The real, full repository for this game is at
This Gist is just used by to load the game in your browser.
The real, full repository for this game is at
This Gist is just used by to load the game in your browser.
(The game Pegs for the TI-83+ graphing calculator, ported to the PuzzleScript engine.) | |
(The original Pegs was part of PuzzPack by Detached Solutions, and its main developer was Fred Coughlin. This port is by Rory O’Kane.) | |
title Pegs | |
author Fred Coughlin / Rory O'Kane | |
homepage | |
(homepage of the original Pegs is | |
background_color LightGray | |
text_color Black | |
key_repeat_interval 0.25 (to prevent accidental falling down pits, etc.) | |
run_rules_on_level_start (to draw hole boundaries) | |
======== | |
======== | |
(some colors chosen using HUSL: | |
(also mixed some colors using | |
Background | |
White | |
NormalSolidBlock | |
#111 #222 #444 #555 #bbb | |
10001 | |
02420 | |
04340 | |
02420 | |
10001 | |
CreatedSolidBlock | |
(mixed with 25% triangle colors) | |
(first two colors mixed with triangle outline, the rest with fill) | |
#141d18 #202a25 #5d6b63 #6a7870 #b6c5bc | |
10001 | |
02420 | |
04340 | |
02420 | |
10001 | |
NormalPlayer | |
(Orange = #eb8931) | |
(HUSL Lightnesses 66, 63, 58, 54) | |
#eb8931 #db7f2d #cd762a #be6d26 | |
.010. | |
0.2.0 | |
12321 | |
0.2.0 | |
.010. | |
SelectingPlayer | |
(HUSL Lightnesses 88, 84, 80, 76) | |
#dddddd #d1d1d1 #c6c6c6 #bbbbbb | |
.010. | |
0.2.0 | |
12321 | |
0.2.0 | |
.010. | |
(peg colors are HUSL pastel Saturation 100%, Lightness 25% and 85%) | |
(insides of selected pegs are 50% Saturation) | |
Circle | |
#3b3d1c #d4d8a8 (hue 90, yellow) | |
.000. | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
.000. | |
SelectedCircle | |
#db7f2d #d4d6bf | |
.000. | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
.000. | |
Square | |
#1a404e #acdbf3 (hue 225, blue) | |
00000 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
00000 | |
SelectedSquare | |
#db7f2d #c2d8e4 | |
00000 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
00000 | |
Triangle | |
#1b432e #a8e1c0 (hue 145, green) | |
0.... | |
00... | |
010.. | |
0110. | |
00000 | |
SelectedTriangle | |
#db7f2d #bfdbca | |
0.... | |
00... | |
010.. | |
0110. | |
00000 | |
Cross | |
#543239 (hue 0, red) | |
..0.. | |
..0.. | |
00000 | |
..0.. | |
..0.. | |
SelectedCross | |
#db7f2d | |
..0.. | |
..0.. | |
00000 | |
..0.. | |
..0.. | |
EmptyHole | |
Black | |
(the colors of falling pegs have 50% of original Lightness) | |
HoleWithFallingCircle | |
Black #20220d #64664e | |
00000 | |
00100 | |
01210 | |
00100 | |
00000 | |
HoleWithFallingTriangle | |
Black #0c2518 #4e6b5a | |
00000 | |
01000 | |
01200 | |
01110 | |
00000 | |
HoleWithFallingCross | |
Black #301b1f | |
00000 | |
00100 | |
01110 | |
00100 | |
00000 | |
HoleWithFallingPlayer | |
(player colors are based on the second and fourth normal colors) | |
Black #6e3d11 #61350e | |
00000 | |
00100 | |
01210 | |
00100 | |
00000 | |
HoleWithSettlingSquare | |
#499cbb #d6ecf9 (lightened by 45%) | |
00000 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
00000 | |
FilledHole | |
#ebf6fd #fbfdfe (lightened by 90%) | |
00000 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
01110 | |
00000 | |
HoleBoundaryUp | |
#1a1a1a (halfway between #111 and #222) | |
00000 | |
..... | |
..... | |
..... | |
..... | |
HoleBoundaryRight | |
#1a1a1a | |
....0 | |
....0 | |
....0 | |
....0 | |
....0 | |
HoleBoundaryDown | |
#1a1a1a | |
..... | |
..... | |
..... | |
..... | |
00000 | |
HoleBoundaryLeft | |
#1a1a1a | |
0.... | |
0.... | |
0.... | |
0.... | |
0.... | |
InvisibleDeadPlayer | |
White | |
..... | |
..... | |
..... | |
..... | |
..... | |
======= | |
======= | |
Player = NormalPlayer or SelectingPlayer or InvisibleDeadPlayer | |
SelectedBlock = SelectedCircle or SelectedSquare or SelectedTriangle or SelectedCross | |
Block = Circle or Square or Triangle or Cross or SelectedBlock | |
SolidBlock = NormalSolidBlock or CreatedSolidBlock | |
Hole = EmptyHole or HoleWithFallingCircle or HoleWithFallingTriangle or HoleWithFallingCross or HoleWithFallingPlayer | |
