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Last active January 13, 2024 06:40
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Extract information from DrugBank xml file
->cas-number (5)
->synthesis-reference (10)
->metabolism (15)
->volume-of-distribution (20)
->products (25)
->prices (30)
->ahfs-codes (35)
->food-interactions (40)
->resource (DPD, PubChem, KEGG Drug, PharmGKB, UniProtKB, Therapeutic Targets Database, Wikipedia, ChEMBL)
->external-links (45)
->resource (RxList,
->known-action (5)
->cellular-location (5)
->chromosome-location (10)
->external-identifiers (HGNC,GenAtlas,GenBank Gene Database,GenBank Protein Database,Guide to Pharmacology,UniProtKB,UniProt Accession)
->gene-sequence (15)
TITLE :parsing_DrugBank
AUTHOR : Hernansaiz Ballesteros, Rosa.
DESCRIPTION : Parsing full database of DrugBank to extract information
about drugs that affects a specific organism.
Information retrieved:
- name
- synonyms
- classification (kingdom and superfamily)
- drug-interactions (with other drugs)
- external-identifiers (to connect to other sources)
- pathways
- targets (if polypeptides)
- target_name
- target_uniprot
- target_gene_name
- action (of the drug over the target)
- cell_loc (cell localitation)
To get the tree structure of the xml file,
see drugBank_tree_structure.txt
# Classes #
class Drug:
docstring for Drug.
def __init__(self, features): = features['id'] = features['name']
self.synonyms = features['synm']
self.kingdom = features['kgd']
self.superclass = features['sclass']
self.interaction = features['itrc']
self.external_id = features['ext_id']
self.pathways = features['pathways'] = []
def getDrugfeatures(self):
drug_dict = {"dg_id",
return drug_dict
def addTarget(self, feature_target):
# Parameters and required variables #
dB_file = '../00-Drugs/drugBank_v515_20200103.xml'
organism = 'Humans'
saveFile = '../00-Drugs/drugBank_v515_targetExtracted.csv'
# Main script #
Get targets from drugBank database for the drugs on the ic50 file
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
xtree = ET.parse(dB_file)
xroot = xtree.getroot()
drugs = list(xroot)
drug_targets = []
for i in tqdm(range(len(drugs))):
drug = drugs[i]
idDB = drug[0].text # Drug Bank ID
for idx,feature in enumerate(drug):
if 'name' in str(feature): # drug name
drug_name = drug[idx].text
if 'synonyms' in str(feature): # drug's synonyms
drug_synm = ';'.join([synm.text \
for synm in list(drug[idx])])
if 'classification' in str(feature): #type of drug
drug_class_kingdom = list(drug[idx])[2].text
drug_class_superclass = list(drug[idx])[3].text
if 'drug-interactions' in str(feature): #interaction other drugs
drug_interaction = ';'.join([di[0].text
for di in list(drug[idx])])
if 'external-identifiers' in str(feature): #other drug's IDs
aux = [ext_id[0].text + ":" + ext_id[1].text \
for ext_id in list(drug[idx])]
drug_external_id = ';'.join(aux)
if 'pathways' in str(feature): #related pathways
drug_pathway = ';'.join([pathway[1].text \
for pathway in list(drug[idx])])
if 'targets' in str(feature): #if polypeptide, drug's targets
targets = list(drug[idx])
# get all drug-related information in a dictionary
drug_dict = {"id":idDB,
drug = Drug(drug_dict)
# get information of polypeptide targets
if len(targets) > 0:
for target in targets:
idx_pep = None
# get indexes
for idx,feature in enumerate(target): # check features of targets
if 'organism' in str(feature):
idx_org = idx
if 'name' in str(feature):
idx_name = idx
if 'actions' in str(feature):
idx_act = idx
if 'polypeptide' in str(feature):
idx_pep = idx
# Get information for polypeptide
if target[idx_org].text == organism:
target_name = target[idx_name].text
actions = ';'.join([action.text
for action in list(target[idx_act])])
# Get information for polypeptide
if idx_pep is not None: #if there is polypeptide's info...
for idx,feature in enumerate(target[idx_pep]):
if 'gene-name' in str(feature):
gene_name = target[idx_pep][idx].text
if 'cellular-location' in str(feature):
cell_loc = target[idx_pep][idx].text
if 'external-identifiers' in str(feature):
for ext_id in list(target[idx_pep][idx]):
if ext_id[0].text == "UniProtKB":
uniprot = ext_id[1].text
gene_name = None
action = None
cell_loc = None
uniprot = None
row = {
dt = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(drug_targets, orient='columns')
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ghost commented Nov 15, 2022

Thanks for publishing this code, I am looking to make use of it as a guide to writing my own XML script. Please, Rosa, could you advise on something? I am less familiar with the object-oriented programming that I see here. If I have my own specific drugs I want to look at, I am going to edit the "drug_targets" list? Second, is specifying Organism as humans necessary? I was not aware of other organisms defined in the data base. Thanks so much.

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Hello @rollingcole,
This is a general parser, so here I just give the Drugbank file and I extract all information out of it. If you have your own list of drugs, you can filter at the beginning, and only run the code with the ones you are interested on. As far as I remember, there was only Human, but I wanted to add this just in case at some point it grows out of Human.
I hope it is of use for you!

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Thank you for the code. Is it possible to extract the indication information from the file?

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