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Last active October 9, 2015 16:46
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Dichotomous engine. Controls the logic to administer a scientifically valid vision test in under a minute.
// StaticVisionEngine.m
// tbx_Sensation
// Created by Mike Rose on 4/8/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Mike Rose. All rights reserved.
#import "StaticVisionEngine.h"
#import "StaticVisionConstants.h"
#import "StaticVisionItemHelper.h"
@interface StaticVisionEngine ()
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDictionary *practice;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDictionary *screen;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDictionary *chart;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDictionary *pool;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSDictionary *previousPool;
@property (strong, nonatomic, readonly) NSArray *sizes;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger currentSizeIndex;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL practiceComplete;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL screeningComplete;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger screeningDirection;
@implementation StaticVisionEngine
- (void)setItemList:(NSArray *)itemList
[super setItemList:itemList];
// Practice
NSInteger practiceSection = [self sectionForItemType:StaticVisionItemInfoItemTypePractice inItemList:self.itemList];
self.practice = [self chartForSection:practiceSection inItemList:self.itemList shuffleLines:NO];
NSLog(@"// PRACTICE");
[self logChart:self.practice];
// 8+ doesn't have a practice, so the practice chart will be empty
if (!self.practice.count) {
self.practiceComplete = YES;
// Screen
NSInteger screenSection = [self sectionForItemType:StaticVisionItemInfoItemTypeScreen inItemList:self.itemList];
self.screen = [self chartForSection:screenSection inItemList:self.itemList shuffleLines:YES];
NSLog(@"// SCREEN");
[self logChart:self.screen];
// Chart
NSInteger chartSection = [self sectionForItemType:StaticVisionItemInfoItemTypeChart inItemList:self.itemList];
self.chart = [self chartForSection:chartSection inItemList:self.itemList shuffleLines:YES];
NSLog(@"// CHART");
[self logChart:self.chart];
// Set the starting size index
self.currentSizeIndex = [self.sizes indexOfObject:StaticVisionStartingSizeValue];
#pragma mark - Chart Utils
- (NSInteger)sectionForItemType:(NSString *)type inItemList:(NSArray *)itemList
NSInteger section = NSNotFound;
NSMutableSet *sections = [NSMutableSet set];
for (MSSItem *item in itemList) {
NSString *t = item.itemInfo[StaticVisionItemInfoItemType];
if ([t isEqualToString:type]) {
[sections addObject:@(item.Section)];
if (sections.count > 1) {
// Select a section at random
NSSortDescriptor *sort = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"self" ascending:YES];
NSArray *sortedSections = [[sections allObjects] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:@[ sort ]];
NSNumber *minSection = [sortedSections firstObject];
NSNumber *maxSection = [sortedSections lastObject];
section = rand() % (maxSection.integerValue - minSection.integerValue) + minSection.integerValue;
} else if (sections.count == 1) {
// The only section available
NSNumber *onlySection = [sections anyObject];
section = onlySection.integerValue;
return section;
- (NSDictionary *)chartForSection:(NSInteger)section inItemList:(NSArray *)itemList shuffleLines:(BOOL)shuffle
if (section == NSNotFound || section < 0) return nil;
// Parse items (optotypes) into lines (5 letters per size) for selected section (chart)
NSMutableDictionary *chart = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:itemList.count];
for (MSSItem *item in itemList) {
if (item.Section == section) {
NSString *key = [StaticVisionItemHelper sizeForItem:item];
NSArray *line = [chart objectForKey:key];
NSMutableArray *updateLine = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:line];
