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Created July 6, 2016 18:33
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Workspace setup scripts for Ruby on Rails
type_command() {
xdotool type --delay 50 --clearmodifiers "$1"; xdotool key Return
new_tab() {
sleep 0.5
type_command "cd ~/workspace/$1"
sleep 0.5
type_command "$2"
sleep 0.5
# Get active gnome-terminal
WID=$(xprop -root | grep "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW)"| awk '{print $5}')
# Focus on it
xdotool windowfocus $WID
# Tab for Rails Server
new_tab $1 "rails s"
# Tab for Redis, Sidekiq or other
xdotool key ctrl+shift+t
new_tab $1 "la"
# Tab for Rails Console
xdotool key ctrl+shift+t
new_tab $1 "rails c"
# Tab for Git, RSpec and general playing around
xdotool key ctrl+shift+t
new_tab $1 "git status"
wmctrl -i -a $WID
declare -A apps
apps=( \
[1]="app-1-path" \
[2]="app-2-path" \
[3]="app-3-path" \
dialog --keep-tite --menu "Select Application" 25 50 16 \
1 "Application 1" \
2 "Application 2" \
3 "Application 3" \
# OK is pressed
if [ "$?" = "0" ]
_return=$(cat temp)
if [ "$_return" != "" ]
echo $sistema > last_boot_app
echo "Automatic Startup Cancelled ):"
rm -f temp
notify-send 'Workspace Startup' 'Opening Console'
gnome-terminal &
sleep 15
notify-send 'Workspace Startup' 'Choosing Application'
# Get active gnome-terminal
WID=$(xprop -root | grep "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW(WINDOW)"| awk '{print $5}')
# Focus on it
xdotool windowfocus $WID
# Run system selection menu
xdotool type --delay 50 --clearmodifiers "~/"
xdotool key Return
sleep 10
xdotool key Return
_app=$(cat last_boot_app)
echo $_app
notify-send 'Workspace Startup' "Configuring Console for \"$_sistema\""
~/ $_app &
sleep 30
notify-send 'Workspace Startup' 'Opening Google Chrome'
google-chrome &
sleep 30
notify-send 'Workspace Startup' 'Opening Rubymine'
/opt/rubymine/bin/ &
sleep 60
notify-send 'Workspace Startup' 'Startup Completed!'
exit 0
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