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Created November 12, 2020 23:06
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Plymouth theme preview tool for Debian/Ubuntu
# Check root
if [ ! $( id -u ) -eq 0 ]; then
echo Must be run as root. Trying sudo $0 $@
exec sudo $0 $@
exit $?
# Install dependencies
function install_pkg() {
dpkg -l "$1" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || apt-get install "$1" -yq
install_pkg x11-apps
install_pkg xserver-xephyr
install_pkg plymouth-x11
install_pkg imagemagick
install_pkg xdotool
# Configure duration of display
# Open a window dedicated for preview
Xephyr :1 -ac -screen 1920x1080 -fullscreen -name 'plymouth-x11' -title 'plymouth-x11' &
export DISPLAY=:1
# Get current theme
THEME=$(cat /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf | grep ^Theme | cut -f 2 -d=)
echo "Previewing theme $THEME"
# Launch plymouthd
# Force a screen update by simulating mouse movement
function mouse_move() {
xdotool mousemove 100 $RANDOM
# Saves the content window as PNG
function screencap() {
DISPLAY=:0 xwd -name "plymouth-x11" -out "$XWD"
convert -resize 1280x768 "$XWD" "$PNG"
rm -rvf "$XWD"
# Simulate boot animation
plymouth show-splash
for ((I=0; I<$DURATION; I++)); do
plymouth --update=test$I
plymouth system-update --progress=$I
plymouth message --text="Preview of '$THEME' $I/$DURATION"
if [ $(( I % 25 )) -eq 0 -a $I -gt 0 ]; then
screencap $((I+1))
sleep 0.1
# Simulate password request
plymouth ask-for-password \
--command='/bin/true' \
--prompt='Inform password to decrypt volume' &
xdotool key --repeat 6 --delay 100 a ; sleep 1
screencap 100-input
xdotool key Return
# Exit plymouth and close window
plymouth quit
kill -9 $WPID
echo "Preview screenshots saved at /tmp/"
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