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runtime: JsRuntimeHandle
context: JsContextRef
result: JsValueRef
currentSourceContext = 0.cuint
# var script = "(() => 'Hi, Mom!')()"
var script = "(()=>{return \'Hello World!\';})()"
discard JsCreateRuntime(JsRuntimeAttributeNone, nil, addr runtime)
discard JsCreateContext(runtime, addr context)
discard JsSetCurrentContext(context)
var fname : JsValueRef
discard JsCreateString("sample", len("sample"), addr fname)
var scriptSource : JsValueRef
discard JsCreateExternalArrayBuffer(addr script, script.len.cuint, nil, nil, addr scriptSource)
discard JsRun(scriptSource, currentSourceContext, fname, JsParseScriptAttributeNone, addr result)
var resultJsString : JsValueRef
discard JsConvertValueToString(result, addr resultJsString)
resultStr: cstring
stringLength: csize
discard JsCopyString(resultJsString, nil, 0, addr stringLength)
# stringLength is always 0, so nothing below works ^^^
resultStr = cast[cstring](alloc(stringLength + 1))
discard JsCopyString(resultJsString, resultStr, stringLength + 1, nil)
resultStr[stringLength] = cast[char](nil)
echo resultStr
dealloc(addr resultStr)
discard JsSetCurrentContext(nil)
discard JsDisposeRuntime(runtime)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
## Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## / \mainpage Chakra Hosting API Reference
## /
## / Chakra is Microsoft's JavaScript engine. It is an integral part of Internet Explorer but can
## / also be hosted independently by other applications. This reference describes the APIs available
## / to applications to host Chakra.
## /
## / This file contains the common API set shared among all Chakra releases. For Windows-specific
## / releases, see chakrart.h.
## / \file
## / \brief The base Chakra hosting API.
## /
## / This file contains a flat C API layer. This is the API exported by chakra.dll.
{.deadCodeElim: on.}
chakraLib* = "./"
## #def CHAKRA_API extern "C" SET_API_VISIBILITY JsErrorCode
when not defined(CHAKRACOMMON_H):
ChakraCookie* = cuint
ChakraBytePtr* = ptr cuchar
## xplat-todo: try reduce usage of following types
UINT32* = uint32
INT64* = int64
HANDLE* = pointer
BYTE* = cuchar
byte* = BYTE
WCHAR* = cushort
## / <summary>
## / An error code returned from a Chakra hosting API.
## / </summary>
type ## / <summary>
## / Success error code.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCode* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsNoError = 0, ## / <summary>
## / Category of errors that relates to incorrect usage of the API itself.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCategoryUsage = 0x00010000, ## / <summary>
## / An argument to a hosting API was invalid.
## / </summary>
JsErrorInvalidArgument, ## / <summary>
## / An argument to a hosting API was null in a context where null is not allowed.
## / </summary>
JsErrorNullArgument, ## / <summary>
## / The hosting API requires that a context be current, but there is no current context.
## / </summary>
JsErrorNoCurrentContext, ## / <summary>
## / The engine is in an exception state and no APIs can be called until the exception is
## / cleared.
## / </summary>
JsErrorInExceptionState, ## / <summary>
## / A hosting API is not yet implemented.
## / </summary>
JsErrorNotImplemented, ## / <summary>
## / A hosting API was called on the wrong thread.
## / </summary>
JsErrorWrongThread, ## / <summary>
## / A runtime that is still in use cannot be disposed.
## / </summary>
JsErrorRuntimeInUse, ## / <summary>
## / A bad serialized script was used, or the serialized script was serialized by a
## / different version of the Chakra engine.
## / </summary>
JsErrorBadSerializedScript, ## / <summary>
## / The runtime is in a disabled state.
## / </summary>
JsErrorInDisabledState, ## / <summary>
## / Runtime does not support reliable script interruption.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCannotDisableExecution, ## / <summary>
## / A heap enumeration is currently underway in the script context.
## / </summary>
JsErrorHeapEnumInProgress, ## / <summary>
## / A hosting API that operates on object values was called with a non-object value.
## / </summary>
JsErrorArgumentNotObject, ## / <summary>
## / A script context is in the middle of a profile callback.
## / </summary>
JsErrorInProfileCallback, ## / <summary>
## / A thread service callback is currently underway.
## / </summary>
JsErrorInThreadServiceCallback, ## / <summary>
## / Scripts cannot be serialized in debug contexts.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCannotSerializeDebugScript, ## / <summary>
## / The context cannot be put into a debug state because it is already in a debug state.
## / </summary>
JsErrorAlreadyDebuggingContext, ## / <summary>
## / The context cannot start profiling because it is already profiling.
## / </summary>
JsErrorAlreadyProfilingContext, ## / <summary>
## / Idle notification given when the host did not enable idle processing.
## / </summary>
JsErrorIdleNotEnabled, ## / <summary>
## / The context did not accept the enqueue callback.
## / </summary>
JsCannotSetProjectionEnqueueCallback, ## / <summary>
## / Failed to start projection.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCannotStartProjection, ## / <summary>
## / The operation is not supported in an object before collect callback.
## / </summary>
JsErrorInObjectBeforeCollectCallback, ## / <summary>
## / Object cannot be unwrapped to IInspectable pointer.
## / </summary>
JsErrorObjectNotInspectable, ## / <summary>
## / A hosting API that operates on symbol property ids but was called with a non-symbol property id.
## / The error code is returned by JsGetSymbolFromPropertyId if the function is called with non-symbol property id.
## / </summary>
JsErrorPropertyNotSymbol, ## / <summary>
## / A hosting API that operates on string property ids but was called with a non-string property id.
## / The error code is returned by existing JsGetPropertyNamefromId if the function is called with non-string property id.
## / </summary>
JsErrorPropertyNotString, ## / <summary>
## / Module evaulation is called in wrong context.
## / </summary>
JsErrorInvalidContext, ## / <summary>
## / Module evaulation is called in wrong context.
## / </summary>
JsInvalidModuleHostInfoKind, ## / <summary>
## / Module was parsed already when JsParseModuleSource is called.
## / </summary>
JsErrorModuleParsed, ## / <summary>
## / Module was evaluated already when JsModuleEvaluation is called.
## / </summary>
JsErrorModuleEvaluated, ## / <summary>
## / Category of errors that relates to errors occurring within the engine itself.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCategoryEngine = 0x00020000, ## / <summary>
## / The Chakra engine has run out of memory.
## / </summary>
JsErrorOutOfMemory, ## / <summary>
## / The Chakra engine failed to set the Floating Point Unit state.
## / </summary>
JsErrorBadFPUState, ## / <summary>
## / Category of errors that relates to errors in a script.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCategoryScript = 0x00030000, ## / <summary>
## / A JavaScript exception occurred while running a script.
## / </summary>
JsErrorScriptException, ## / <summary>
## / JavaScript failed to compile.
## / </summary>
JsErrorScriptCompile, ## / <summary>
## / A script was terminated due to a request to suspend a runtime.
## / </summary>
JsErrorScriptTerminated, ## / <summary>
## / A script was terminated because it tried to use <c>eval</c> or <c>function</c> and eval
## / was disabled.
## / </summary>
JsErrorScriptEvalDisabled, ## / <summary>
## / Category of errors that are fatal and signify failure of the engine.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCategoryFatal = 0x00040000, ## / <summary>
