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Created August 20, 2019 15:59
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package domain
// An Aggregate is a tree of object relations that protect business invariants (business rules).
// Concretely, an aggregates handle commands and have a state model encapsulated within it that allows
// it to implement the required command validation, thus upholding the invariants (business rules) of the aggregate.
// Aggregates are usually composed of several entities and values objects.
// The lifetimes of the components of an aggregate are bounded by the lifetime of the entire aggregate.
// Aggregate is abstract concept, it's just represented as an empty interface with no specific contract.
type Aggregate interface{}
// An AggregateRoot is the "top one" entity, which speaks for the whole aggregate and may delegates down to the rest.
// It is important because it is the one that the rest of the world communicates with.
// AggregateRoot is the common interface for all aggregate roots.
type AggregateRoot interface {
// It must be uniquely identifiable entity
// EventSourcedAggregateRoot is an aggregate root that records and exposes all the changes to the system as events.
type EventSourcedAggregateRoot interface {
// It must return recorded events
RecordedEvents() []Event
// It must allow to clear events
// ReconstitutableAggregateRoot is an aggregate root that can be reconstituted from the events.
// It has the ability to put the aggregate in any prior state by applying events to it
type ReconstitutableAggregateRoot interface {
// It must allow to apply events and reconstitute internal state from applied events
Apply(Event) error
// SerializableAggregateRoot is the common interface for aggregates that exposes an Snapshot of their internal encapsulated state.
type SerializableAggregateRoot interface {
// Snapshot is called whenever an instance needs to be serialized
Snapshot() interface{}
// WakeUp is called whenever an instance is reconstituted from a previously saved snapshot
WakeUp(interface{}) error
// Identity represents the identity values of entities. It's an interface because it can be any type.
type Identity interface{}
// Identifiable is the common interface for things that has identity and therefore are identifiable.
type Identifiable interface {
Identity() Identity
// An Entity is characterized by having an identity that's not tied to their attribute values. All attributes in an
// entity can change and it's still "the same" entity. Conversely, two entities might be equivalent in all their
// attributes, but will still be distinct.
type Entity interface {
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