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Created December 27, 2015 04:57
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$courts = array(
'TPC' => '司法院-刑事補償',
'TPU' => '司法院-訴願決定',
'TPJ' => '司法院職務法庭',
'TPS' => '最高法院',
'TPA' => '最高行政法院',
'TPP' => '公務員懲戒委員會',
'TPH' => '臺灣高等法院',
'TPB' => '臺北高等行政法院',
'TCB' => '臺中高等行政法院',
'KSB' => '高雄高等行政法院',
'IPC' => '智慧財產法院',
'TCH' => '臺灣高等法院 臺中分院',
'TNH' => '臺灣高等法院 臺南分院',
'KSH' => '臺灣高等法院 高雄分院',
'HLH' => '臺灣高等法院 花蓮分院',
'TPD' => '臺灣臺北地方法院',
'SLD' => '臺灣士林地方法院',
'PCD' => '臺灣新北地方法院',
'ILD' => '臺灣宜蘭地方法院',
'KLD' => '臺灣基隆地方法院',
'TYD' => '臺灣桃園地方法院',
'SCD' => '臺灣新竹地方法院',
'MLD' => '臺灣苗栗地方法院',
'TCD' => '臺灣臺中地方法院',
'CHD' => '臺灣彰化地方法院',
'NTD' => '臺灣南投地方法院',
'ULD' => '臺灣雲林地方法院',
'CYD' => '臺灣嘉義地方法院',
'TND' => '臺灣臺南地方法院',
'HLD' => '臺灣花蓮地方法院',
'PTE' => '屏東簡易庭',
'PHD' => '臺灣澎湖地方法院',
'KMH' => '福建高等法院金門分院',
'KMD' => '福建金門地方法院',
'LCD' => '福建連江地方法院',
'KSY' => '臺灣高雄少年及家事法院',
'TPE' => '臺北簡易庭',
'STE' => '新店簡易庭',
'SLE' => '士林簡易庭',
'NHE' => '內湖簡易庭',
'PCE' => '板橋簡易庭',
'SJE' => '三重簡易庭',
'TYE' => '桃園簡易庭',
'CLE' => '中壢簡易庭',
'SCD' => '新竹簡易庭',
'CPE' => '竹北簡易庭(含竹東)',
'MLD' => '苗栗簡易庭',
'TCE' => '臺中簡易庭',
'SDE' => '沙鹿簡易庭',
'FYE' => '豐原簡易庭',
'CHE' => '彰化簡易庭',
'OLE' => '員林簡易庭',
'PDE' => '北斗簡易庭',
'NTE' => '南投簡易庭(含埔里)',
'TLE' => '斗六簡易庭',
'HUE' => '虎尾簡易庭',
'CYE' => '嘉義簡易庭(含朴子)',
'PKE' => '北港簡易庭',
'TNE' => '臺南簡易庭',
'SYE' => '柳營簡易庭',
'SSE' => '新市簡易庭',
'KSE' => '高雄簡易庭',
'GSE' => '岡山簡易庭',
'CSE' => '旗山簡易庭',
'FSE' => '鳳山簡易庭',
'CCE' => '潮州簡易庭',
'TTE' => '臺東簡易庭',
'HLE' => '花蓮簡易庭(含鳳林,玉里)',
'ILE' => '宜蘭簡易庭',
'LTE' => '羅東簡易庭',
'KLD' => '基隆、瑞芳簡易庭',
'MKE' => '馬公簡易庭',
'KME' => '金城簡易庭',
$keyword = '野生動物保育法';
foreach ($courts as $court_id => $court) {
$url = "";
if ($court_id[2] == 'E') {
$param = "sel_v_court={$court_id}+".urlencode($court)."&v_court={$court_id}+" . urlencode($court) . "&v_sys=M&jud_year=&jud_case=&jud_no=&jud_title=" . urlencode($keyword) . "&jt=" . urlencode($keyword) . "&keyword=&sdate=&edate=&page=&searchkw=&sel_judword=" . urlencode('常用字別');
} else {
$param = "v_court={$court_id}+" . urlencode($court) . "&v_sys=M&jud_year=&jud_case=&jud_no=&jud_title=" . urlencode($keyword) . "&jt=" . urlencode($keyword) . "&keyword=&sdate=&edate=&page=&searchkw=";
error_log(urldecode($url . '?' . $param));
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $param);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$content = curl_exec($curl);
if (!preg_match('#(\d+)\s+筆 / 每頁\s+20\s+筆 / 共\s+\d+\s+頁 / 現在第#m', $content, $matches)) {
throw new Exception('test');
$count = $matches[1];
if (!preg_match('#FJUDQRY03_1\.aspx\?id=[0-9]*&([^"]*)#', $content, $matches)){
throw new Exception('test2');
$param = $matches[1];
for ($j = 1; $j <= $count; $j ++) {
$case_url = "";
error_log("{$j}/{$count} {$case_url}");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "id={$j}&{$param}");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $case_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, '');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.106 Safari/537.36');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$content = curl_exec($curl);
if (!preg_match('#href="([^"]*)">友善列印#', $content, $matches)) {
throw new Exception('test3');
$print_url = $matches[1];
$query = parse_url($print_url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
parse_str($query, $ret);
string(26) "104,司促,2243,20150130,1"
string(28) "TPD 臺灣臺北地方法院"
string(1) "V"
string(3) "104"
string(6) "司促"
string(4) "2243"
string(7) "1040130"
string(1) "1"
$court = explode(' ', $ret['v_court'])[0];
file_put_contents("outputs/{$court}-{$ret['v_sys']}-{$ret['jyear']}-{$ret['jcase']}-{$ret['jno']}-{$ret['jcheck']}.txt", $content);
echo "{$court}/{$ret['v_sys']}/{$ret['jyear']}/" . urlencode($ret['jcase']) . "/{$ret['jno']}\n";
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