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Created March 27, 2012 09:00
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Umbraco SQL query for AncestorContentOrSelf
SELECT this_.Id as Id16_9_,
this_.DateCreated as DateCrea2_16_9_,
this_.DefaultName as DefaultN3_16_9_,
this_.AttributeSchemaDefinition_id as Attribut4_16_9_,
this_.NodeId as NodeId16_9_,
attribalia3_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_11_,
attribalia3_.Id as Id11_,
attribalia3_.Id as Id5_0_,
attribalia3_.AttributeDefinitionId as Attribut2_5_0_,
attribalia3_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_5_0_,
attributed7_.AttributeId as Attribut4_12_,
attributed7_.Id as Id12_,
attributed7_.Id as Id1_1_,
attributed7_.Value as Value1_1_,
attributed7_.ValueKey as ValueKey1_1_,
attributed7_.AttributeId as Attribut4_1_1_,
attributed7_.LocaleId as LocaleId1_1_,
attributed8_.AttributeId as Attribut4_13_,
attributed8_.Id as Id13_,
attributed8_.Id as Id0_2_,
attributed8_.Value as Value0_2_,
attributed8_.ValueKey as ValueKey0_2_,
attributed8_.AttributeId as Attribut4_0_2_,
attributed8_.LocaleId as LocaleId0_2_,
attributei6_.AttributeId as Attribut4_14_,
attributei6_.Id as Id14_,
attributei6_.Id as Id3_3_,
attributei6_.Value as Value3_3_,
attributei6_.ValueKey as ValueKey3_3_,
attributei6_.AttributeId as Attribut4_3_3_,
attributei6_.LocaleId as LocaleId3_3_,
attributel5_.AttributeId as Attribut4_15_,
attributel5_.Id as Id15_,
attributel5_.Id as Id4_4_,
attributel5_.Value as Value4_4_,
attributel5_.ValueKey as ValueKey4_4_,
attributel5_.AttributeId as Attribut4_4_4_,
attributel5_.LocaleId as LocaleId4_4_,
attributes4_.AttributeId as Attribut4_16_,
attributes4_.Id as Id16_,
attributes4_.Id as Id6_5_,
attributes4_.Value as Value6_5_,
attributes4_.ValueKey as ValueKey6_5_,
attributes4_.AttributeId as Attribut4_6_5_,
attributes4_.LocaleId as LocaleId6_5_,
outerhisto2_.Id as Id18_6_,
outerhisto2_.Date as Date18_6_,
outerhisto2_.NodeVersionId as NodeVers3_18_6_,
outerhisto2_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId as NodeVers4_18_6_,
subselects1_.Id as Id19_7_,
subselects1_.IsSystem as IsSystem19_7_,
subselects1_.Name as Name19_7_,
subselects1_.Alias as Alias19_7_,
node18_.Id as Id9_8_,
node18_.DateCreated as DateCrea2_9_8_,
node18_.IsDisabled as IsDisabled9_8_,
node18_1_.Alias as Alias10_8_,
node18_1_.Description as Descript3_10_8_,
node18_1_.Name as Name10_8_,
node18_1_.Ordinal as Ordinal10_8_,
node18_1_.AttributeSchemaDefinitionId as Attribut6_10_8_,
node18_2_.Alias as Alias11_8_,
node18_2_.Description as Descript3_11_8_,
node18_2_.Name as Name11_8_,
node18_2_.SchemaType as SchemaType11_8_,
node18_2_.XmlConfiguration as XmlConfi6_11_8_,
when node18_1_.NodeId is not null then 1
when node18_2_.NodeId is not null then 2
when node18_.Id is not null then 0
end as clazz_8_
FROM dbo.NodeVersion this_
left outer join dbo.Attribute attribalia3_
on this_.Id = attribalia3_.NodeVersionId
left outer join dbo.AttributeDecimalValue attributed7_
on attribalia3_.Id = attributed7_.AttributeId
left outer join dbo.AttributeDateValue attributed8_
on attribalia3_.Id = attributed8_.AttributeId
left outer join dbo.AttributeIntegerValue attributei6_
on attribalia3_.Id = attributei6_.AttributeId
left outer join dbo.AttributeLongStringValue attributel5_
on attribalia3_.Id = attributel5_.AttributeId
left outer join dbo.AttributeStringValue attributes4_
on attribalia3_.Id = attributes4_.AttributeId
inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusHistory outerhisto2_
on this_.Id = outerhisto2_.NodeVersionId
inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusType subselects1_
on outerhisto2_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId = subselects1_.Id
inner join dbo.Node node18_
on this_.NodeId = node18_.Id
left outer join dbo.[AttributeDefinitionGroup] node18_1_
on node18_.Id = node18_1_.NodeId
left outer join dbo.[AttributeSchemaDefinition] node18_2_
on node18_.Id = node18_2_.NodeId
WHERE subselects1_.Alias = 'published' /* @p0 */
and outerhisto2_.Date > (SELECT coalesce(max(this_0_.Date), '1981-08-01T00:00:00.00' /* @p1 */) as y0_
FROM dbo.NodeVersionStatusHistory this_0_
inner join dbo.NodeVersion negatevers2_
on this_0_.NodeVersionId = negatevers2_.Id
inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusType negatetype1_
on this_0_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId = negatetype1_.Id
WHERE negatetype1_.Alias in ('unpublished' /* @p2 */)
and this_.NodeId = negatevers2_.NodeId)
and outerhisto2_.Id in (SELECT TOP (1 /* @p7 */) this_0_.Id as y0_
FROM dbo.NodeVersionStatusHistory this_0_
inner join dbo.NodeVersion innerversi1_
on this_0_.NodeVersionId = innerversi1_.Id
inner join dbo.NodeVersionStatusType innertype2_
on this_0_.NodeVersionStatusTypeId = innertype2_.Id
WHERE innerversi1_.NodeId = this_.NodeId
and innertype2_.Alias = 'published' /* @p3 */
ORDER BY this_0_.Date desc)
and this_.NodeId in ('4fa7ef7c-7ac9-407a-b5c3-9ffa00a29e70' /* @p4 */, '10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002' /* @p5 */, '10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' /* @p6 */)
ORDER BY outerhisto2_.Date asc
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