## / A fatal error in the engine has occurred.
## / </summary>
JsErrorFatal, ## / <summary>
## / A hosting API was called with object created on different javascript runtime.
## / </summary>
JsErrorWrongRuntime, ## / <summary>
## / Category of errors that are related to failures during diagnostic operations.
## / </summary>
JsErrorCategoryDiagError = 0x00050000, ## / <summary>
## / The object for which the debugging API was called was not found
## / </summary>
JsErrorDiagAlreadyInDebugMode, ## / <summary>
## / The debugging API can only be called when VM is in debug mode
## / </summary>
JsErrorDiagNotInDebugMode, ## / <summary>
## / The debugging API can only be called when VM is at a break
## / </summary>
JsErrorDiagNotAtBreak, ## / <summary>
## / Debugging API was called with an invalid handle.
## / </summary>
JsErrorDiagInvalidHandle, ## / <summary>
## / The object for which the debugging API was called was not found
## / </summary>
JsErrorDiagObjectNotFound, ## / <summary>
## / VM was unable to perfom the request action
## / </summary>
## / <summary>
## / A handle to a Chakra runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Each Chakra runtime has its own independent execution engine, JIT compiler, and garbage
## / collected heap. As such, each runtime is completely isolated from other runtimes.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Runtimes can be used on any thread, but only one thread can call into a runtime at any
## / time.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / NOTE: A <c>JsRuntimeHandle</c>, unlike other object references in the Chakra hosting API,
## / is not garbage collected since it contains the garbage collected heap itself. A runtime
## / will continue to exist until <c>JsDisposeRuntime</c> is called.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
JsRuntimeHandle* = pointer
## / <summary>
## / An invalid runtime handle.
## / </summary>
## const JsRuntimeHandle JS_INVALID_RUNTIME_HANDLE = 0;
## / <summary>
## / A reference to an object owned by the Chakra garbage collector.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / A Chakra runtime will automatically track <c>JsRef</c> references as long as they are
## / stored in local variables or in parameters (i.e. on the stack). Storing a <c>JsRef</c>
## / somewhere other than on the stack requires calling <c>JsAddRef</c> and <c>JsRelease</c> to
## / manage the lifetime of the object, otherwise the garbage collector may free the object
## / while it is still in use.
## / </remarks>
JsRef* = pointer
## / <summary>
## / An invalid reference.
## / </summary>
## const JsRef JS_INVALID_REFERENCE = 0;
## / <summary>
## / A reference to a script context.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Each script context contains its own global object, distinct from the global object in
## / other script contexts.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Many Chakra hosting APIs require an "active" script context, which can be set using
## / <c>JsSetCurrentContext</c>. Chakra hosting APIs that require a current context to be set
## / will note that explicitly in their documentation.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
JsContextRef* = JsRef
## / <summary>
## / A reference to a JavaScript value.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / A JavaScript value is one of the following types of values: undefined, null, Boolean,
## / string, number, or object.
## / </remarks>
JsValueRef* = JsRef
## / <summary>
## / A cookie that identifies a script for debugging purposes.
## / </summary>
JsSourceContext* = ChakraCookie
## / <summary>
## / An empty source context.
## / </summary>
## const JsSourceContext JS_SOURCE_CONTEXT_NONE = (JsSourceContext)-1;
## / <summary>
## / A property identifier.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Property identifiers are used to refer to properties of JavaScript objects instead of using
## / strings.
## / </remarks>
JsPropertyIdRef* = JsRef
## / <summary>
## / Attributes of a runtime.
## / </summary>
type ## / <summary>
## / No special attributes.
## / </summary>
JsRuntimeAttributes* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsRuntimeAttributeNone = 0x00000000, ## / <summary>
## / The runtime will not do any work (such as garbage collection) on background threads.
## / </summary>
JsRuntimeAttributeDisableBackgroundWork = 0x00000001, ## / <summary>
## / The runtime should support reliable script interruption. This increases the number of
## / places where the runtime will check for a script interrupt request at the cost of a
## / small amount of runtime performance.
## / </summary>
JsRuntimeAttributeAllowScriptInterrupt = 0x00000002, ## / <summary>
## / Host will call <c>JsIdle</c>, so enable idle processing. Otherwise, the runtime will
## / manage memory slightly more aggressively.
## / </summary>
JsRuntimeAttributeEnableIdleProcessing = 0x00000004, ## / <summary>
## / Runtime will not generate native code.
## / </summary>
JsRuntimeAttributeDisableNativeCodeGeneration = 0x00000008, ## / <summary>
## / Using <c>eval</c> or <c>function</c> constructor will throw an exception.
## / </summary>
JsRuntimeAttributeDisableEval = 0x00000010, ## / <summary>
## / Runtime will enable all experimental features.
## / </summary>
JsRuntimeAttributeEnableExperimentalFeatures = 0x00000020, ## / <summary>
## / Calling
## <c>JsSetException</c> will also dispatch the exception to the script debugger
## / (if any) giving the debugger a chance to break on the exception.
## / </summary>
JsRuntimeAttributeDispatchSetExceptionsToDebugger = 0x00000040
## / <summary>
## / The type of a typed JavaScript array.
## / </summary>
type ## / <summary>
## / An int8 array.
## / </summary>
JsTypedArrayType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsArrayTypeInt8, ## / <summary>
## / An uint8 array.
## / </summary>
JsArrayTypeUint8, ## / <summary>
## / An uint8 clamped array.
## / </summary>
JsArrayTypeUint8Clamped, ## / <summary>
## / An int16 array.
## / </summary>
JsArrayTypeInt16, ## / <summary>
## / An uint16 array.
## / </summary>
JsArrayTypeUint16, ## / <summary>
## / An int32 array.
## / </summary>
JsArrayTypeInt32, ## / <summary>
## / An uint32 array.
## / </summary>
JsArrayTypeUint32, ## / <summary>
## / A float32 array.
## / </summary>
JsArrayTypeFloat32, ## / <summary>
## / A float64 array.
## / </summary>
## / <summary>
## / Allocation callback event type.
## / </summary>
type ## / <summary>
## / Indicates a request for memory allocation.
## / </summary>
JsMemoryEventType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsMemoryAllocate = 0, ## / <summary>
## / Indicates a memory freeing event.
## / </summary>
JsMemoryFree = 1, ## / <summary>
## / Indicates a failed allocation event.
## / </summary>
JsMemoryFailure = 2
## / <summary>
## / Attribute mask for JsParseScriptWithAttributes
## / </summary>
type ## / <summary>
## / Default attribute
## / </summary>
JsParseScriptAttributes* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsParseScriptAttributeNone = 0x00000000, ## / <summary>
## / Specified script is internal and non-user code. Hidden from debugger
## / </summary>
JsParseScriptAttributeLibraryCode = 0x00000001, ## / <summary>
## / ChakraCore assumes ExternalArrayBuffer is Utf8 by default.
## / This one needs to be set for Utf16
## / </summary>
JsParseScriptAttributeArrayBufferIsUtf16Encoded = 0x00000002
## / <summary>
## / Type enumeration of a JavaScript property
## / </summary>
type ## / <summary>
## / Type enumeration of a JavaScript string property
## / </summary>
JsPropertyIdType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsPropertyIdTypeString, ## / <summary>
## / Type enumeration of a JavaScript symbol property
## / </summary>
## / <summary>
## / The JavaScript type of a JsValueRef.
## / </summary>
type ## / <summary>
## / The value is the <c>undefined</c> value.
## / </summary>
JsValueType* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsUndefined = 0, ## / <summary>
## / The value is the <c>null</c> value.
## / </summary>
JsNull = 1, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript number value.
## / </summary>
JsNumber = 2, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript string value.
## / </summary>
JsString = 3, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript Boolean value.
## / </summary>
JsBoolean = 4, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript object value.
## / </summary>
JsObject = 5, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript function object value.
## / </summary>
JsFunction = 6, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript error object value.
## / </summary>
JsError = 7, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript array object value.
## / </summary>
JsArray = 8, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript symbol value.
## / </summary>
JsSymbol = 9, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript ArrayBuffer object value.
## / </summary>
JsArrayBuffer = 10, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript typed array object value.
