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Last active June 6, 2016 12:55
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Local Scopes - Examples showing local scopes in functions
component {
function myFunc(){
var myVar = "foo";
echo(myVar); //outputs "foo"
function otherFunc(){
echo(myVar); //errors for undefined variable
component {
function myFunc(){
var myVar = "foo";
echo(local.myVar); //outputs foo
component {
function myFunc(){
variables.myVar = "foo";
echo(myVar); //outputs "foo"
function otherFunc(){
echo(myVar); //outputs "foo";
echo(variables.myVar); //same as above, outputs "foo" because myVar was in the variables scope which is global to this component
* My xUnit Test
component extends="testbox.system.BaseSpec"{
/*********************************** LIFE CYCLE Methods ***********************************/
// executes before all test cases
function beforeTests(){
// executes after all test cases
function afterTests(){
// executes before every test case
function setup( currentMethod ){
// executes after every test case
function teardown( currentMethod ){
/*********************************** TEST CASES BELOW ***********************************/
// Remember that test cases MUST start or end with the keyword 'test'
function localScopeTest(){
var test = new component_local();
savecontent variable="out"{
function variablesScopeTest(){
var test = new component_variables();
savecontent variable="out"{
savecontent variable="out"{
function localStructTest(){
var test = new component_local_struct();
savecontent variable="out"{
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