if (!updateLine && key.length) {
updateLine = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:5];
[updateLine addObject:item];
[chart setObject:[updateLine copy] forKey:key];
// Shuffle each line on the selected chart
if (shuffle) {
NSString *previousKey;
for (NSString *key in self.sizes) {
NSArray *line = [chart objectForKey:key];
NSArray *shuffledLine;
NSArray *previousLine = [chart objectForKey:previousKey];
NSString *previousLineLastCharacter = [StaticVisionItemHelper letterForItem:[previousLine lastObject]];
BOOL unique = NO;
while (!unique) {
shuffledLine = [self shuffledLineForLine:line];
// Make sure consecutive characters do not repeat in the same line
BOOL lineUnique = YES;
NSString *previousCharacter;
for (MSSItem *item in shuffledLine) {
NSString *character = [StaticVisionItemHelper letterForItem:item];
if ([character isEqualToString:previousCharacter]) {
lineUnique = NO;
previousCharacter = character;
// Make sure consecutive lines do not repeat the same last characters
if (lineUnique) {
NSString *shuffledLineLastCharacter = [StaticVisionItemHelper letterForItem:[shuffledLine lastObject]];
if (![shuffledLineLastCharacter isEqualToString:previousLineLastCharacter]) {
unique = YES;
[chart setObject:shuffledLine forKey:key];
previousKey = key;
return [chart copy];
- (NSArray *)shuffledLineForLine:(NSArray *)line
NSMutableArray *shuffledLine = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:line];
for (NSInteger i = shuffledLine.count-1; i > 0; i--) {
[shuffledLine exchangeObjectAtIndex:i withObjectAtIndex:arc4random_uniform((uint32_t)i+1)];
return [shuffledLine copy];
- (void)logChart:(NSDictionary *)chart
for (NSString *sizeKey in self.sizes) {
NSArray *line = [chart objectForKey:sizeKey];
NSString *letters = @"";
for (MSSItem *item in line) {
letters = [letters stringByAppendingString:[StaticVisionItemHelper letterForItem:item]];
if ([line indexOfObject:item] != line.count-1) {
letters = [letters stringByAppendingString:@", "];
NSLog(@"%@ - %@", sizeKey, letters);
#pragma mark - Line Size Utils
- (NSArray *)sizes
// TODO: Build from form or param XML
return @[ @"10", @"12", @"16", @"20", @"25", @"32", @"40", @"50", @"64", @"80", @"100", @"125", @"160", @"200", @"250", @"320", @"400", @"500", @"640" ];
- (NSString *)sizeForIndex:(NSInteger)index
if (index < 0 || index >= self.sizes.count) return nil;
return [self.sizes objectAtIndex:index];
- (void)setCurrentSizeIndex:(NSInteger)currentSizeIndex
if (currentSizeIndex < 0) {
// Smallest size
_currentSizeIndex = 0;
} else if (currentSizeIndex >= self.sizes.count) {
// Largest size
_currentSizeIndex = self.sizes.count-1;
} else {
_currentSizeIndex = currentSizeIndex;
#pragma mark - Item Navigation
- (MSSItem *)nextItem
NSString *previousLetter = [StaticVisionItemHelper letterForItem:self.currentItem];
NSString *sizeKey = [self sizeForIndex:self.currentSizeIndex];
if (self.practiceComplete && self.screeningComplete) {
// Chart
if (!_pool) {
NSMutableDictionary *pool = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:self.chart.allValues.count];
// Adding line to pool based on screening results
[pool setObject:[_chart objectForKey:sizeKey] forKey:sizeKey];
_pool = [pool copy];
// Grab a unique (non-repeating) character from the largest available line
NSArray *line = [self largestAvailableLineFromPool:_pool];
self.currentItem = [self uniqueItemFromLine:line withPreviousLetter:previousLetter];
// Add item index to chart items (used for debugging)
NSArray *availableItems = [self availableItemsForLine:line];
// Item index from line array isn't reliable as it can be shuffled to find a unique letter
NSInteger itemIndex = line.count - availableItems.count;
NSMutableDictionary *itemInfo = [self.currentItem.itemInfo mutableCopy];
[itemInfo setObject:@(itemIndex) forKey:StaticVisionItemInfoItemIndex];
self.currentItem.itemInfo = [itemInfo copy];
} else if (self.practiceComplete && self.currentItem) {
// Screen