## / </summary>
JsTypedArray = 11, ## / <summary>
## / The value is a JavaScript DataView object value.
## / </summary>
JsDataView = 12
## / <summary>
## / User implemented callback routine for memory allocation events
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Use <c>JsSetRuntimeMemoryAllocationCallback</c> to register this callback.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="callbackState">
## / The state passed to <c>JsSetRuntimeMemoryAllocationCallback</c>.
## / </param>
## / <param name="allocationEvent">The type of type allocation event.</param>
## / <param name="allocationSize">The size of the allocation.</param>
## / <returns>
## / For the <c>JsMemoryAllocate</c> event, returning <c>true</c> allows the runtime to continue
## / with the allocation. Returning false indicates the allocation request is rejected. The
## / return value is ignored for other allocation events.
## / </returns>
JsMemoryAllocationCallback* = proc (callbackState: pointer;
allocationEvent: JsMemoryEventType;
allocationSize: csize): bool {.cdecl.}
## / <summary>
## / A callback called before collection.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Use <c>JsSetBeforeCollectCallback</c> to register this callback.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="callbackState">The state passed to <c>JsSetBeforeCollectCallback</c>.</param>
JsBeforeCollectCallback* = proc (callbackState: pointer) {.cdecl.}
## / <summary>
## / A callback called before collecting an object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Use <c>JsSetObjectBeforeCollectCallback</c> to register this callback.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="ref">The object to be collected.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">The state passed to <c>JsSetObjectBeforeCollectCallback</c>.</param>
JsObjectBeforeCollectCallback* = proc (`ref`: JsRef; callbackState: pointer) {.
## / <summary>
## / A background work item callback.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / This is passed to the host's thread service (if provided) to allow the host to
## / invoke the work item callback on the background thread of its choice.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="callbackState">Data argument passed to the thread service.</param>
JsBackgroundWorkItemCallback* = proc (callbackState: pointer) {.cdecl.}
## / <summary>
## / A thread service callback.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / The host can specify a background thread service when calling <c>JsCreateRuntime</c>. If
## / specified, then background work items will be passed to the host using this callback. The
## / host is expected to either begin executing the background work item immediately and return
## / true or return false and the runtime will handle the work item in-thread.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="callback">The callback for the background work item.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">The data argument to be passed to the callback.</param>
JsThreadServiceCallback* = proc (callback: JsBackgroundWorkItemCallback;
callbackState: pointer): bool {.cdecl.}
## / <summary>
## / Called by the runtime when it is finished with all resources related to the script execution.
## / The caller should free the source if loaded, the byte code, and the context at this time.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="sourceContext">The context passed to Js[Parse|Run]SerializedScriptWithCallback</param>
JsSerializedScriptUnloadCallback* = proc (sourceContext: JsSourceContext) {.cdecl.}
## / <summary>
## / A finalizer callback.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="data">
## / The external data that was passed in when creating the object being finalized.
## / </param>
JsFinalizeCallback* = proc (data: pointer) {.cdecl.}
## / <summary>
## / A function callback.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="callee">
## / A function object that represents the function being invoked.
## / </param>
## / <param name="isConstructCall">Indicates whether this is a regular call or a 'new' call.</param>
## / <param name="arguments">The arguments to the call.</param>
## / <param name="argumentCount">The number of arguments.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">
## / The state passed to <c>JsCreateFunction</c>.
## / </param>
## / <returns>The result of the call, if any.</returns>
JsNativeFunction* = proc (callee: JsValueRef; isConstructCall: bool;
arguments: ptr JsValueRef; argumentCount: cushort;
callbackState: pointer): JsValueRef {.cdecl.}
## / <summary>
## / A promise continuation callback.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / The host can specify a promise continuation callback in <c>JsSetPromiseContinuationCallback</c>. If
## / a script creates a task to be run later, then the promise continuation callback will be called with
## / the task and the task should be put in a FIFO queue, to be run when the current script is
## / done executing.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="task">The task, represented as a JavaScript function.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">The data argument to be passed to the callback.</param>
JsPromiseContinuationCallback* = proc (task: JsValueRef; callbackState: pointer) {.
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="attributes">The attributes of the runtime to be created.</param>
## / <param name="threadService">The thread service for the runtime. Can be null.</param>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime created.</param>
## / <remarks>In the edge-mode binary, chakra.dll, this function lacks the <c>runtimeVersion</c>
## / parameter (compare to jsrt9.h).</remarks>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateRuntime*(attributes: JsRuntimeAttributes;
threadService: JsThreadServiceCallback;
runtime: ptr JsRuntimeHandle): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCreateRuntime", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Performs a full garbage collection.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime in which the garbage collection will be performed.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCollectGarbage*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCollectGarbage", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Disposes a runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Once a runtime has been disposed, all resources owned by it are invalid and cannot be used.
## / If the runtime is active (i.e. it is set to be current on a particular thread), it cannot
## / be disposed.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime to dispose.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsDisposeRuntime*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsDisposeRuntime", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the current memory usage for a runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Memory usage can be always be retrieved, regardless of whether or not the runtime is active
## / on another thread.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime whose memory usage is to be retrieved.</param>
## / <param name="memoryUsage">The runtime's current memory usage, in bytes.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetRuntimeMemoryUsage*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle; memoryUsage: ptr csize): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetRuntimeMemoryUsage", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the current memory limit for a runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / The memory limit of a runtime can be always be retrieved, regardless of whether or not the
## / runtime is active on another thread.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime whose memory limit is to be retrieved.</param>
## / <param name="memoryLimit">
## / The runtime's current memory limit, in bytes, or -1 if no limit has been set.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetRuntimeMemoryLimit*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle; memoryLimit: ptr csize): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetRuntimeMemoryLimit", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets the current memory limit for a runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / A memory limit will cause any operation which exceeds the limit to fail with an "out of
## / memory" error. Setting a runtime's memory limit to -1 means that the runtime has no memory
## / limit. New runtimes default to having no memory limit. If the new memory limit exceeds
## / current usage, the call will succeed and any future allocations in this runtime will fail
## / until the runtime's memory usage drops below the limit.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / A runtime's memory limit can be always be set, regardless of whether or not the runtime is
## / active on another thread.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime whose memory limit is to be set.</param>
## / <param name="memoryLimit">
## / The new runtime memory limit, in bytes, or -1 for no memory limit.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetRuntimeMemoryLimit*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle; memoryLimit: csize): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsSetRuntimeMemoryLimit", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets a memory allocation callback for specified runtime
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Registering a memory allocation callback will cause the runtime to call back to the host
## / whenever it acquires memory from, or releases memory to, the OS. The callback routine is
## / called before the runtime memory manager allocates a block of memory. The allocation will
## / be rejected if the callback returns false. The runtime memory manager will also invoke the
## / callback routine after freeing a block of memory, as well as after allocation failures.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / The callback is invoked on the current runtime execution thread, therefore execution is
## / blocked until the callback completes.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / The return value of the callback is not stored; previously rejected allocations will not
## / prevent the runtime from invoking the callback again later for new memory allocations.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime for which to register the allocation callback.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">
## / User provided state that will be passed back to the callback.
## / </param>
## / <param name="allocationCallback">
## / Memory allocation callback to be called for memory allocation events.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetRuntimeMemoryAllocationCallback*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle;
callbackState: pointer; allocationCallback: JsMemoryAllocationCallback): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsSetRuntimeMemoryAllocationCallback", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets a callback function that is called by the runtime before garbage collection.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / The callback is invoked on the current runtime execution thread, therefore execution is
## / blocked until the callback completes.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / The callback can be used by hosts to prepare for garbage collection. For example, by
## / releasing unnecessary references on Chakra objects.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime for which to register the allocation callback.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">
