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Created October 18, 2010 20:31
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ack command line output: Search results for Short_URL__c only with Apex/VF
> ack --type=apex Short_URL__c

21:        Short_URL__c[] urls;
25:            from Short_URL__c
51:        click.Short_URL__c = urls[0].id;
82:    	Short_URL__c url = new Short_URL__c();

3:	public Short_URL__c newURL			{ get; set; }
4:	public Short_URL__c[] urls			{ get; set; }
78:		newURL = new Short_URL__c();
79:		urls = new Short_URL__c[] {};
90:		newURL = new Short_URL__c();
97:			'from Short_URL__c ';
168:			Short_URL__c[] urls = [select id
169:				from Short_URL__c
188:				from Short_URL__c
205:		newURL = new Short_URL__c();
214:			Short_URL__c toDel = [select id
215:				from Short_URL__c
229:		newURL = new Short_URL__c();
234:		Short_URL__c[] urls = [select id, url__c, custom_url__c
235:			from Short_URL__c
309:		Short_URL__c url = new Short_URL__c();
330:		Short_URL__c[] urls = [select id from Short_URL__c where url__c = '' limit 1];
338:		urls = [select id from Short_URL__c where url__c = '' limit 1];
350:		urls = [select id from Short_URL__c where url__c = '' limit 1];

149:					<apex:outputlink value="#" onclick="deleteURL( '{!}', '{!u.Short_URL__c}' );" title="Delete URL"><apex:image value="{!URLFOR( $Resource.LinkForce, 'delete.png' )}" height="16" width="16" /></apex:outputlink>
152:					<apex:outputlink value="{! URL_BASE & '/' & u.Short_URL__c }" target="_blank">{! URL_BASE & '/' & u.Short_URL__c }</apex:outputlink>
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