Hurmet module with functions for strength of steel sections per AISC 360-16
# Hurmet functions to find strength of steel beams and columns per AISC 360-16.
# Copyright 2020 - 2022 Ron Kok
# Released under terms of the MIT License,
function Ps(section, Fy, kLx, kLy)
# LRFD axial strength of a steel member, per AISC 360-16 sections B & E
Pcr = criticalAxialStrength(section, Fy, kLx, kLy)
return 0.9 × Pcr
function Pas(section, Fy, kLx, kLy)
# Service level allowable axial strength of a steel member, per AISC 360-16 sections B & E
Pcr = criticalAxialStrength(section, Fy, kLx, kLy)
return Pcr / 1.67
function Ms(section, Fy, Lb, Cb, axis)
# LRFD bending strength of a steel member, per AISC 360-16 sections B & F
if axis = undefined
axis = "x"
if Cb = undefined
Cb = 1
Mcr = criticalBendingStrength(section, Fy, Lb, Cb, axis)
return 0.9 × Mcr
function Mas(section, Fy, Lb, Cb, axis)
# Service level allowable bendingstrength of a steel member, per AISC 360-16 sections B & F
if axis = undefined
axis = "x"
if Cb = undefined
Cb = 1
Mcr = criticalBendingStrength(section, Fy, Lb, Cb, axis)
return 0.9 × Mcr
private function criticalAxialStrength(section, Fy, kLx, kLy)
# Find critical axial strength
E = 29000 'ksi' # steel modulus of elasticity
# What kind of section? e.g. "I", "channel", "HSS", etc.
shape = shapeOf(section)
if shape = "L"
raise "Error. This function doesn’t do single angles."
if shape = "N/A"
raise "Error. Unrecognized section: " & name
if shape = "round"
A, rx = section["A", "r"]
ry = rx
A, rx, ry = section["A", "rx", "ry"]
if kLy = undefined
if shape = "round" or section.Ix = section.Iy
kKy = kLx
raise "Error. Undefined kLy"
# Get critical compressive stress, Fcr, per Section E3
S_r = max(kLx / rx, kLy / ry)
Fe = π² E / S_r # Eqn E3-4, Euler buckling
Fcr = {
0.658^(Fy/Fe) × Fy if S_r ≤ 4.71 √(E / Fy) ; # Eqn E3-2
0.877 Fe otherwise # Eqn E3-3
# Get the effective area after checking for slender elements per AISC Table B4-1a
A = {
AeffRound(section, Fy, E) if shape = "round" ;
AeffHSS(section, Fy, E, Fcr) if shape = "HSS" ;
AeffAngles(section, Fy, E, Fcr) if shape = "2L" ;
Aeff(section, Fy, E, Fcr, shape) otherwise # I, channel, or tee
# Check the Section E3 critical stress against Section E4
if A = section.A and shape ∉ ["round", "HSS"]
# Section E4 applies only to elements without slender elements
Cw, J, Ix, Iy = section["Cw", "J", "Ix", "Iy"]
G = 12000 'ksi'
if shape = "I"
# The section is doubly symmetric.
Lcz = max(kLx, kLy) # conservative
Fe = ((π² E Cw) / Lcz² + G J) × 1 / (Ix + Iy) # Eqn E4-2
else if shape ∈ ["channel", "tee", "2L"]
# Singly symmetric.
rx, ry, y = section["rx", "ry", "y"]
xo = { section.eo + section.x if shape = "channel"; 0 'in' otherwise }
yo = {
0 'in' if shape = "channel" ;
y - section.t / 2 otherwise
ro = xo² + yo² + (Ix + Iy) / A
Fey = π² E / (kLy / ry)²
Fez = {
((π² E Cw)/min(rx, ry) + G J) × 1/(A ro²) if shape = "channel" ;
G J / (A ro²) otherwise
H = 1 - (xo² + yo²) / ro²
Fe = ((Fey + Fez)/(2 H))(1 -√(1 - (4 Fey Fez H)/(Fey + Fez)²)) # Eqn E4-3
Fcr = min(Fcr, Fe)
return A × Fcr
private function shapeOf(section)
name =
s1 = name[1]
s2 = name[1..2]
return {
"round" if s2 = "Pi" or (s2 = "HS" and "x" ∉ name) ;
"HSS" if s2 = "HS" ;
"tee" if s2 ∈ ["WT", "MT", "ST"] ;
"channel" if s1 = "C" or s2 = "MC" ;
"I" if s1 ∈ ["W", "M", "S"] or s2 = "HP" ;
"2L" if s2 = "2L" ;
"N/A" otherwise
private function AeffRound(section, Fy, E)
# Get effective area for round HSS and pipes, taking into account slender walls.
A, D, t = section["A", "OD", "tdes"]
if D / t > 0.45 × E / Fy
raise "AISC doesn’t give a value for a D/t ratio this big."