NSArray *line = [self.screen objectForKey:sizeKey];
self.currentItem = [self uniqueItemFromLine:line withPreviousLetter:previousLetter];
} else if (!self.practiceComplete && self.currentItem) {
// Practice (Sequence)
NSUInteger index = [self.itemList indexOfObject:self.currentItem];
index = (index == NSNotFound) ? 0 : (index + 1);
MSSItem *nextItem = (index < self.itemList.count) ? [self.itemList objectAtIndex:index] : nil;
// Fail the participant if they run out of practice items
if (nextItem.Section != self.currentItem.Section && self.administeredItemList.count) {
self.currentItem = nil;
} else {
self.currentItem = nextItem;
} else {
// Title
self.currentItem = [self.itemList firstObject];
return self.currentItem;
- (NSArray *)availableItemsForLine:(NSArray *)line
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"Position.length == 0"];
return [line filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
- (MSSItem *)previousItem
MSSItem *currentItem = self.currentItem;
NSString *currentItemType = currentItem.itemInfo[StaticVisionItemInfoItemType];
// Grab the last item in the adminsteredItems array and clear all values set in process response
MSSItem *previousItem = [super previousItem];
NSString *previousItemType = previousItem.itemInfo[StaticVisionItemInfoItemType];
if ( self.screeningComplete && [currentItemType isEqualToString:previousItemType] ) {
// Chart
// Reset the pool to its previous state
_pool = [_previousPool copy];
else if ( self.screeningComplete && ![currentItemType isEqualToString:previousItemType] ) {
// Chart -> Screen
// Go back to screening mode
self.screeningComplete = NO;
// Remove the pool that was created (starting size can change)
_pool = nil;
// If the last answer was incorrect, let them go back to the smaller value to try again
if (self.screeningDirection == 1) {
self.screeningDirection = 2;
} else if (self.screeningDirection == 2) {
NSString *size = [self sizeForIndex:self.currentSizeIndex];
if (![size isEqualToString:StaticVisionMaxSizeValue]) {
self.screeningDirection = 1;
else if ( self.practiceComplete && [currentItemType isEqualToString:previousItemType] ) {
// Screen
// Inspect screening direction and move the size index appropitely
if (self.screeningDirection == 1) {
} else if (self.screeningDirection == 2) {
else if ( self.practiceComplete && ![currentItemType isEqualToString:previousItemType] ) {
// Screen -> Practice
// Go back to practice mode
self.practiceComplete = NO;
self.currentItem = previousItem;
return self.currentItem;
#pragma mark - Process Response
- (NSArray *)processResponses:(NSArray *)responses withResponseTime:(NSTimeInterval)responseTime
MSSMap *response = [responses firstObject];
BOOL correct = (response.Value.integerValue == 1);
if (self.practiceComplete && self.screeningComplete) {
// Chart
_previousPool = [_pool copy];
if (correct) {
// Correct
// Does the current item belong to the smallest line (available) in the pool?
if ([self item:self.currentItem isFromSmallestAvailableLineInPool:_pool]) {
// Is the current line score 3/5 or better?
NSString *currentSize = [StaticVisionItemHelper sizeForItem:self.currentItem];
NSArray *currentLine = [self.chart objectForKey:currentSize];
NSInteger score = [self scoreForLine:currentLine];
if (score >= 2) { // Current correct item hasn't been responsed to yet
// Does the next smallest line already exist in the pool?
NSString *nextSmallestLine = [self sizeForIndex:self.currentSizeIndex-1];
if ([self lineSize:nextSmallestLine.integerValue isNotInPool:_pool]) {
// Add the next smallest line to the pool
NSArray *line = [self.chart objectForKey:nextSmallestLine];
if (line.count) {
NSMutableDictionary *pool = [_pool mutableCopy];
[pool setObject:line forKey:nextSmallestLine];
_pool = [pool copy];
} else {
// Incorrect
// Does the current item belong to the largest line (available) in the pool?
if ([self item:self.currentItem isFromLargestAvailableLineInPool:_pool]) {
// Does the next largest line already exist in the pool?
