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Last active April 19, 2017 14:19
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Recreating the libya weighted raster overlay app in python
from pyspark import RDD
from geopyspark.context import GeoPyContext
gsc = GeoPyContext(
master = "local[*]"
appName = "libya-demo"
## Load GeoJSON using Shapley
# TODO: use real shapley syntax
road_lines = open(roads.geojson)
libya_polygon = open(libya.geojson)
conflict_points = open(conflict.geojson)
population_points = open(population.geojson)
# TODO: should we use a Shapely extent here?
# Because the output of this worksheet will be a webmap we're going to work on the base level
project_tile_layout = TmsLayoutScheme(zoom = 12, crs = "EPSG:3857")
from geopyspark.geotrellis import rasterize, reclassify, costdistance
road_raster_rdd = rasterize(
geometry = road_lines,
value = 1,
layout = project_tile_layout)
# create friction layer from roads. 2 steps. rasterize then reclassify
road_friction_rdd = reclassify(
raster_rdd = road_raster_rdd,
classes = {
1: 10,
(2,5): 2,
None: 10
#Cost distance
conflict_cost_distance_rdd = costdistance(
source_geometry = conflict_points,
friction_layer = road_friction_rdd,
max_distance = 50000
# We need to make a layer that shows how likely we are to find people based on population and their ability to travel
population_cd_rdd = costdistance(
source_geomery = population_points,
firctoin_layer = road_friction_rdd,
max_distance = 50000
### Break for doodling ---
# Bronze:
# TODO: helper function hh that turns dictionary into a generator
magic_pop_rdd =
lambda x: { 'no_data': x['no_data'],
'data' : x['data'] / 50000 * -1 + 1 })
magic_pop_rdd =
lambda tiles: [x / 50000 * -1 + 1 for x in hh(tiles)])
# Silver:
magic_pop_rdd = 1 - (population_cd_rdd / 50000)
# this only on rdd of our format ...
# TODO: benchmark the serialzation
magic_pop_rdd.focal(Square(3), SUM)
magic_pop_rdd.focal(Circle(3), SUM)
magic_pop_rdd.focal(Square(3), lambda nn: sum(nn))
# Gold:
# we pay serialization cost only once
# TODO: Lets get jiggy with ASTs
class Add(Operation):
class Operation:
def toRDD(self):
return the goods
something_like_rdd = Add(Multiply(Divide(population_cd_rdd, 50000), -1), 1)
# Interface: (we pay for serialization once)
magic_pop = 1 - (population_cd_rdd / 50000)
type(magic_op) #type: MapAlgebra
magic_pop_rdd = magic_pop.rdd
# ---
def scaled_cost_distance(features, friction):
''' Implment something that does this per feature
>>> rdd = 1 - (population_cd_rdd / 50000) * feature.weight
return result
populartion_scale_rdd = scaled_cost_distance(
).normalize((0, max_city_population), (0, 100))
conflict_cost_distance_rdd = costdistance(
source_geometry = conflict_points,
friction_layer = road_friction_rdd,
max_distance = 50000
).normalize(from = (0, 5000), to = (0,100))
# TODO: lets test normalize that runs a min/max on source layer
## Perform the weighted average
suitability_rdd = (population_scale_rdd * 0.4) + (conflict_cost_distance_rdd * 0.6)
# This will trigger the execution of everything above
arr = suitablity_rdd.clip(libya_polygon).stitch(5000, 5000)
matplotlib.display(arr, cmap=hot)
## Imagine: map of libya weighted overlay
# ross' crack at GPS libya ideal pseudo code
# Using a simplified version that only includes 2 factors (conflict, population centers)
# But will require a roads network friction layer to run cost distance on each of those.
# so there will be 4 total data sets required: roads (polyline), libya boundary (polygon), conflict (points), population (points)
$pip install geopyspark
import geopyspark as gps
import numpy as np
## open all the vector datasets
roads = open(roads.geojson)
boundary = open(libya.geojson)
conflict = open(conflict.geojson)
population = open(population.geojson)
# Set extent. My ideal would be to be able to draw this on a map. Otherwise something like:
extent = clipTo(boundary)
# create friction layer from roads. 2 steps. rasterize then reclassify
roadRaster = gps.rasterize(roads)
roadFriction = gps.reclassify(road_raster, "1 1; NODATA 10")
#Cost distance
conflictCostDistance = gps.costDistance(conflict, roadFriction)
populationCostDistance = gps.costDistance(population, roadFriction)
meanCostDistance = (conflictCostDistance + populationCostDistance)/2
finalReclassify = gps.reclassify(meanCostDistance, "some numbers thats make sense.... ; NODATA 10")
# ARCPY version
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Created on: 2017-03-14 12:56:35.00000
# (generated by ArcGIS/ModelBuilder)
# Description:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
# Local variables:
population_shp = "\\\\FILESHARE\\users\\rbernet\\Cost_Distance_Sample_Demo\\population.shp"
roads_shp = "\\\\FILESHARE\\users\\rbernet\\Cost_Distance_Sample_Demo\\roads.shp"
roads_PolylineToRaster2 = "C:\\Users\\rbernet\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\roads_PolylineToRaster2"
Reclass_road11 = "C:\\Users\\rbernet\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\Reclass_road11"
Extent = "14.3092600001489 27.3469200003578 17.5478600003388 30.0000000003997"
Output_backlink_raster = ""
conflict_shp = "\\\\FILESHARE\\users\\rbernet\\Cost_Distance_Sample_Demo\\conflict.shp"
Output_backlink_raster__2_ = ""
CostDis_shp25 = "C:\\Users\\rbernet\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\CostDis_shp25"
CostDis_shp26 = "C:\\Users\\rbernet\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\CostDis_shp26"
CellSta_Cost1 = "C:\\Users\\rbernet\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\CellSta_Cost1"
# Process: Polyline to Raster
arcpy.PolylineToRaster_conversion(roads_shp, "FID", roads_PolylineToRaster2, "MAXIMUM_LENGTH", "NONE", "0.011")
# Process: Reclassify, "Value", "0 169 1;NODATA 10", Reclass_road11, "DATA")
# Process: Cost Distance
tempEnvironment0 = arcpy.env.extent
arcpy.env.extent = Extent, Reclass_road11, CostDis_shp26, "", Output_backlink_raster, "", "", "", "")
arcpy.env.extent = tempEnvironment0
# Process: Cost Distance (2)
tempEnvironment0 = arcpy.env.extent
arcpy.env.extent = Extent, Reclass_road11, CostDis_shp25, "", Output_backlink_raster__2_, "", "", "", "")
arcpy.env.extent = tempEnvironment0
# Process: Cell Statistics"C:\\Users\\rbernet\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\CostDis_shp25;C:\\Users\\rbernet\\Documents\\ArcGIS\\Default.gdb\\CostDis_shp26", CellSta_Cost1, "MEAN", "DATA")
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rossbernet commented Mar 14, 2017







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