else if D / t < 0.11 × E / Fy
return A # Table B4.1a case 9
return A × min(1, 0.38 E / (Fy × D/t) + 2/3) # Eqn E7-19
private function AeffHSS(section, Fy, E, Fcr)
# Get effective area of rectangular or square HSS section
A, b, h, t = section["A", "b", "h", "tdes"]
λf = b / t # width to thickness ratio of flat part of "flange"
λw = h / t # ditto for "web"
λr = 1.40 × √(E / Fy) # limiting ratio per Table B4.1a
if λf < λr and λw < λr
return A
sqrFyFc = √(Fy/Fcr)
if λf > sqrFyFc × λr
Fel = (1.38 λr / λf)² Fy # Eqn E7-5
be = b (1 - 0.2 √(Fel / Fcr)) × √(Fel / Fcr) # Eqn E7-3
A = A - 2 (b - be) t
else if λw > sqrFyFc × λr
Fel = (1.38 λr / λw)² Fy
he = h (1 - 0.2 √(Fel / Fcr)) × √(Fel / Fcr)
A = A - 2 (h - he) t
return A
private function Aeff(section, Fy, E, Fcr, shape)
# Get effective area for I sections, channels, and tees
A, d, bf, tf, tw, kdes = section["A", "d", "bf", "tf", "tw", "kdes"]
b = { bf if shape = "channel"; bf /2 otherwise } # per section B4.1a(a)
h = { d if shape = "tee"; d - 2 kdes otherwise }
λf = b / tf # width to thickness ratio of flange
λf_r = 0.56 × √(E / Fy) # limiting ratio per Table B4.1a
λw = h / tw # web
λw_r = { λf_r if shape = "tee"; 1.49 × √(E / Fy) otherwise }
if λf < λf_r and λw < λw_r
return A
sqrFyFc = √(Fy/Fcr)
if λf > sqrFyFc × λf_r
Fel = (1.49 λf_r / λf)² Fy # Eqn E7-5
be = b (1 - 0.22 √(Fel / Fcr)) × √(Fel / Fcr) # Eqn E7-3
A = A - 2 (b - be) tf
if λw > sqrFyFc × λw_r
if shape = "tee"
Fel = (1.49 λf_r / λf)² Fy
de = d (1 - 0.22 √(Fel / Fcr)) × √(Fel / Fcr)
Fel = (1.31 λf_r / λf)² Fy
de = d (1 - 0.18 √(Fel / Fcr)) × √(Fel / Fcr)
A = A - (d - de) tw
return A
private function AeffAngles(section, Fy, E, Fcr)
# Get effective area for double angles
A, b, d, t = section["A", "b", "d", "t"]
λf = b / t # width to thickness ratio of flat part of "flange"
λw = h / t # ditto for "web"
λr = 0.45 × √(E / Fy) # limiting ratio per Table B4.1a
if λf < λr and λw < λr
return A
sqrFyFc = √(Fy/Fcr)
if λf > sqrFyFc × λr
Fel = (1.49 λr / λf)² Fy # Eqn E7-5
be = b (1 - 0.22 √(Fel / Fcr)) × √(Fel / Fcr) # Eqn E7-3
A = A - 2 (b - be) t
if λw > sqrFyFc × λr
Fel = (1.49 λr / λw)² Fy
he = h (1 - 0.22 √(Fel / Fcr)) × √(Fel / Fcr)
A = A - 2 (h - he) t
return A
private function criticalBendingStrength(section, Fy, Lb, Cb, axis)
# Find critical bending strength
E = 29000 'ksi' # steel modulus of elasticity
S_EFy = √(E / Fy)
# What kind of section?
shape = shapeOf(section)
if shape = "L"
raise "Error. This function doesn’t do single angles."
if shape = "N/A"
raise "Error. Unrecognized section: " & name
if shape ∈ ["tee", "2L"] and axis ∉ "xX"
raise "Error. This function does not do tees or double angles bent on their y-axis."
if shape = "round"
# AISC section F8
D, S, Z, t = section["OD", "S", "Z", "tdes"]
if D / t > 0.45 E / Fy
raise "AISC doesn't give values for D/t this large."
