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Last active November 2, 2015 23:15
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How to create a podcast XML feed using Mura CMS
<!--- Add this to your {theme}/remote/podcast.cfm --->
<!--- Set your siteID --->
<!--- This is important because iTunes does not have a session to your Mura site when accessing the XML,
so you have to set the site ID manually --->
<cfset siteid='yourSiteID'>
$= application.serviceFactory.getBean('$').init(siteid);
// In your Mura Architecture, you will want to create a "Show" for wach of the episodes to live under.
// Getting the Show details so you can tell iTiunes about the Show
// Get the host from a User bean loaded into the show, or set this manually
hostName=host.getFname() & host.getLName();
// Set the feed in the Content Collections to pull your episodes from your site manager
// Get the feed iterator
<cfheader name="content-type" value="charset=UTF-8"><cfcontent reset="yes"><cfoutput><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:itunes="" version="2.0">
<!--- Set the details for the main show. This can be set manually, or via the show bean set above --->
<itunes:image href="#XMLFormat(show.getImageURL())#" />
<pubDate>#dateFormat(show.getReleaseDate(),'ddd, dd mmm yyyy')# #timeFormat(show.getReleaseDate(),'hh:mm:ss')# CDT</pubDate>
<copyright> Copyright #XMLFormat($.siteConfig('site'))# </copyright>
<itunes:category text="Music" />
<!--- loop though the episodes. This is determined by your feed above --->
<cfloop condition="it.hasNext()">
<pubDate>#dateFormat(item.getReleaseDate(),'ddd, dd mmm yyyy')# #timeFormat(item.getReleaseDate(),'hh:mm:ss')# CDT</pubDate>
<enclosure url="#item.getURLForFile(filename=item.getFileID(),complete=1)#" length="" type="audio/mpeg" />
This would be your url:{siteid}/includes/themes/{themeName}/remote/podcast.cfm?showid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&feedid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Show ID would be the name of the "Show" content node in Mura
Feed ID would be the name of the content collection feed, pulling episodes from that "Show"
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