NSString *nextLargestLine = [self sizeForIndex:self.currentSizeIndex+1];
if ([self lineSize:nextLargestLine.integerValue isNotInPool:_pool]) {
// Add the next largest line to the pool
NSArray *line = [self.chart objectForKey:nextLargestLine];
if (line.count) {
NSMutableDictionary *pool = [_pool mutableCopy];
[pool setObject:line forKey:nextLargestLine];
_pool = [pool copy];
} else if (self.practiceComplete) {
// Screen
NSInteger direction = response.Value.integerValue;
if (correct) {
// Smaller (correct)
if (self.currentSizeIndex != 0) {
} else {
// Min value reached, stop screening
self.screeningComplete = YES;
} else {
// Larger (incorrect)
if (self.currentSizeIndex != self.sizes.count-1) {
} else {
// Max value reached, stop screening
self.screeningComplete = YES;
if (!self.screeningComplete && self.screeningDirection && self.screeningDirection != direction) {
// Direction changed (correct>incorrect or incorrect>correct), stop screening
if (response.Value.integerValue == 1) {
self.screeningComplete = YES;
self.screeningDirection = direction;
} else {
// Practice
if (correct) {
// TODO: Update so practice trails (sections) are not hardcoded
NSInteger trialCount = ceil(self.currentItem.Order/4.0); // 4 items per trial section, 12 items total (3 trial sections)
NSInteger practiceScore = 0;
for (MSSItem *item in self.administeredItemList) {
NSString *type = item.itemInfo[StaticVisionItemInfoItemType];
NSInteger trial = ceil(item.Order/4.0);
if ([type isEqualToString:StaticVisionItemInfoItemTypePractice] && trialCount == trial) {
if (item.Response.integerValue == 1) {
if (practiceScore >= 2) {
// The last 2/3 were correct + 1 for this answer = 3/4
self.practiceComplete = YES;
// TODO: Process response could be called at the beginning so actual values in only the administeredItems array could be used
return [super processResponses:responses withResponseTime:responseTime];;
#pragma mark - Engine/Item Helpers
- (NSArray *)largestAvailableLineFromPool:(NSDictionary *)pool
// TODO: Could be cleaner?
NSInteger largestAvailableSize = 0;
for (NSArray *array in pool.allValues) {
for (MSSItem *item in array) {
// Check to see if the item is available
if (!item.Position.length) {
NSInteger size = [StaticVisionItemHelper sizeForItem:item].integerValue;
if (size > largestAvailableSize) {
largestAvailableSize = size;
NSString *sizeKey = @(largestAvailableSize).stringValue;
// Update current index based on the largest line selected
self.currentSizeIndex = [self.sizes indexOfObject:sizeKey];
return [pool objectForKey:sizeKey];
- (MSSItem *)uniqueItemFromLine:(NSArray *)line withPreviousLetter:(NSString *)previousLetter
MSSItem *uniqueItem;
NSMutableArray *availableItems = [[self availableItemsForLine:line] mutableCopy];
// If there are items available on the line
if (availableItems.count) {
while (!uniqueItem) {
// Try to use the first item in the line
MSSItem *item = [availableItems firstObject];
NSString *currentLetter = [StaticVisionItemHelper letterForItem:item];
// Next item's letter is unique?
if ([currentLetter isEqualToString:previousLetter]) {
if (availableItems.count == 1) {
// Can't shuffle line, must repeat character :(
uniqueItem = item;
} else {
// Try again, shuffle the line to get a new character
[availableItems removeObject:item];
[availableItems addObject:item];
// Doesn't match, OK to use
else {
uniqueItem = item;
return uniqueItem;
- (BOOL)item:(MSSItem *)item isFromSmallestAvailableLineInPool:(NSDictionary *)pool
NSInteger itemSize = [StaticVisionItemHelper sizeForItem:item].integerValue;
for (NSArray *array in pool.allValues) {
for (MSSItem *item in array) {
if (!item.Position.length) {
NSInteger size = [StaticVisionItemHelper sizeForItem:item].integerValue;
if (size < itemSize) {
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)item:(MSSItem *)item isFromLargestAvailableLineInPool:(NSDictionary *)pool
NSInteger itemSize = [StaticVisionItemHelper sizeForItem:item].integerValue;
for (NSArray *array in pool.allValues) {
for (MSSItem *item in array) {
if (!item.Position.length) {
NSInteger size = [StaticVisionItemHelper sizeForItem:item].integerValue;
if (size > itemSize) {
return NO;
return YES;
- (BOOL)lineSize:(NSInteger)lineSize isNotInPool:(NSDictionary *)pool
for (NSString *sizeKey in pool.allKeys) {
if (sizeKey.integerValue == lineSize) {
return NO;
return YES;
- (NSInteger)scoreForLine:(NSArray *)line
NSInteger score = 0;
for (MSSItem *item in line) {
if (item.Response.integerValue == 1) {
return score;
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