## / User provided state that will be passed back to the callback.
## / </param>
## / <param name="beforeCollectCallback">The callback function being set.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetRuntimeBeforeCollectCallback*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle;
callbackState: pointer; beforeCollectCallback: JsBeforeCollectCallback): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsSetRuntimeBeforeCollectCallback", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Adds a reference to a garbage collected object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / This only needs to be called on <c>JsRef</c> handles that are not going to be stored
## / somewhere on the stack. Calling <c>JsAddRef</c> ensures that the object the <c>JsRef</c>
## / refers to will not be freed until <c>JsRelease</c> is called.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="ref">The object to add a reference to.</param>
## / <param name="count">The object's new reference count (can pass in null).</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsAddRef*(`ref`: JsRef; count: ptr cuint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsAddRef", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Releases a reference to a garbage collected object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Removes a reference to a <c>JsRef</c> handle that was created by <c>JsAddRef</c>.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="ref">The object to add a reference to.</param>
## / <param name="count">The object's new reference count (can pass in null).</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsRelease*(`ref`: JsRef; count: ptr cuint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsRelease", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets a callback function that is called by the runtime before garbage collection of
## / an object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / The callback is invoked on the current runtime execution thread, therefore execution is
## / blocked until the callback completes.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="ref">The object for which to register the callback.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">
## / User provided state that will be passed back to the callback.
## / </param>
## / <param name="objectBeforeCollectCallback">The callback function being set. Use null to clear
## / previously registered callback.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetObjectBeforeCollectCallback*(`ref`: JsRef; callbackState: pointer;
objectBeforeCollectCallback: JsObjectBeforeCollectCallback): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsSetObjectBeforeCollectCallback", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a script context for running scripts.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Each script context has its own global object that is isolated from all other script
## / contexts.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime the script context is being created in.</param>
## / <param name="newContext">The created script context.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateContext*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle; newContext: ptr JsContextRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateContext", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the current script context on the thread.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="currentContext">
## / The current script context on the thread, null if there is no current script context.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetCurrentContext*(currentContext: ptr JsContextRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetCurrentContext", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets the current script context on the thread.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="context">The script context to make current.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetCurrentContext*(context: JsContextRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsSetCurrentContext", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the script context that the object belongs to.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="object">The object to get the context from.</param>
## / <param name="context">The context the object belongs to.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetContextOfObject*(`object`: JsValueRef; context: ptr JsContextRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetContextOfObject", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the internal data set on JsrtContext.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="context">The context to get the data from.</param>
## / <param name="data">The pointer to the data where data will be returned.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetContextData*(context: JsContextRef; data: ptr pointer): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetContextData", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets the internal data of JsrtContext.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="context">The context to set the data to.</param>
## / <param name="data">The pointer to the data to be set.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetContextData*(context: JsContextRef; data: pointer): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsSetContextData", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the runtime that the context belongs to.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="context">The context to get the runtime from.</param>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime the context belongs to.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetRuntime*(context: JsContextRef; runtime: ptr JsRuntimeHandle): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetRuntime", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Tells the runtime to do any idle processing it need to do.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / If idle processing has been enabled for the current runtime, calling <c>JsIdle</c> will
## / inform the current runtime that the host is idle and that the runtime can perform
## / memory cleanup tasks.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / <c>JsIdle</c> can also return the number of system ticks until there will be more idle work
## / for the runtime to do. Calling <c>JsIdle</c> before this number of ticks has passed will do
## / no work.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="nextIdleTick">
## / The next system tick when there will be more idle work to do. Can be null. Returns the
## / maximum number of ticks if there no upcoming idle work to do.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsIdle*(nextIdleTick: ptr cuint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl, importc: "JsIdle",
dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the symbol associated with the property ID.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="propertyId">The property ID to get the symbol of.</param>
## / <param name="symbol">The symbol associated with the property ID.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetSymbolFromPropertyId*(propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef;
symbol: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetSymbolFromPropertyId", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the type of property
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="propertyId">The property ID to get the type of.</param>
## / <param name="propertyIdType">The JsPropertyIdType of the given property ID</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetPropertyIdType*(propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef;
propertyIdType: ptr JsPropertyIdType): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetPropertyIdType", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the property ID associated with the symbol.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Property IDs are specific to a context and cannot be used across contexts.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="symbol">
## / The symbol whose property ID is being retrieved.
## / </param>
## / <param name="propertyId">The property ID for the given symbol.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetPropertyIdFromSymbol*(symbol: JsValueRef;
propertyId: ptr JsPropertyIdRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetPropertyIdFromSymbol", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a Javascript symbol.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="description">The string description of the symbol. Can be null.</param>
## / <param name="result">The new symbol.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateSymbol*(description: JsValueRef; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateSymbol", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the list of all symbol properties on the object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object from which to get the property symbols.</param>
## / <param name="propertySymbols">An array of property symbols.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetOwnPropertySymbols*(`object`: JsValueRef;
propertySymbols: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetOwnPropertySymbols", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the value of <c>undefined</c> in the current script context.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="undefinedValue">The <c>undefined</c> value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetUndefinedValue*(undefinedValue: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetUndefinedValue", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the value of <c>null</c> in the current script context.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="nullValue">The <c>null</c> value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetNullValue*(nullValue: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetNullValue", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the value of <c>true</c> in the current script context.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="trueValue">The <c>true</c> value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetTrueValue*(trueValue: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetTrueValue", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the value of <c>false</c> in the current script context.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="falseValue">The <c>false</c> value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetFalseValue*(falseValue: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetFalseValue", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a Boolean value from a <c>bool</c> value.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">The value to be converted.</param>
## / <param name="booleanValue">The converted value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsBoolToBoolean*(value: bool; booleanValue: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsBoolToBoolean", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Retrieves the <c>bool</c> value of a Boolean value.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="value">The value to be converted.</param>
## / <param name="boolValue">The converted value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsBooleanToBool*(value: JsValueRef; boolValue: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsBooleanToBool", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Converts the value to Boolean using standard JavaScript semantics.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">The value to be converted.</param>
## / <param name="booleanValue">The converted value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsConvertValueToBoolean*(value: JsValueRef; booleanValue: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsConvertValueToBoolean", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the JavaScript type of a JsValueRef.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="value">The value whose type is to be returned.</param>
## / <param name="type">The type of the value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetValueType*(value: JsValueRef; `type`: ptr JsValueType): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetValueType", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a number value from a <c>double</c> value.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="doubleValue">The <c>double</c> to convert to a number value.</param>
## / <param name="value">The new number value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsDoubleToNumber*(doubleValue: cdouble; value: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsDoubleToNumber", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a number value from an <c>int</c> value.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="intValue">The <c>int</c> to convert to a number value.</param>
## / <param name="value">The new number value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsIntToNumber*(intValue: cint; value: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsIntToNumber", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Retrieves the <c>double</c> value of a number value.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / This function retrieves the value of a number value. It will fail with
## / <c>JsErrorInvalidArgument</c> if the type of the value is not number.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">The number value to convert to a <c>double</c> value.</param>
## / <param name="doubleValue">The <c>double</c> value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsNumberToDouble*(value: JsValueRef; doubleValue: ptr cdouble): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsNumberToDouble", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Retrieves the <c>int</c> value of a number value.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / This function retrieves the value of a number value and converts to an <c>int</c> value.
