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Last active February 6, 2022 14:39
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Let's Build Your Own Quantum Circuit Simulator in JavaScript!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Content by rootEnginear | MIT License
// Read the Blog:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import * as math from "mathjs";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utils
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const toString = (statevector) => statevector.toString();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define Basis States
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const ket_0 = math.matrix([[1], [0]]);
const ket_1 = math.matrix([[0], [1]]);
console.log("|0>", ket_0.toString());
console.log("|1>", ket_1.toString());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make Gates from Matrices
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const i_matrix = math.matrix([
[1, 0],
[0, 1],
const x_matrix = math.matrix([
[0, 1],
[1, 0],
const applyGate = (gate) => (statevector) => math.multiply(gate, statevector);
const I = applyGate(i_matrix);
const X = applyGate(x_matrix);
const execute = (starting_statevector, ...instructions) =>
(previous_statevector, current_instruction) =>
console.log("|0> ─I─");
console.log(execute(ket_0, I, toString));
console.log("|0> ─X─I─");
console.log(execute(ket_0, X, I, toString));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generalize Gates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const U = (theta, phi, lambda) =>
[math.evaluate(`cos(${theta}/2)`), math.evaluate(`-e^(i*${lambda})*sin(${theta}/2)`)],
math.evaluate(`e^(i*${phi + lambda})*cos(${theta}/2)`),
const z_matrix = U(0, 0, math.pi);
const Z = applyGate(z_matrix);
const h_matrix = U(math.pi / 2, 0, math.pi);
const H = applyGate(h_matrix);
console.log("|0> ─H─");
console.log(execute(ket_0, H, toString));
console.log("|0> ─H─Z─H─");
console.log(execute(ket_0, H, Z, H, toString)); // Should get |1>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Measurement
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const complexMatrixNorm = (statevector) =>
.map((state) => math.abs(state) ** 2)
.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0);
const normalizeState = (state) => {
const sqrt_norm = math.sqrt(complexMatrixNorm(state));
// Norm will never < 0, but can = 0
if (sqrt_norm === 0) throw new Error("Norm is 0!");
return math.divide(state, math.sqrt(complexMatrixNorm(state)));
const postselect0_matrix = math.matrix([
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
const postselect1_matrix = math.matrix([
[0, 0],
[0, 1],
const M = (qubit) => (state) => {
// 1.) Extract relevant probability
const qubit_ket0_prob = state
.filter((_, i) => (i & (1 << qubit)) === 0)
.map((c) => math.abs(c) ** 2)
.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
// 2.) Categorize probability
const qubit_count = math.log2(state.toArray().length);
let postselect_set = new Array(qubit_count).fill(i_matrix);
postselect_set[qubit] =
Math.random() <= qubit_ket0_prob ? postselect0_matrix : postselect1_matrix;
const postselector = postselect_set.reduce((prev, cur) => math.kron(cur, prev));
// 3.) Apply postselect gate & normalize
const postselected_state = math.multiply(postselector, state);
try {
return normalizeState(postselected_state);
} catch (error) {
// This can only happen if the postselected state is zero matrix.
// In this case, we just return the `postselected_state` (because it's zero).
return postselected_state;
console.log("|0> ─H─M─");
new Array(10).fill().forEach(() => {
// M(0) -> Measure at qubit 0
console.log(execute(ket_0, H, M(0), toString));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Repeat Execution & Aggregate Results
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const repeatExecution =
(starting_statevector, ...instructions) =>
(shots) =>
new Array(shots).fill().map(() => execute(starting_statevector, ...instructions));
console.log("|0> ─H─M─ × 100");
console.log(repeatExecution(ket_0, H, M(0), toString)(100));
const aggregateResult = (result_list) => {
const aggregated_result = result_list
.map((result) => result.toString())
.reduce((cnt, cur) => {
return (cnt[cur] = cnt[cur] + 1 || 1), cnt;
}, {});
return aggregated_result;
const runAndAggregate =
(starting_statevector, ...instructions) =>
(shots) =>
aggregateResult(repeatExecution(starting_statevector, ...instructions)(shots));
console.log("Σ(|0> ─H─M─ × 1000)");
console.log(runAndAggregate(ket_0, H, M(0))(1000));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Expanding Qubits
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const ket_00 = math.kron(ket_0, ket_0);
const HX = applyGate(math.kron(h_matrix, x_matrix));
console.log(`|0> ─X─\n|0> ─H─`);
console.log(execute(ket_00, HX, toString));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2-qubit Gates
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const IH = applyGate(math.kron(i_matrix, h_matrix));
const cnot_matrix = math.matrix([
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
const CNOT = applyGate(cnot_matrix);
console.log("|0> ─H─╭@─M─\n|0> ───╰X─M─");
console.log(runAndAggregate(ket_00, IH, CNOT, M(0), M(1))(1000));
console.log("|0> ─H─╭@─M─\n|0> ───╰X───");
console.log(runAndAggregate(ket_00, IH, CNOT, M(0))(1000));
const IX = applyGate(math.kron(i_matrix, x_matrix));
const swap_matrix = math.matrix([
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
const SWAP = applyGate(swap_matrix);
console.log(`|0> ─X─╭X─\n|0> ───╰X─`);
console.log(execute(ket_00, IX, SWAP, toString));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conjugate Transpose
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const s_matrix = U(0, 0, math.pi / 2);
const S = applyGate(s_matrix);
const dag = (matrix) => math.ctranspose(matrix);
const sdg_matrix = dag(s_matrix);
const SDG = applyGate(sdg_matrix);
console.log("|0> ─H─S─Sdg─H─M─");
console.log(execute(ket_0, H, S, SDG, H, toString));
const ket_000 = math.kron(ket_0, math.kron(ket_0, ket_0));
const HHH = applyGate(math.kron(h_matrix, math.kron(h_matrix, h_matrix)));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3-qubit (and beyond!) Circuit
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
console.log("|0> ─H─M─\n|0> ─H─M─\n|0> ─H─M─");
console.log(runAndAggregate(ket_000, HHH, M(0), M(1), M(2))(1000));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adding More Controls
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const directSum = (a, b) => {
const [a_col, a_row] = a.size();
const [b_col, b_row] = b.size();
const top_right_matrix = math.zeros(a_col, b_row);
const bottom_left_matrix = math.zeros(b_col, a_row);
return math.concat(
math.concat(a, top_right_matrix),
math.concat(bottom_left_matrix, b),
const cx21_matrix = directSum(i_matrix, x_matrix);
const ii_matrix = math.kron(i_matrix, i_matrix);
const ccx321_matrix = directSum(ii_matrix, cx21_matrix);
const CCX321 = applyGate(ccx321_matrix);
const composeGates = (...gates) =>
gates.reduce((composted, current) => math.multiply(composted, current));
const i3sw12_matrix = math.kron(i_matrix, swap_matrix);
const sw23i1_matrix = math.kron(swap_matrix, i_matrix);
const sw13_matrix = composeGates(i3sw12_matrix, sw23i1_matrix, i3sw12_matrix);
const SW13 = applyGate(sw13_matrix);
const IHX = applyGate(math.kron(i_matrix, math.kron(h_matrix, x_matrix)));
console.log("|0> ─X─╭X─╭X─╭X─M─\n|0> ─H─│──├@─│──M─\n|0> ───╰X─╰@─╰X─M─\n");
console.log(runAndAggregate(ket_000, IHX, SW13, CCX321, SW13, M(0), M(1), M(2))(1000));
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