HoleBoundary = HoleBoundaryUp or HoleBoundaryRight or HoleBoundaryDown or HoleBoundaryLeft | |
. = Background | |
· = Background | |
P = NormalPlayer | |
✠ = NormalPlayer | |
X = NormalSolidBlock | |
⛝ = NormalSolidBlock | |
# = EmptyHole | |
■ = EmptyHole | |
o = Circle | |
○ = Circle | |
s = Square | |
□ = Square | |
\ = Triangle | |
◺ = Triangle | |
+ = Cross | |
✚ = Cross | |
======= | |
======= | |
(block interaction sounds) | |
Block move 16776907 | |
sfx0 57315905 (destroy by combining matching blocks) | |
sfx1 93422102 (combine triangles, forming a wall) | |
sfx2 29154902 (combine crosses, starting replacement selection) | |
sfx3 39221701 (push block down hole) | |
sfx4 9351102 (fill hole with square block) | |
sfx5 60846506 (cycle selected block) | |
sfx6 57903306 (confirm selection) | |
(failure sounds) | |
sfx9 36821508 (combined blocks don't match) | |
sfx10 3824708 (player falls in hole) | |
(game sounds) | |
undo 418707 | |
startlevel 27686900 | |
restart 73263508 | |
endlevel 2807108 | |
================ | |
================ | |
Background | |
FilledHole, HoleWithSettlingSquare | |
Player, SolidBlock, Hole, Block, SelectedBlock | |
HoleBoundaryUp | |
HoleBoundaryRight | |
HoleBoundaryLeft | |
HoleBoundaryDown | |
====== | |
====== | |
(you can't move when you're dead) | |
[ > InvisibleDeadPlayer ] -> [ InvisibleDeadPlayer ] | |
[ Action InvisibleDeadPlayer ] -> restart | |
(allow scrolling through selections without moving player) | |
DOWN [ > SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedTriangle ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCross ] sfx5 | |
(simpler rules like this don't work for some reason: DOWN [ SelectedTriangle ] -> [ SelectedCross ]) | |
DOWN [ > SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCross ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedSquare ] sfx5 | |
DOWN [ > SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedSquare ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCircle ] sfx5 | |
DOWN [ > SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCircle ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedTriangle ] sfx5 | |
UP [ > SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedTriangle ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCircle ] sfx5 | |
UP [ > SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCircle ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedSquare ] sfx5 | |
UP [ > SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedSquare ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCross ] sfx5 | |
UP [ > SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCross ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedTriangle ] sfx5 | |
[ > SelectingPlayer ] -> [ SelectingPlayer ] | |
(action confirms selection) | |
[ Action SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCircle ] -> [ NormalPlayer ] [ Circle ] sfx6 | |
[ Action SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedSquare ] -> [ NormalPlayer ] [ Square ] sfx6 | |
[ Action SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedTriangle ] -> [ NormalPlayer ] [ Triangle ] sfx6 | |
[ Action SelectingPlayer ] [ SelectedCross ] -> [ NormalPlayer ] [ Cross ] sfx6 | |
(player can push blocks) | |
[ > Player | Block ] -> [ > Player | > Block ] | |
(square pegs fill holes; other pegs fall in and disappear) | |
(when you fall down a hole, you must reset or undo) | |
(finish falling animations:) | |
[ HoleWithSettlingSquare ] -> [ FilledHole ] | |
[ HoleWithFallingCircle ] -> [ EmptyHole ] | |
[ HoleWithFallingTriangle ] -> [ EmptyHole ] | |
[ HoleWithFallingCross ] -> [ EmptyHole ] | |
[ HoleWithFallingPlayer ] -> [ EmptyHole ] message You fell and died. | |
(trigger falling animations:) | |
[ > Square | Hole ] -> [ | HoleWithSettlingSquare ] sfx4 again | |
[ > Circle | Hole ] -> [ | HoleWithFallingCircle ] sfx3 again | |
[ > Triangle | Hole ] -> [ | HoleWithFallingTriangle ] sfx3 again | |
[ > Cross | Hole ] -> [ | HoleWithFallingCross ] sfx3 again | |