Mp = Fy × Z
if D / t < 0.07 E / Fy
return Mp
else if D / t < 0.31 E / Fy
Mb = (0.021 E / (D / t) + Fy) × S # EQ F8-2
Fcr = 0.33 E / (D / t) # EQ F8-4
Mb = Fcr × S # EQ F8-3
return min(Mp, Mb)
end if
if shape = "HSS"
# Section F7 for rectangular HSS
if "X" ∈ name
if axis ∈ "xX"
H, S, Z, b, t = section["Ht", "Sx", "Zx", "b", "tdes"]
H, S, Z, b, t = section["B", "Sy", "Zy", "h", "tdes"]
H, S, Z, b, t = section["Ht", "S", "Z", "b", "tdes"]
Mp = Fy Z # Eqn F7-1
λ = b / t # "flange" slenderness ratio
if λ ≤ 1.12 × √(E / Fy) # Table B4-1.b case 17, compact limit
return Mp
if λ ≤ 1.4 × √(E / Fy) # ditto, slender limit
return min(Mp, Mp - (Mp - Fy S) (3.57 b/t √(Fy/E) - 4.0))
be = min(b, 1.92 t √(E/Fy) (1 - 0.38/(b/t) √(E/Fy)))
ΔI = 2((b - be)t³)/12 + 2(b - be)t(1/2(H-t/2))²
S = S - ΔI / (H/2)
return Fy S
if shape = "tee"
# Section F9
d, Sx, t = section["d", "Sx", "t"]
# This function assumes that stems are in compression, which is conservative.
Mp = Fy Sx
# Section F9.4
Fcr = {
Fy if d/t ≤ 0.84 S_EFy ;
(1.43 - 0.515 d/t S_EFy) Fy if d/t ≤ 1.52 S_EFy ;
(1.52 E) / (d/t)² otherwise
return Fcr Sx
if shape = "2L"
#Section F9
b, Sx, t = section["d", "Sx", "t"]
# This function assumes that stems are in compression, which is conservative.
# Section F9.4 & F10.3 & Table B4.1b
Sc = 0.8 Sx
if b/t ≤ 0.84 S_EFy
return Fy Sc
else if b/t ≤ 1.52 S_EFy
return Fy Sc (2.43 - 1.72 × (b/t) × S_EFy) # Eqn F10-6
return (0.71 E) / (b/t)² × Sc # Eqn F10-7 & F10-8
# The rest of this function deals with I-shapes and channels
λpf = 0.38 × √(E / Fy) # Table B4-1.b case 10, compact limit for flanges
λrf = 0.56 × √(E / Fy) # ditto, slender limit
if axis ∉ "xX"
# Minor axis. Use section F6
Sy, Zy, bf, tf = section["Sy", "Zy", "bf", "tf"]
Mp = min(Fy Zy, 1.6 Fy Sy) # Eqn F6-1
b = bf / 2 # ref Table B4-1
λ = b / tf
if λ ≤ λpf # compact flange
return Mp
if λ ≤ λrf # non-compact flange
return Mp - (Mp - 0.7 Fy Sy) ((λ - λpf) / (λrf - λpf)) # Eqn F6-2
# slender flange
Fcr = 0.69 E / (b / tf)²
return Fcr Sy
G = 12000 'ksi'
Sx, Zx, Iy, d, bf, tw, tf, k, J, Cw, rt = section["Sx", "Zx", "Iy", "d", "bf", "tw", "tf", "kdes", "J", "Cw", "rts"]
b = { bf if shape = "channel"; bf / 2 otherwise }
λf = b / tf
h = d - 2 k
ho = d - tf
λw = h / tw
λpw = 3.76 × √(E / Fy) # Table B4-1.b case 15, compact limit
λrw = 5.79 × √(E / Fy) # ditto, slender limit
Mp = Fy Zx
if λf ≤ λpf and λw ≤ λpw
# Compact section. Use section F2.
Mcr = Cb π/Lb √(E Iy G J + ((π E)/Lb)² Iy Cw)
return min(Mp, Mcr)
if shape = "channel"
raise "This function does not handle non-compact channels. All current channels are compact per user note in AISC 360 section F2."
# The remaining cases are non-compact I-sections bent on their major axis.
# This function uses AISC 360 section F5 instead of F4. So we're conservative.
# Check compression flange yielding. F5.1
aw = (h tw) / (bf tf) # Eqn F4-12
Rpg = min(1, 1 - aw / (1200 + 300 aw) × (h/tw - 5.7 S_EFy)) # Eqn F5-6
Mn1 = Rpg Fy Sx
# Check lateral-torsional buckling. F5.2
Lp = (Cb π² E) / (Lb/rt)² × √(1 + 0.078 × J / (Sx ho) × (Lb/rt)²) # Eqn F4-7
Lr = π rt × √(E / (0.7 Fy))
Mn2 = {
Mp if Lb < Lp ;
min(Fy, Cb (Fy - (0.3 Fy)((Lb - Lp) / (Lr - Lp)))) × Sx if Lb < Lr ; # Eqn F5-3
min(Fy, (Cb π² E) / (Lb/rt)²) × Sx otherwise ; # Eqn F5-4
# Check compression flange local buckling. F5.3
kc = 4 / √(h / tw)
Mn3 = {
Mp if λf ≤ λpf ;
(Fy - (0.3 Fy) ((λf - λpf) / (λrf - λpf))) × Sx if λf ≤ λrf ; # Eqn F5-8
((0.9 E kc) / (bf / (2 tf))²) × Sx otherwise # Eqn F5-9
return min(Mp, Mn1, Mn2, Mn3)
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