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Last active March 31, 2017 14:22
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from ddtrace import tracer
from ddtrace.contrib.tornado import trace_app
from random import uniform
from time import sleep
from tornado.concurrent import run_on_executor
from tornado.gen import coroutine, sleep as gen_sleep
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler
import logging
class Client(object):
# This span won't have a parent
def make_request(self):
return 'request'
class MainHandler(RequestHandler):
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3)
# This will be outside the future and have the right parent, but only time
# the creation of the future object and thus have 0s elapsed.
def do_stuff_wrong(self):
return 'wrong'
# This will be inside the future and time the method correctly, but won't
# be a child of the parent
def do_stuff_right(self):
return 'right'
# Again, right parent, but timing the future not the method run
def do_request(self):
return Client().make_request()
def do_sleep(self):
# These spans won't have a parent
with tracer.trace('do_sleep'):
sleep(uniform(0.5, 1.5))
return 'slept'
def get(self):
yield gen_sleep(0.25)
results = []
result = yield self.do_stuff_wrong()
result = yield self.do_stuff_right()
result = yield self.do_request()
# This span will have the right parent and duration
with tracer.trace('starting_sleeps'):
sleeps = [self.do_sleep() for i in range(8)]
with tracer.trace('number_crunching'):
results.append(42 * 42)
sleeps = yield sleeps
results += sleeps
self.write('Hello, world: {}'.format(results))
def get_app():
return Application([
(r'/', MainHandler),
], autoreload=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = get_app()
tracer.debug_logging = True
trace_app(app, tracer, service='tracing-test')
app.listen(8888, address='')
# Expected trace would look something like:
# - tornado.request (6s-9s)
# - do_stuff_wrong (1s)
# - do_stuff_right (1s)
# - do_request (1.5s)
# - client.make_request (1s)
# - starting_sleeps (1.5s-4.5s)
# [number_crunching (0s), do_sleep (0.5-1.5s), do_sleep (0.5-1.5s), do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)]
# [do_sleep (0.5-1.5s), do_sleep (0.5-1.5s), do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)]
# [do_sleep (0.5-1.5s), do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)]
# Resulting trace
# - do_stuff_right (1s)
# - client.make_request (1s)
# - do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)
# - do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)
# - do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)
# - do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)
# - do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)
# - do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)
# - do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)
# - do_sleep (0.5-1.5s)
# - tornado.request (6s-9s)
# - do_stuff_wrong (0s)
# - do_request (0s)
# - starting_sleeps (1.5s-4.5s)
# - number_crunching (0s)
# requirements.txt:
# futures==3.0.5
# tornado==4.4.1
# -e git+ssh://
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