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Created March 6, 2018 14:33
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Annotation syntax for the asm text format
# Annotation Syntax for the Wasm Text Format
## Motivation
* The Wasm binary format supports custom sections to enable associating arbitrary meta data with a Wasm module.
* No equivalent exists for the text format. In particular, there is no way to
- represent custom sections themselves in the text format, cf. WebAssembly/design#1153 and
- reflect arbitrary names in the text format, cf. WebAssembly/spec#617
- express information like for host bindings, cf.
* This proposal adds the ability to decorate a module in textual notarion with arbitrary annotations of the form `(@id ...)`.
* Neither the syntactic shape nor the semantics is prescribed by the Wasm specification, though the .
* This only affects the text format, nothing else.
## Details
Extend the Text Format as follows:
* Anywhere where white space is allowed, allow *annotations* of the following form:
annot ::= "(@"idchar+ annotelem* ")"
annotelem ::= keyword | reserved | uN | sN | fN | string | id | "(" annotelem* ")" | "(@"idchar+ annotelem* ")"
In other words, an annotation can contain any sequence of tokens, as long as it is well-bracketed.
No white space is allowed inside the initial `(@idchar+` delimiter.
* The initial `idchar+` is meant to be an identifier categorising the extension, and plays a role similar to the name of a custom section.
By convention, annotations corresponding to a custom section should use the same id.
Extend the Appendix on the Custom Sections:
* Define annotations reflecting the Name section, which take the form of annotations `(@name "name")`.
They may be placed after the binder for any construct that can be named by the name section.
* Define annotation syntax expressing arbitrary custom sections; cf.
As always with annotation, it is up to implementations how they handle the case of an explicit custom section overlaps with individual annotations that are associated with the same custom section.
## Examples
Expressing custom sections (cf.
(@custom "name" (after function) "contents")
Expressing names
(module (@name "Gümüsü")
(func $lambda (@name "λ") (param $x (@name "αβγδ") i32) (result i32) (get_local $x))
Host bindings (cf.
(func (export "f") (param i32 (@js unsigned)) ...) ;; argument converted as unsigned
(func (export "method") (param $x anyref (@js this)) (param $y i32) ...) ;; maps this to first arg
(func (import "m" "constructor") (@js new) (param i32) (result anyref) ;; is called as a constructor
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