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Last active April 24, 2024 00:19
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Save ronshapiro/af99799fe9dd7ec412f2d4e45b843370 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. for views in ~10 minutes

1. You can implement View.getActivity() like this:

public interface ViewWithActivity {
  // Using android-gradle-plugin 3.0, which has the desugar step for default methods on interfaces
  default Activity getActivity() {
    Context context = getContext();
    while (context instanceof ContextWrapper) {
      if (context instanceof Activity) {
        return (Activity)context;
      context = ((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext();
    throw new IllegalStateException("Context does not stem from an activity: " + getContext());

2. Create a parallel to the Has*Injector classes

interface HasViewInjector {
  AndroidInjector<View> viewInjector();

3. Define a new activity base class:

public abstract DaggerAppCompatWithViewActivityNamingIsFun
    extends DaggerAppCompatActivity
    implements HasViewInjector {
  @Inject DispatchingAndroidInjector<View> viewInjector;
  public AndroidInjector<View> viewInjector() {
    return viewInjector;

4. Create a module

interface ViewInjectionModule {
  abstract Map<Class<? extends View>, AndroidInjector.Factory<? extends View>>

// ...

  modules = {
    // ...
interface AppComponent

5. ViewInjection.inject

public final class ViewInjection {
  public static void inject(ViewWithActivity view) {
   checkNotNull(view, "view");
    Activity activity = view.getActivity();
    if (!(application instanceof HasViewInjector)) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
              "%s does not implement %s",

    AndroidInjector<View> viewInjector =
        ((HasViewInjector) activity).viewInjector();
    checkNotNull(viewInjector, "%s.viewInjector() returned null", activity.getClass());


6. Equivalent of @ContributesAndroidInjector MyView

7. Call ViewInjection.inject(this)

I'm not sure where this should happen yet, perhaps onFinishInflate or onAttachedToWindow()?

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I think 1 could work well through getSystemService.

Not sure what 6 is since its blank maybe I'm just having trouble grokking it all until I start playing with it

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@ContributesAndroidInjector doesn't work for Views yet. we could make it work, but until then I meant #6 as being the handwritten equivalent of what @cai generates

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jemshit commented Nov 17, 2017

if (!(application instanceof HasViewInjector)) should be if (!(activity instanceof HasViewInjector)) ?

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yolapop commented Nov 20, 2017

@ronshapiro Could you give a clue on how to write #6?

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dyyao commented Feb 15, 2018

@ronshapiro wondering about #6 as well, am trying to solve a problem that requires injecting a "configurator" into custom views but i'm having trouble getting it working with dagger-android 2.14

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viewInjector.inject(view); doesn't work because it expects an android.view.View, while we actually have a ViewWithActivity

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I have sinned against the gods of Dagger2, and their punishment is perpetual stack overflow errors. Can someone tell me where I went wrong?

public final class ViewInjection {
    public static void inject(View view) {
        checkNotNull(view, "view");
        Activity activity = getActivity(view);
        if (!(activity instanceof HasViewInjector)) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "%s does not implement %s",

        AndroidInjector<View> viewInjector = ((HasViewInjector) activity).viewInjector();
        checkNotNull(viewInjector, activity.getClass() + ".viewInjector returned null");

    private static Activity getActivity(View view) {
        Context context = view.getContext();
        while (context instanceof ContextWrapper) {
            if (context instanceof Activity) {
                return (Activity) context;
            context = ((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext();
        throw new IllegalStateException("Context does not stem from an activity: " + view.getContext());

@Module(subcomponents = ViewSubcomponent.class)
public abstract class ViewInjectionModule {

    // This differs from the gist because I was trying to figure out how to actually get the proper factories injected into my DispatchingAndroidInjector
    @Binds @IntoMap
    abstract AndroidInjector.Factory<? extends View> bindViewInjectorFactory(ViewSubcomponent.Builder builder);

@Subcomponent(modules = ViewInjectionModule.class)
public interface ViewSubcomponent extends AndroidInjector<View> {

    void inject(TierLayout tierLayout);

    abstract class Builder extends AndroidInjector.Builder<View> { }

public interface HasViewInjector {
    AndroidInjector<View> viewInjector();

// MyActivity.kt
class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity(), HasViewInjector {
    @Inject lateinit var viewInjector: DispatchingAndroidInjector<View>
    override fun viewInjector() = viewInjector

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

Before my changes to the ViewInjectionModule, it actually compiled and ran, but when I tried to inject my view, it rightly complained I hadn't provided any factories. Honestly, I just don't know how to do that. The docs are pretty opaque.


w: warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_7' from annotation processor 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt3.ProcessorWrapper' less than -source '1.8'

e: [kapt] An exception occurred: java.lang.StackOverflowError
	at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationInvocationHandler.<init>(
	at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser$
	at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser$
	at Method)
	at sun.reflect.annotation.AnnotationParser.annotationForMap(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.MapKeys.unwrapValue(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.MapKeys.mapKeyType(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.KeyFactory.bindingMethodKeyType(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.KeyFactory.forBindingMethod(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.KeyFactory.forBindsMethod(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.DelegateDeclaration$Factory.create(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.ModuleDescriptor$Factory.create(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentDescriptor$Factory.create(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentDescriptor$Factory.create(
	at dagger.internal.codegen.ComponentDescriptor$Factory.create(

...forever and ever...

:app:kaptDebugKotlin FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:kaptDebugKotlin'.
> Compilation error. See log for more details

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Not work after Dagger 2.17...

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jkaan commented Sep 12, 2019

@hijamoya This actually broke for me after upgrading to Dagger 2.20, in 2.19 it still works. If you want to fix it you have to do two changes:

  1. Change @ViewKey for @ClassKey.
  2. Change the return type of the AndroidInjector.Factory to AndroidInjector.Factory

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ronshapiro commented Sep 12, 2019 via email

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In recent dagger releases, a lot of this has been made deprecated I think. HasAndroidInjector was introduced in 2.23, which can take any arbitrary type. The only thing that you'll need is some way to locate the relevant AndroidInjector now.

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