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Created March 6, 2015 20:06
OXID Bootstrap Responsive: Flechtie layout/page.tpl
[{capture append="oxidBlock_pageBody"}]
[{assign var="class" value=$oView->getClassName()}]
[{if $oView->showRDFa()}]
[{ include file="rdfa/rdfa.tpl" }]
[{include file="layout/header.tpl"}]
<div class="container" data-oxidclass="[{$oView->getClassName()}]" role="main">
[{if $class ne "start" && !$blHideBreadcrumb}]
[{ include file="widget/breadcrumb.tpl"}]
[{if $sidebar && $class != 'details'}]
<div class="sidebar-top pull-[{$sidebar}] col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-2 col-lg-2">
[{include file="layout/sidebar.tpl"}]
<div id="content">
[{include file="message/errors.tpl"}]
[{foreach from=$oxidBlock_content item="_block"}]
[{if $sidebar && $class == 'details'}]
<div class="sidebar-bottom col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3">
[{include file="layout/sidebar.tpl"}]
[{include file="layout/footer.tpl"}]
[{include file="widget/facebook/init.tpl"}]
[{include file="layout/base.tpl"}]
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