[ > Player | Hole ] -> [ InvisibleDeadPlayer | HoleWithFallingPlayer ] sfx10 again | |
(draw hole boundaries) | |
UP [ Hole no HoleBoundaryUp | no Hole ] -> [ Hole HoleBoundaryUp | no Hole ] | |
RIGHT [ Hole no HoleBoundaryRight | no Hole ] -> [ Hole HoleBoundaryRight | no Hole ] | |
DOWN [ Hole no HoleBoundaryDown | no Hole ] -> [ Hole HoleBoundaryDown | no Hole ] | |
LEFT [ Hole no HoleBoundaryLeft | no Hole ] -> [ Hole HoleBoundaryLeft | no Hole ] | |
(remove hole boundaries when the hole disappears) | |
[ HoleBoundary no Hole ] -> [ ] | |
(some pegs disappear when combined) | |
[ > Circle | Circle ] -> [ | ] sfx0 | |
[ > Square | Square ] -> [ | ] sfx0 | |
(combined triangles turn into a solid block) | |
[ > Triangle | Triangle ] -> [ | CreatedSolidBlock ] sfx1 | |
(combined crosses let you freely select a replacement) | |
[ > Cross | Cross ] [ > Player ] -> [ | SelectedTriangle ] [ > SelectingPlayer ] sfx2 | |
(player gets scolded if non-matching pegs are combined) | |
[ > Circle | Block no Circle ] -> [ Circle | Block ] sfx9 message They don't match. | |
[ > Triangle | Block no Triangle ] -> [ Triangle | Block ] sfx9 message They don't match. | |
[ > Square | Block no Square ] -> [ Square | Block ] sfx9 message They don't match. | |
[ > Cross | Block no Cross ] -> [ Cross | Block ] sfx9 message They don't match. | |
============== | |
============== | |
No Block | |
======= | |
======= | |
(help) | |
message To beat each level you must destroy all of the pegs. If two like pegs are pushed into each other they disappear, except for triangles which form a solid block and plusses which allow you to choose a replacement block. | |
X··········X | |
X···P··o···X | |
X····++\···X | |
X···□■·o···X | |
X··········X | |
X··········X | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
XXX···\\···X | |
XXX···X····X | |
XXX···XX···X | |
P···\\oo···X | |
XXX···XX···X | |
XXX···X····X | |
XXX···\\···X | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
X·····\·P··· | |
X·XX·XX·XX\X | |
X··\·······X | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
■·□·\·\····X | |
■·+·o·\····X | |
■·o·□P\····X | |
■·\·□·\·+··X | |
■·□·o·\····X | |
■·o·□·\····X | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
·■■·□■··■··· | |
·■■·□□··■··\ | |
\■■·■■■·X\\\ | |
·■■·■□■·X\·\ | |
·■■·■P■o■··· | |
\■■·■■■·■··· | |
·■■·□···■··· | |
·■■··o··■oo· | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
P··········· | |
\·········+· | |
\··\···\\··· | |
············ | |
·+······o□■· | |
···XXXX··XXX | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
XXX■··□■·XXX | |
XXX\++P□\■XX | |
XXXX·X\X···X | |
XXXX··o··X·X | |
XXXXXXX····X | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
··+++++□++·· | |
··+++\++o+·· | |
P·+++\++□+·· | |
··++□o++++·· | |
··++o\++++·· | |
··++\□++++·· | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
····XX······ | |
·+··XX······ | |
····\□□+·XX· | |
·X··\X···XXX | |
···\\PX····\ | |
····\X··XXXX | |
·+X·\oo···+· | |
····□X······ | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
XXXX\XXX···· | |
XXXX·XXX···P | |
··□·■■■···+· | |
·++·■■■·□+□· | |
·++·■■■·□+□· | |
····■■■·+··· | |
XXXXX·XX···· | |
XXXXX\XX···· | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
XPX·XX■··XXX | |
X···o□■■·\\· | |
X\X\·X■··\\· | |
X··\·X···++· | |
X\X··X·X·++· | |
·····X·XX·X· | |
·+□+·X·X···· | |
····\\\XXXXX | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
P·····XXXXXX | |
X\X\X\XX···X | |
······X··X·X | |
X\X\X\X····X | |
······XXoo■X | |
X\X\X\XX·\\X | |
··········\X | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
··□·\·o·□··■ | |
··\·o·\·□··■ | |
P·+·□·o·□··■ | |
··o·□·\·□··■ | |
··□·\·o·□··■ | |
··+·+·\·□··■ | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
XXXXX··X··XX | |
XX·\··□··\·X | |
X■··oX·XX··X | |
XXX··+o+··XX | |
XX··XX·Xo··■ | |
XX·\··□···PX | |
XX··X··XXXXX | |
message Nice Pegging!!! | |
···■·■·■·■·X | |
···■·■·■·■·X | |
·+□■·■·■·■·\ | |
·□·■·■□■·■·X | |
·+·■·■·■·■·X | |
P··■□■·■·■·X | |
··□■·■·■□■·X | |
··□■·■·■·■·X | |
message Congratulations! | |
message You finished Pegs! |