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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Cheryl's Birthday
(def possible-dates
[5 15] [5 16] [5 19]
[6 17] [6 18]
[7 14] [7 16]
[8 14] [8 15] [8 17]))
;; Albert was told the month. Bernard was told the day of month.
(def dates-by-month
(group-by first possible-dates))
(def day-occurences
(sort (map second possible-dates)))
(def day-freq
(frequencies day-occurences))
;; First elimination:
;; Albert: "I don't know Cheryl's birthday, and neither does Bernard."
;; Eliminate all dates in the same month where the day of month only appears once in the list.
(def unique-days
(set (map first
(filter (fn [[day freq]]
(= freq 1)) day-freq))))
(defn month-has-unique-days? [month]
(let [dates-in-month (dates-by-month month)
days-in-dates-in-month (set (map second dates-in-month))]
(not (empty? (clojure.set/intersection unique-days
(def months-with-non-unique-days
(for [[m dates-in-month] dates-by-month
:when (not (month-has-unique-days? m))]
(def possible-dates-after-first-elimination
(apply sorted-set
(filter (fn [[m d]]
(contains? months-with-non-unique-days m))
;; Second elimination:
;; Bernard: "At first I didn't know when Cheryl's birthdate is, but now I know."
;; Eliminate dates with the same day.
(def day-freq-after-first-elimination
(frequencies (map second possible-dates-after-first-elimination)))
(def dupes-days
(set (for [[d f] day-freq-after-first-elimination
:when (> f 1)]
(def possible-dates-after-second-elimination
(apply sorted-set (filter (fn [[m d]]
(not (contains? dupes-days d)))
;; Third elimination:
;; Albert: "Then I also know when Cheryl's birthday is."
;; Eliminate dates where the month has more than one date.
(def month-freq
(frequencies (map first possible-dates-after-second-elimination)))
(def the-month
(first (for [[m f] month-freq
:when (= f 1)]
(def cheryls-birthdate
(filter (fn [[m d]]
(= m the-month))
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