## / It will fail with <c>JsErrorInvalidArgument</c> if the type of the value is not number.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">The number value to convert to an <c>int</c> value.</param>
## / <param name="intValue">The <c>int</c> value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsNumberToInt*(value: JsValueRef; intValue: ptr cint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsNumberToInt", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Converts the value to number using standard JavaScript semantics.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">The value to be converted.</param>
## / <param name="numberValue">The converted value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsConvertValueToNumber*(value: JsValueRef; numberValue: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsConvertValueToNumber", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the length of a string value.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="stringValue">The string value to get the length of.</param>
## / <param name="length">The length of the string.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetStringLength*(stringValue: JsValueRef; length: ptr cint): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetStringLength", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Converts the value to string using standard JavaScript semantics.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">The value to be converted.</param>
## / <param name="stringValue">The converted value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsConvertValueToString*(value: JsValueRef; stringValue: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsConvertValueToString", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the global object in the current script context.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="globalObject">The global object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetGlobalObject*(globalObject: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetGlobalObject", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The new object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateObject*(`object`: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCreateObject", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new object that stores some external data.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="data">External data that the object will represent. May be null.</param>
## / <param name="finalizeCallback">
## / A callback for when the object is finalized. May be null.
## / </param>
## / <param name="object">The new object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateExternalObject*(data: pointer; finalizeCallback: JsFinalizeCallback;
`object`: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCreateExternalObject", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Converts the value to object using standard JavaScript semantics.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">The value to be converted.</param>
## / <param name="object">The converted value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsConvertValueToObject*(value: JsValueRef; `object`: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsConvertValueToObject", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Returns the prototype of an object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object whose prototype is to be returned.</param>
## / <param name="prototypeObject">The object's prototype.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetPrototype*(`object`: JsValueRef; prototypeObject: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetPrototype", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets the prototype of an object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object whose prototype is to be changed.</param>
## / <param name="prototypeObject">The object's new prototype.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetPrototype*(`object`: JsValueRef; prototypeObject: JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsSetPrototype", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Performs JavaScript "instanceof" operator test.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object to test.</param>
## / <param name="constructor">The constructor function to test against.</param>
## / <param name="result">Whether "object instanceof constructor" is true.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsInstanceOf*(`object`: JsValueRef; constructor: JsValueRef; result: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsInstanceOf", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Returns a value that indicates whether an object is extensible or not.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object to test.</param>
## / <param name="value">Whether the object is extensible or not.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetExtensionAllowed*(`object`: JsValueRef; value: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetExtensionAllowed", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Makes an object non-extensible.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object to make non-extensible.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsPreventExtension*(`object`: JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsPreventExtension", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets an object's property.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object that contains the property.</param>
## / <param name="propertyId">The ID of the property.</param>
## / <param name="value">The value of the property.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef;
value: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets a property descriptor for an object's own property.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object that has the property.</param>
## / <param name="propertyId">The ID of the property.</param>
## / <param name="propertyDescriptor">The property descriptor.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetOwnPropertyDescriptor*(`object`: JsValueRef;
propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef;
propertyDescriptor: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetOwnPropertyDescriptor", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Gets the list of all properties on the object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object from which to get the property names.</param>
## / <param name="propertyNames">An array of property names.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetOwnPropertyNames*(`object`: JsValueRef; propertyNames: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetOwnPropertyNames", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Puts an object's property.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object that contains the property.</param>
## / <param name="propertyId">The ID of the property.</param>
## / <param name="value">The new value of the property.</param>
## / <param name="useStrictRules">The property set should follow strict mode rules.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef;
value: JsValueRef; useStrictRules: bool): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsSetProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Determines whether an object has a property.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object that may contain the property.</param>
## / <param name="propertyId">The ID of the property.</param>
## / <param name="hasProperty">Whether the object (or a prototype) has the property.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsHasProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef;
hasProperty: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsHasProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Deletes an object's property.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object that contains the property.</param>
## / <param name="propertyId">The ID of the property.</param>
## / <param name="useStrictRules">The property set should follow strict mode rules.</param>
## / <param name="result">Whether the property was deleted.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsDeleteProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef;
useStrictRules: bool; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsDeleteProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Defines a new object's own property from a property descriptor.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object that has the property.</param>
## / <param name="propertyId">The ID of the property.</param>
## / <param name="propertyDescriptor">The property descriptor.</param>
## / <param name="result">Whether the property was defined.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsDefineProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef;
propertyDescriptor: JsValueRef; result: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsDefineProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Tests whether an object has a value at the specified index.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object to operate on.</param>
## / <param name="index">The index to test.</param>
## / <param name="result">Whether the object has a value at the specified index.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsHasIndexedProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; index: JsValueRef;
result: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsHasIndexedProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Retrieve the value at the specified index of an object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object to operate on.</param>
## / <param name="index">The index to retrieve.</param>
## / <param name="result">The retrieved value.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetIndexedProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; index: JsValueRef;
result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetIndexedProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Set the value at the specified index of an object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object to operate on.</param>
## / <param name="index">The index to set.</param>
## / <param name="value">The value to set.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetIndexedProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; index: JsValueRef;
value: JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsSetIndexedProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Delete the value at the specified index of an object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object to operate on.</param>
## / <param name="index">The index to delete.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsDeleteIndexedProperty*(`object`: JsValueRef; index: JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsDeleteIndexedProperty", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Determines whether an object has its indexed properties in external data.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="object">The object.</param>
## / <param name="value">Whether the object has its indexed properties in external data.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsHasIndexedPropertiesExternalData*(`object`: JsValueRef; value: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsHasIndexedPropertiesExternalData", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Retrieves an object's indexed properties external data information.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="object">The object.</param>
## / <param name="data">The external data back store for the object's indexed properties.</param>
## / <param name="arrayType">The array element type in external data.</param>
## / <param name="elementLength">The number of array elements in external data.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetIndexedPropertiesExternalData*(`object`: JsValueRef; data: ptr pointer;
arrayType: ptr JsTypedArrayType; elementLength: ptr cuint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetIndexedPropertiesExternalData", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets an object's indexed properties to external data. The external data will be used as back
## / store for the object's indexed properties and accessed like a typed array.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object">The object to operate on.</param>
## / <param name="data">The external data to be used as back store for the object's indexed properties.</param>
## / <param name="arrayType">The array element type in external data.</param>
## / <param name="elementLength">The number of array elements in external data.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetIndexedPropertiesToExternalData*(`object`: JsValueRef; data: pointer;
arrayType: JsTypedArrayType; elementLength: cuint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsSetIndexedPropertiesToExternalData", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Compare two JavaScript values for equality.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / This function is equivalent to the <c>==</c> operator in Javascript.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object1">The first object to compare.</param>
## / <param name="object2">The second object to compare.</param>
## / <param name="result">Whether the values are equal.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsEquals*(object1: JsValueRef; object2: JsValueRef; result: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsEquals", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Compare two JavaScript values for strict equality.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / This function is equivalent to the <c>===</c> operator in Javascript.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="object1">The first object to compare.</param>
## / <param name="object2">The second object to compare.</param>
## / <param name="result">Whether the values are strictly equal.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsStrictEquals*(object1: JsValueRef; object2: JsValueRef; result: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsStrictEquals", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Determines whether an object is an external object.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="object">The object.</param>
## / <param name="value">Whether the object is an external object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsHasExternalData*(`object`: JsValueRef; value: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsHasExternalData", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Retrieves the data from an external object.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="object">The external object.</param>
## / <param name="externalData">
## / The external data stored in the object. Can be null if no external data is stored in the
## / object.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetExternalData*(`object`: JsValueRef; externalData: ptr pointer): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsGetExternalData", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets the external data on an external object.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="object">The external object.</param>
## / <param name="externalData">
## / The external data to be stored in the object. Can be null if no external data is
## / to be stored in the object.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetExternalData*(`object`: JsValueRef; externalData: pointer): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsSetExternalData", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a Javascript array object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="length">The initial length of the array.</param>
## / <param name="result">The new array object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateArray*(length: cuint; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCreateArray", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a Javascript ArrayBuffer object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="byteLength">
