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Created September 27, 2017 17:48
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; Regular SKI evaluator
(define eval-sk
(lambda (es)
; drop parenthesis (left-associativity)
[(and (list? es) (positive? (length es)) (list? (car es)))
(eval-sk (append (car es) (cdr es)))]
; K
[(and (list? es) (>= (length es) 3) (eq? (car es) 'K))
(eval-sk (cons (cadr es) (cdddr es)))]
; S
[(and (list? es) (>= (length es) 4) (eq? (car es) 'S))
(let ((x (cadr es))
(y (caddr es))
(z (cadddr es))
(tl (cddddr es)))
(eval-sk `(,x ,z (,y ,z) . ,tl)))]
[(list? es) (map eval-sk es)]
[else es])))
; Examples
(eval-sk '(a b c d)) ;; a b c d
(eval-sk '(K a)) ;; K a
(eval-sk '(K a b c)) ;; a c
(eval-sk '(S a b)) ;; S a b
(eval-sk '(S a b c)) ;; a c (b c)
(eval-sk '(S a b c d f)) ;; a c (b c) d f
(eval-sk '((K a) b c)) ;; a c
(eval-sk '(S K K a)) ;; a
(eval-sk '((K(S K K)) a b)) ;; b
(eval-sk '(((S((S(K((S(K S))K)))S))(K K)) a b c)) ;; a c b
(eval-sk '(((S((S K)K))((S K)K)) a)) ;; a a
(eval-sk '(((S((S(K S))K))(K((S((S K)K))((S K)K)))) a b)) ;; a (b b)
; I'm using the miniKanren from:
; Some preliminaries borrowed from The Reasoned Schemer
(define nullo
(lambda (x)
(== '() x)))
(define conso
(lambda (hd tl q)
(== (cons hd tl) q)))
(define pairo
(lambda (p)
(fresh (x y) (conso x y p))))
(define caro
(lambda (p d)
(fresh (b) (== (cons d b) p))))
(define cdro
(lambda (p d)
(fresh (a) (== (cons a d) p))))
(define listo
(lambda (l)
((nullo l) succeed)
((pairo l)
(fresh (d)
(cdro l d)
(listo d)))
(define proper-listo
(lambda (l)
((pairo l)
(fresh (d)
(cdro l d)
(listo d)))
(define appendo
(lambda (l s out)
[(== '() l) (== s out)]
[(fresh (a d res)
(== `(,a . ,d) l)
(== `(,a . ,res) out)
(appendo d s res))])))
; Some additional helpers for handling lists
(define mapo
(lambda (f l out)
[(== '() l) (== '() out)]
[(fresh (hd hdo tl tlo)
(== `(,hd . ,tl) l)
(f hd hdo)
(mapo f tl tlo)
(== (cons hdo tlo) out))]
(define mape
(lambda (f l out)
[(== '() l) (== '() out)]
[(fresh (hd hdo tl tlo)
(conso hd tl l)
[(== hd hdo)]
[(f hd hdo)])
(mapo f tl tlo)
(== (cons hdo tlo) out))]
(define for-allo
(lambda (f l)
[(== '() l)]
[(fresh (hd tl)
(== `(,hd . ,tl) l)
(f hd)
(for-allo f tl))])))
; Goal for checking that a list is an SKI-combinator (ie does not contain variables)
(define combinatoro
(lambda (q)
[(== 'K q)]
[(== 'S q)]
[(proper-listo q) (for-allo combinatoro q)]
; Here comes the attempted SKI-evaluator:
; Take an evaluation step
(define step-sko
(lambda (e f)
[(fresh (a b tl)
(== `(K ,a ,b . ,tl) e)
(== `(,a . ,tl) f))]
[(fresh (a b c tl)
(== `(S ,a ,b ,c . ,tl) e)
(== `(,a ,c (,b ,c) . ,tl) f))]
[(fresh (a tl l)
(== `(,a . ,tl) e)
(proper-listo a)
(appendo a tl l)
(== l f))]
; Try taking a step on all expressions in a list
(define spread-sko
(lambda (e f)
(fresh ()
(mape step-sko e f)
(=/= e f))))
; The evaluator
(define eval-sko
(lambda (e f)
[(spread-sko e f)]
[(step-sko e f)]
[(fresh (g) (spread-sko e g) (eval-sko g f))]
[(fresh (g) (step-sko e g) (eval-sko g f))]
; Works fine forwards
(run* (q) (eval-sko '(K a b) q)) ; ((a))
(run* (q) (eval-sko '(S a b c) q)) ; ((a c (b c)))
(run* (q) (eval-sko '(S K K a) q)) ; ((K a (K a)) (a)) NB. not evaluated fully
(run* (q) (eval-sko '(S K K a) q) (absento 'S q) (absento 'K q)) ; ((a)) use absento to force evaluation
(run* (q) (eval-sko '(S (S K K) (S K K) a) q) (absento 'S q) (absento 'K q)) ; ((a (a))) the mocking bird: λa.a a
(run 10 (q) (eval-sko `(,q a) '(a)) (combinatoro q)) ; can find some identity combinators
(run 1 (q) (eval-sko `(,q a b) '(a))) ; and K
(run 1 (q) (eval-sko `(,q a b c) '(a c (b c)))) ; and S
(run 5 (q) (eval-sko `(,q a b) '(b)) (combinatoro q))
; after quite a while: ((S K) ((S K)) (S (K)) (K S K K) (K S S K))
(run 1 (q) (eval-sko `(,q a) '(a (a))) (combinatoro q))
; doesn't seem to terminate any time soon...
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