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Created July 27, 2011 15:19
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Flash message implementation for ASP.NET MVC
public class Flash : DynamicObject
private readonly TempDataDictionary _store;
private const string KeyPrefix = "Flash";
public Flash(TempDataDictionary store)
_store = store;
// Implementing this function improves the debugging experience as it provides the debugger with the list of all
// the properties currently defined on the object
public override IEnumerable<string> GetDynamicMemberNames()
return _store.Keys.Where(x => x.StartsWith(KeyPrefix)).Select(x => x.Substring(5));
private string GetKey(string messageName)
return string.Format("{0}{1}", KeyPrefix, messageName);
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
if (binder.Name.StartsWith("Has"))
var requestedKey = GetKey(binder.Name.Substring(3));
result = _store.ContainsKey(requestedKey);
var requestedKey = GetKey(binder.Name);
result = _store[requestedKey];
// since ViewDataDictionary always returns a result even if the key does not exist, always return true
return true;
public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
var key = GetKey(binder.Name);
_store[key] = value;
// you can always set a key in the dictionary so return true
return true;
public static class FlashExtensions
public static dynamic Flash(this TempDataDictionary @this)
return new Flash(@this);
@if (TempData.Flash().HasSuccess)
<div class="message success" role="alert">
<span class="icon"> </span>
public class FlashSpecs
[Subject(typeof(Flash), "setting message")]
public class when_setting_message
private static dynamic flash;
private static TempDataDictionary tempData;
Establish context = () =>
tempData = new TempDataDictionary();
flash = new Flash(tempData);
Because of = () => flash.Success = "succes";
It should_populate_temp_data = () => tempData["FlashSuccess"].ShouldNotBeNull();
[Subject(typeof(Flash), "testing for message presence")]
public class when_message_is_set
private static dynamic flash;
private static bool hasMessage;
Establish context = () =>
var tempData = new TempDataDictionary();
tempData["FlashSuccess"] = "success";
flash = new Flash(tempData);
Because of = () => hasMessage = flash.HasSuccess;
It should_report_has_message = () => hasMessage.ShouldBeTrue();
[Subject(typeof(Flash), "testing for message presence")]
public class when_message_is_not_set
private static dynamic flash;
private static bool hasMessage;
Establish context = () =>
var tempData = new TempDataDictionary();
flash = new Flash(tempData);
Because of = () => hasMessage = flash.HasSuccess;
It should_report_does_not_have_message = () => hasMessage.ShouldBeFalse();
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