## / The number of bytes in the ArrayBuffer.
## / </param>
## / <param name="result">The new ArrayBuffer object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateArrayBuffer*(byteLength: cuint; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateArrayBuffer", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a Javascript ArrayBuffer object to access external memory.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>Requires an active script context.</remarks>
## / <param name="data">A pointer to the external memory.</param>
## / <param name="byteLength">The number of bytes in the external memory.</param>
## / <param name="finalizeCallback">A callback for when the object is finalized. May be null.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">User provided state that will be passed back to finalizeCallback.</param>
## / <param name="result">The new ArrayBuffer object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateExternalArrayBuffer*(data: pointer; byteLength: cuint;
finalizeCallback: JsFinalizeCallback;
callbackState: pointer; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateExternalArrayBuffer", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a Javascript typed array object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / The <c>baseArray</c> can be an <c>ArrayBuffer</c>, another typed array, or a JavaScript
## / <c>Array</c>. The returned typed array will use the baseArray if it is an ArrayBuffer, or
## / otherwise create and use a copy of the underlying source array.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="arrayType">The type of the array to create.</param>
## / <param name="baseArray">
## / The base array of the new array. Use <c>JS_INVALID_REFERENCE</c> if no base array.
## / </param>
## / <param name="byteOffset">
## / The offset in bytes from the start of baseArray (ArrayBuffer) for result typed array to reference.
## / Only applicable when baseArray is an ArrayBuffer object. Must be 0 otherwise.
## / </param>
## / <param name="elementLength">
## / The number of elements in the array. Only applicable when creating a new typed array without
## / baseArray (baseArray is <c>JS_INVALID_REFERENCE</c>) or when baseArray is an ArrayBuffer object.
## / Must be 0 otherwise.
## / </param>
## / <param name="result">The new typed array object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateTypedArray*(arrayType: JsTypedArrayType; baseArray: JsValueRef;
byteOffset: cuint; elementLength: cuint;
result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCreateTypedArray", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a Javascript DataView object.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="arrayBuffer">
## / An existing ArrayBuffer object to use as the storage for the result DataView object.
## / </param>
## / <param name="byteOffset">
## / The offset in bytes from the start of arrayBuffer for result DataView to reference.
## / </param>
## / <param name="byteLength">
## / The number of bytes in the ArrayBuffer for result DataView to reference.
## / </param>
## / <param name="result">The new DataView object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateDataView*(arrayBuffer: JsValueRef; byteOffset: cuint;
byteLength: cuint; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateDataView", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Obtains frequently used properties of a typed array.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="typedArray">The typed array instance.</param>
## / <param name="arrayType">The type of the array.</param>
## / <param name="arrayBuffer">The ArrayBuffer backstore of the array.</param>
## / <param name="byteOffset">The offset in bytes from the start of arrayBuffer referenced by the array.</param>
## / <param name="byteLength">The number of bytes in the array.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetTypedArrayInfo*(typedArray: JsValueRef;
arrayType: ptr JsTypedArrayType;
arrayBuffer: ptr JsValueRef; byteOffset: ptr cuint;
byteLength: ptr cuint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetTypedArrayInfo", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Obtains the underlying memory storage used by an <c>ArrayBuffer</c>.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="arrayBuffer">The ArrayBuffer instance.</param>
## / <param name="buffer">
## / The ArrayBuffer's buffer. The lifetime of the buffer returned is the same as the lifetime of the
## / the ArrayBuffer. The buffer pointer does not count as a reference to the ArrayBuffer for the purpose
## / of garbage collection.
## / </param>
## / <param name="bufferLength">The number of bytes in the buffer.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetArrayBufferStorage*(arrayBuffer: JsValueRef; buffer: ptr ChakraBytePtr;
bufferLength: ptr cuint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetArrayBufferStorage", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Obtains the underlying memory storage used by a typed array.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="typedArray">The typed array instance.</param>
## / <param name="buffer">
## / The array's buffer. The lifetime of the buffer returned is the same as the lifetime of the
## / the array. The buffer pointer does not count as a reference to the array for the purpose
## / of garbage collection.
## / </param>
## / <param name="bufferLength">The number of bytes in the buffer.</param>
## / <param name="arrayType">The type of the array.</param>
## / <param name="elementSize">
## / The size of an element of the array.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetTypedArrayStorage*(typedArray: JsValueRef; buffer: ptr ChakraBytePtr;
bufferLength: ptr cuint;
arrayType: ptr JsTypedArrayType;
elementSize: ptr cint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetTypedArrayStorage", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Obtains the underlying memory storage used by a DataView.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="dataView">The DataView instance.</param>
## / <param name="buffer">
## / The DataView's buffer. The lifetime of the buffer returned is the same as the lifetime of the
## / the DataView. The buffer pointer does not count as a reference to the DataView for the purpose
## / of garbage collection.
## / </param>
## / <param name="bufferLength">The number of bytes in the buffer.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetDataViewStorage*(dataView: JsValueRef; buffer: ptr ChakraBytePtr;
bufferLength: ptr cuint): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetDataViewStorage", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Invokes a function.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires thisArg as first argument of arguments.
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="function">The function to invoke.</param>
## / <param name="arguments">The arguments to the call.</param>
## / <param name="argumentCount">The number of arguments being passed in to the function.</param>
## / <param name="result">The value returned from the function invocation, if any.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCallFunction*(function: JsValueRef; arguments: ptr JsValueRef;
argumentCount: cushort; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCallFunction", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Invokes a function as a constructor.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="function">The function to invoke as a constructor.</param>
## / <param name="arguments">The arguments to the call.</param>
## / <param name="argumentCount">The number of arguments being passed in to the function.</param>
## / <param name="result">The value returned from the function invocation.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsConstructObject*(function: JsValueRef; arguments: ptr JsValueRef;
argumentCount: cushort; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsConstructObject", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new JavaScript function.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="nativeFunction">The method to call when the function is invoked.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">
## / User provided state that will be passed back to the callback.
## / </param>
## / <param name="function">The new function object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateFunction*(nativeFunction: JsNativeFunction; callbackState: pointer;
function: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCreateFunction", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new JavaScript function with name.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="name">The name of this function that will be used for diagnostics and stringification purposes.</param>
## / <param name="nativeFunction">The method to call when the function is invoked.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">
## / User provided state that will be passed back to the callback.
## / </param>
## / <param name="function">The new function object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateNamedFunction*(name: JsValueRef; nativeFunction: JsNativeFunction;
callbackState: pointer; function: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateNamedFunction", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new JavaScript error object
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="message">Message for the error object.</param>
## / <param name="error">The new error object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateError*(message: JsValueRef; error: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCreateError", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new JavaScript RangeError error object
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="message">Message for the error object.</param>
## / <param name="error">The new error object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateRangeError*(message: JsValueRef; error: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateRangeError", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new JavaScript ReferenceError error object
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="message">Message for the error object.</param>
## / <param name="error">The new error object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateReferenceError*(message: JsValueRef; error: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateReferenceError", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new JavaScript SyntaxError error object
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="message">Message for the error object.</param>
## / <param name="error">The new error object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateSyntaxError*(message: JsValueRef; error: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateSyntaxError", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new JavaScript TypeError error object
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="message">Message for the error object.</param>
## / <param name="error">The new error object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateTypeError*(message: JsValueRef; error: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateTypeError", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates a new JavaScript URIError error object
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="message">Message for the error object.</param>
## / <param name="error">The new error object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateURIError*(message: JsValueRef; error: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateURIError", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Determines whether the runtime of the current context is in an exception state.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / If a call into the runtime results in an exception (either as the result of running a
## / script or due to something like a conversion failure), the runtime is placed into an
## / "exception state." All calls into any context created by the runtime (except for the
## / exception APIs) will fail with <c>JsErrorInExceptionState</c> until the exception is
## / cleared.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / If the runtime of the current context is in the exception state when a callback returns
## / into the engine, the engine will automatically rethrow the exception.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="hasException">
## / Whether the runtime of the current context is in the exception state.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsHasException*(hasException: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsHasException", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Returns the exception that caused the runtime of the current context to be in the
## / exception state and resets the exception state for that runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / If the runtime of the current context is not in an exception state, this API will return
