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Created April 8, 2015 15:01
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#include <sourcemod>
#include <sdktools>
#include <sdkhooks>
//#include <sendproxy>
new Handle:sv_airaccelerate
new Handle:sv_enablebunnyhopping
new Handle:sv_staminajumpcost
new Handle:sv_staminalandcost
new Handle:mp_flashlight
new Handle:surf_spawn_protect_time
new Float:fLastThinkUpdateAt
new Float:fClientLastSpawnedAt[MAXPLAYERS+1]
new Float:fClientLastJumpedAt[MAXPLAYERS+1]
new m_flStamina, m_nWaterLevel
new bool:bClientIsProtected[MAXPLAYERS+1]
new bool:bClientWaterLevelHooked[MAXPLAYERS+1]
public Plugin:myinfo =
name = "Intoxicated Surf",
author = "bawNg",
description = "Makes CS:GO surfable",
version = "0.4",
url = ""
public OnPluginStart()
if ((m_nWaterLevel = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_nWaterLevel")) == -1) SetFailState("Failed to find CCSPlayer::m_nWaterLevel offset")
if ((m_flStamina = FindSendPropOffs("CCSPlayer", "m_flStamina")) == -1) SetFailState("Failed to find CCSPlayer::m_flStamina offset")
surf_spawn_protect_time = CreateConVar("surf_spawn_protect_time", "0.2", "Time a player is protected after they spawn")
HookEvent("player_spawn", OnPlayerSpawn)
HookEvent("weapon_fire", OnWeaponFire)
public OnMapStart()
new cs_player_manager = FindEntityByClassname(0, "cs_player_manager")
SDKHook(cs_player_manager, SDKHook_ThinkPost, OnThinkPost)
sv_airaccelerate = FindConVar("sv_airaccelerate")
sv_enablebunnyhopping = FindConVar("sv_enablebunnyhopping")
sv_staminajumpcost = FindConVar("sv_staminajumpcost")
sv_staminalandcost = FindConVar("sv_staminalandcost")
mp_flashlight = FindConVar("mp_flashlight")
SetConVarInt(sv_airaccelerate, 150)
SetConVarInt(sv_enablebunnyhopping, 1)
SetConVarFloat(sv_staminajumpcost, 0)
SetConVarFloat(sv_staminalandcost, 0)
SetConVarFloat(mp_flashlight, 1)
for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) {
if (!IsClientInGame(client) || bClientWaterLevelHooked[client]) continue
//SendProxy_Hook(client, "m_nWaterLevel", Prop_Int, OnClientWaterLevel)
bClientWaterLevelHooked[client] = true
public OnClientPutInServer(client)
if (!bClientWaterLevelHooked[client]) {
//SendProxy_Hook(client, "m_nWaterLevel", Prop_Int, OnClientWaterLevel)
bClientWaterLevelHooked[client] = true
public OnClientDisconnect(client)
//SendProxy_Unhook(client, "m_nWaterLevel", OnClientWaterLevel)
bClientWaterLevelHooked[client] = false
fClientLastJumpedAt[client] = 0.0
fClientLastSpawnedAt[client] = 0.0
public OnPlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"))
if (!client || !IsClientInGame(client)) return
if (1 < GetClientTeam(client) <= 3) {
fClientLastSpawnedAt[client] = GetEngineTime()
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 0, 1)
SetEntityRenderColor(client, 255, 0, 0, 200)
CreateTimer(GetConVarFloat(surf_spawn_protect_time), Timer_DisableSpawnProtection, client)
bClientIsProtected[client] = true
public OnWeaponFire(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)
new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"))
if (!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client)) return
if (bClientIsProtected[client]) {
fClientLastSpawnedAt[client] -= 10.0
Timer_DisableSpawnProtection(INVALID_HANDLE, client)
public Action:Timer_DisableSpawnProtection(Handle:timer, any:client)
if (!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client)) return
SetEntProp(client, Prop_Data, "m_takedamage", 2, 1)
SetEntityRenderColor(client, 255, 255, 255, 255)
bClientIsProtected[client] = false
return GetEngineTime() - fClientLastSpawnedAt[client]
public OnThinkPost(entity)
if (fLastThinkUpdateAt && GetEngineTime() - fLastThinkUpdateAt < 0.05) return
fLastThinkUpdateAt = GetEngineTime()
new Float:spawn_protect_time = GetConVarFloat(surf_spawn_protect_time)
for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) {
if (!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client)) continue
if (fClientLastSpawnedAt[client]) {
if (bClientIsProtected[client])
PrintCenterText(client, "Your spawn protection ends in %0.2f seconds", spawn_protect_time - TimeSincePlayerSpawned(client))
else {
PrintCenterText(client, "You are no longer protected")
CreateTimer(0.5, Timer_ShowClientIsNoLongerProtected, client)
fClientLastSpawnedAt[client] = 0.0
//if (GetEntData(client, iWaterLevel) == WATER_LEVEL_FEET)
// SetEntData(client, iWaterLevel, WATER_LEVEL_DRY, 4, true)
public Action:Timer_ShowClientIsNoLongerProtected(Handle:timer, any:client)
if (!IsClientInGame(client) || !IsPlayerAlive(client)) return
if (fClientLastSpawnedAt[client]) return
PrintHintText(client, "You are no longer protected")
/*public OnGameFrame()
new Float:now = GetEngineTime()
for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) {
if (!fClientLastJumpedAt[i]) continue
if (now - fClientLastJumpedAt[i] < 0.3) {
if (GetEntData(client, m_nWaterLevel) == WATER_LEVEL_FEET) {
fClientLastJumpedAt[i] = 0.0
public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(client, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon)
if (!IsPlayerAlive(client)) return Plugin_Continue
/*if (buttons & IN_JUMP) {
if (!(GetEntityFlags(client) & FL_ONGROUND)) {
// In air
if (!(GetEntityMoveType(client) & MOVETYPE_LADDER)) {
// Not on ladder
fClientLastJumpedAt[client] = GetEngineTime()
new water_level = GetEntData(client, m_nWaterLevel)
if (water_level <= WATER_LEVEL_FEET) {
// Not swimming
buttons &= ~IN_JUMP
return Plugin_Changed
if ((GetEntityMoveType(client) & MOVETYPE_LADDER)) return Plugin_Continue
if (GetEntData(client, m_nWaterLevel) > WATER_LEVEL_FEET) return Plugin_Continue
new flags = GetEntityFlags(client)
new Float:now = GetEngineTime()
new bool:is_on_ground = flags & FL_ONGROUND
if (buttons & IN_JUMP) {
fClientLastJumpedAt[client] = now
if (is_on_ground) return Plugin_Continue
buttons &= ~IN_JUMP
else if (fClientLastJumpedAt[client]) {
if (now - fClientLastJumpedAt[client] < 0.25) {
// jump was down recently
if (is_on_ground) {
//PrintToChat(client, "[DEBUG] Hit ground after %f", now - fClientLastJumpedAt[client])
buttons |= IN_JUMP
fClientLastJumpedAt[client] = 0.0
else {
SetEntDataFloat(client, m_flStamina, 0.0, true)
buttons &= ~IN_JUMP
fClientLastJumpedAt[client] = 0.0
return Plugin_Changed
public Action:OnClientWaterLevel(entity, const String:prop_name[], &value, element)
if (value == WATER_LEVEL_FEET) {
return Plugin_Changed
return Plugin_Continue
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