## / <c>JsErrorInvalidArgument</c>. If the runtime is disabled, this will return an exception
## / indicating that the script was terminated, but it will not clear the exception (the
## / exception will be cleared if the runtime is re-enabled using
## / <c>JsEnableRuntimeExecution</c>).
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="exception">The exception for the runtime of the current context.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetAndClearException*(exception: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetAndClearException", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets the runtime of the current context to an exception state.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / If the runtime of the current context is already in an exception state, this API will
## / return <c>JsErrorInExceptionState</c>.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="exception">
## / The JavaScript exception to set for the runtime of the current context.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / JsNoError if the engine was set into an exception state, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetException*(exception: JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsSetException", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Suspends script execution and terminates any running scripts in a runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Calls to a suspended runtime will fail until <c>JsEnableRuntimeExecution</c> is called.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / This API does not have to be called on the thread the runtime is active on. Although the
## / runtime will be set into a suspended state, an executing script may not be suspended
## / immediately; a running script will be terminated with an uncatchable exception as soon as
## / possible.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Suspending execution in a runtime that is already suspended is a no-op.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime to be suspended.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsDisableRuntimeExecution*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsDisableRuntimeExecution", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Enables script execution in a runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Enabling script execution in a runtime that already has script execution enabled is a
## / no-op.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="runtime">The runtime to be enabled.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsEnableRuntimeExecution*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsEnableRuntimeExecution", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Returns a value that indicates whether script execution is disabled in the runtime.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="runtime">Specifies the runtime to check if execution is disabled.</param>
## / <param name="isDisabled">If execution is disabled, <c>true</c>, <c>false</c> otherwise.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsIsRuntimeExecutionDisabled*(runtime: JsRuntimeHandle; isDisabled: ptr bool): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsIsRuntimeExecutionDisabled", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Sets a promise continuation callback function that is called by the context when a task
## / needs to be queued for future execution
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="promiseContinuationCallback">The callback function being set.</param>
## / <param name="callbackState">
## / User provided state that will be passed back to the callback.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetPromiseContinuationCallback*(promiseContinuationCallback: JsPromiseContinuationCallback;
callbackState: pointer): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsSetPromiseContinuationCallback", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
## Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## / \mainpage Chakra Hosting API Reference
## /
## / Chakra is Microsoft's JavaScript engine. It is an integral part of Internet Explorer but can
## / also be hosted independently by other applications. This reference describes the APIs available
## / to applications to host Chakra.
## /
## / \file
## / \brief The Chakra Core hosting API.
## /
## / This file contains a flat C API layer. This is the API exported by ChakraCore.dll.
{.deadCodeElim: on.}
chakraLib* = "./"
when not defined(CHAKRACORE_H):
ChakraCommon, ChakraDebug
JsModuleRecord* = pointer
JsParseModuleSourceFlags* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsParseModuleSourceFlags_DataIsUTF16LE = 0x00000000,
JsParseModuleSourceFlags_DataIsUTF8 = 0x00000001
JsModuleHostInfoKind* {.size: sizeof(cint).} = enum
JsModuleHostInfo_Exception = 0x00000001,
JsModuleHostInfo_HostDefined = 0x00000002,
JsModuleHostInfo_NotifyModuleReadyCallback = 0x00000003,
JsModuleHostInfo_FetchImportedModuleCallback = 0x00000004
## / <summary>
## / User implemented callback to fetch additional imported modules.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Notify the host to fetch the dependent module. This is the "import" part before HostResolveImportedModule in ES6 spec.
## / This notifies the host that the referencing module has the specified module dependency, and the host need to retrieve the module back.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="referencingModule">The referencing module that is requesting the dependency modules.</param>
## / <param name="specifier">The specifier coming from the module source code.</param>
## / <param name="dependentModuleRecord">The ModuleRecord of the dependent module. If the module was requested before from other source, return the
## / existing ModuleRecord, otherwise return a newly created ModuleRecord.</param>
## / <returns>
## / true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise.
## / </returns>
FetchImportedModuleCallBack* = proc (referencingModule: JsModuleRecord;
specifier: JsValueRef;
dependentModuleRecord: ptr JsModuleRecord): JsErrorCode {.
## / <summary>
## / User implemented callback to get notification when the module is ready.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Notify the host after ModuleDeclarationInstantiation step ( is finished. If there was error in the process, exceptionVar
## / holds the exception. Otherwise the referencingModule is ready and the host should schedule execution afterwards.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="referencingModule">The referencing module that have finished running ModuleDeclarationInstantiation step.</param>
## / <param name="exceptionVar">If nullptr, the module is successfully initialized and host should queue the execution job
## / otherwise it's the exception object.</param>
## / <returns>
## / true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise.
## / </returns>
NotifyModuleReadyCallback* = proc (referencingModule: JsModuleRecord;
exceptionVar: JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl.}
## / <summary>
## / Initialize a ModuleRecord from host
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / Bootstrap the module loading process by creating a new module record.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="referencingModule">The referencingModule as in HostResolveImportedModule ( nullptr if this is the top level module.</param>
## / <param name="normalizedSpecifier">The host normalized specifier. This is the key to a unique ModuleRecord.</param>
## / <param name="moduleRecord">The new ModuleRecord created. The host should not try to call this API twice with the same normalizedSpecifier.
## / chakra will return an existing ModuleRecord if the specifier was passed in before.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsInitializeModuleRecord*(referencingModule: JsModuleRecord;
normalizedSpecifier: JsValueRef;
moduleRecord: ptr JsModuleRecord): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsInitializeModuleRecord", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Parse the module source
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / This is basically ParseModule operation in ES6 spec. It is slightly different in that the ModuleRecord was initialized earlier, and passed in as an argument.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="requestModule">The ModuleRecord that holds the parse tree of the source code.</param>
## / <param name="sourceContext">A cookie identifying the script that can be used by debuggable script contexts.</param>
## / <param name="script">The source script to be parsed, but not executed in this code.</param>
## / <param name="scriptLength">The source length of sourceText. The input might contain embedded null.</param>
## / <param name="sourceFlag">The type of the source code passed in. It could be UNICODE or utf8 at this time.</param>
## / <param name="exceptionValueRef">The error object if there is parse error.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsParseModuleSource*(requestModule: JsModuleRecord;
sourceContext: JsSourceContext; script: ptr BYTE;
scriptLength: cuint;
sourceFlag: JsParseModuleSourceFlags;
exceptionValueRef: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsParseModuleSource", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Execute module code.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / This method implements, "ModuleEvaluation" concrete method.
## / When this methid is called, the chakra engine should have notified the host that the module and all its dependent are ready to be executed.
## / One moduleRecord will be executed only once. Additional execution call on the same moduleRecord will fail.
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="requestModule">The module to be executed.</param>
## / <param name="result">The return value of the module.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsModuleEvaluation*(requestModule: JsModuleRecord; result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsModuleEvaluation", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Set the host info for the specified module.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="requestModule">The request module.</param>
## / <param name="moduleHostInfo">The type of host info to be set.</param>
## / <param name="hostInfo">The host info to be set.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSetModuleHostInfo*(requestModule: JsModuleRecord;
moduleHostInfo: JsModuleHostInfoKind; hostInfo: pointer): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsSetModuleHostInfo", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Retrieve the host info for the specified module.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="requestModule">The request module.</param>
## / <param name="moduleHostInfo">The type of host info to get.</param>
## / <param name="hostInfo">The host info to be retrieved.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsGetModuleHostInfo*(requestModule: JsModuleRecord;
moduleHostInfo: JsModuleHostInfoKind;
hostInfo: ptr pointer): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsGetModuleHostInfo", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Called by the runtime to load the source code of the serialized script.
## / </summary>
## / <param name="sourceContext">The context passed to Js[Parse|Run]SerializedScriptCallback</param>
## / <param name="script">The script returned.</param>
## / <returns>
## / true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise.
## / </returns>
JsSerializedLoadScriptCallback* = proc (sourceContext: JsSourceContext;
value: ptr JsValueRef; parseAttributes: ptr JsParseScriptAttributes): bool {.
## / <summary>
## / Create JavascriptString variable from ASCII or Utf8 string
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Input string can be either ASCII or Utf8
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="content">Pointer to string memory.</param>
## / <param name="length">Number of bytes within the string</param>
## / <param name="value">JsValueRef representing the JavascriptString</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateString*(content: cstring; length: csize; value: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateString", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Create JavascriptString variable from Utf16 string
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Expects Utf16 string
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="content">Pointer to string memory.</param>
## / <param name="length">Number of characters within the string</param>
## / <param name="value">JsValueRef representing the JavascriptString</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreateStringUtf16*(content: ptr uint16; length: csize; value: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.
cdecl, importc: "JsCreateStringUtf16", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Write JavascriptString value into C string buffer (Utf8)
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / When size of the `buffer` is unknown,
## / `buffer` argument can be nullptr.
## / In that case, `written` argument will return the length needed.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">JavascriptString value</param>
## / <param name="buffer">Pointer to buffer</param>
## / <param name="bufferSize">Buffer size</param>
## / <param name="written">Total number of characters written</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCopyString*(value: JsValueRef; buffer: cstring; bufferSize: csize;
written: ptr csize): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCopyString", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Write string value into Utf16 string buffer
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / When size of the `buffer` is unknown,
## / `buffer` argument can be nullptr.
## / In that case, `written` argument will return the length needed.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / when start is out of range or &lt; 0, returns JsErrorInvalidArgument
## / and `written` will be equal to 0.
## / If calculated length is 0 (It can be due to string length or `start`
## / and length combination), then `written` will be equal to 0 and call
## / returns JsNoError
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="value">JavascriptString value</param>
## / <param name="start">start offset of buffer</param>
## / <param name="length">length to be written</param>
## / <param name="buffer">Pointer to buffer</param>
## / <param name="written">Total number of characters written</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCopyStringUtf16*(value: JsValueRef; start: cint; length: cint;
buffer: ptr uint16; written: ptr csize): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCopyStringUtf16", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Parses a script and returns a function representing the script.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Script source can be either JavascriptString or JavascriptExternalArrayBuffer.
## / In case it is an ExternalArrayBuffer, and the encoding of the buffer is Utf16,
## / JsParseScriptAttributeArrayBufferIsUtf16Encoded is expected on parseAttributes.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Use JavascriptExternalArrayBuffer with Utf8/ASCII script source
## / for better performance and smaller memory footprint.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="script">The script to run.</param>
## / <param name="sourceContext">
## / A cookie identifying the script that can be used by debuggable script contexts.
## / </param>
## / <param name="sourceUrl">The location the script came from.</param>
## / <param name="parseAttributes">Attribute mask for parsing the script</param>
## / <param name="result">The result of the compiled script.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsParse*(script: JsValueRef; sourceContext: JsSourceContext;
sourceUrl: JsValueRef; parseAttributes: JsParseScriptAttributes;
result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl, importc: "JsParse",
dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Executes a script.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Script source can be either JavascriptString or JavascriptExternalArrayBuffer.
## / In case it is an ExternalArrayBuffer, and the encoding of the buffer is Utf16,
## / JsParseScriptAttributeArrayBufferIsUtf16Encoded is expected on parseAttributes.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Use JavascriptExternalArrayBuffer with Utf8/ASCII script source
## / for better performance and smaller memory footprint.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="script">The script to run.</param>
## / <param name="sourceContext">
## / A cookie identifying the script that can be used by debuggable script contexts.
## / </param>
## / <param name="sourceUrl">The location the script came from</param>
## / <param name="parseAttributes">Attribute mask for parsing the script</param>
## / <param name="result">The result of the script, if any. This parameter can be null.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsRun*(script: JsValueRef; sourceContext: JsSourceContext;
sourceUrl: JsValueRef; parseAttributes: JsParseScriptAttributes;
result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl, importc: "JsRun",
dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Creates the property ID associated with the name.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Property IDs are specific to a context and cannot be used across contexts.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="name">
## / The name of the property ID to get or create. The name may consist of only digits.
## / The string is expected to be ASCII / utf8 encoded.
## / </param>
## / <param name="length">length of the name in bytes</param>
## / <param name="propertyId">The property ID in this runtime for the given name.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCreatePropertyId*(name: cstring; length: csize;
propertyId: ptr JsPropertyIdRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCreatePropertyId", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Copies the name associated with the property ID into a buffer.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / When size of the `buffer` is unknown,
## / `buffer` argument can be nullptr.
## / `length` argument will return the size needed.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="propertyId">The property ID to get the name of.</param>
## / <param name="buffer">The buffer holding the name associated with the property ID, encoded as utf8</param>
## / <param name="bufferSize">Size of the buffer.</param>
## / <param name="written">Total number of characters written or to be written</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsCopyPropertyId*(propertyId: JsPropertyIdRef; buffer: cstring;
bufferSize: csize; length: ptr csize): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsCopyPropertyId", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Serializes a parsed script to a buffer than can be reused.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / <c>JsSerializeScript</c> parses a script and then stores the parsed form of the script in a
## / runtime-independent format. The serialized script then can be deserialized in any
## / runtime without requiring the script to be re-parsed.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Script source can be either JavascriptString or JavascriptExternalArrayBuffer.
## / In case it is an ExternalArrayBuffer, and the encoding of the buffer is Utf16,
## / JsParseScriptAttributeArrayBufferIsUtf16Encoded is expected on parseAttributes.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / Use JavascriptExternalArrayBuffer with Utf8/ASCII script source
## / for better performance and smaller memory footprint.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="script">The script to serialize</param>
## / <param name="buffer">ArrayBuffer</param>
## / <param name="parseAttributes">Encoding for the script.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsSerialize*(script: JsValueRef; buffer: ptr JsValueRef;
parseAttributes: JsParseScriptAttributes): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsSerialize", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Parses a serialized script and returns a function representing the script.
## / Provides the ability to lazy load the script source only if/when it is needed.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="buffer">The serialized script as an ArrayBuffer (preferably ExternalArrayBuffer).</param>
## / <param name="scriptLoadCallback">
## / Callback called when the source code of the script needs to be loaded.
## / This is an optional parameter, set to null if not needed.
## / </param>
## / <param name="sourceContext">
## / A cookie identifying the script that can be used by debuggable script contexts.
## / This context will passed into scriptLoadCallback.
## / </param>
## / <param name="sourceUrl">The location the script came from.</param>
## / <param name="result">A function representing the script code.</param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsParseSerialized*(buffer: JsValueRef;
scriptLoadCallback: JsSerializedLoadScriptCallback;
sourceContext: JsSourceContext; sourceUrl: JsValueRef;
result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsParseSerialized", dynlib: chakraLib.}
## / <summary>
## / Runs a serialized script.
## / Provides the ability to lazy load the script source only if/when it is needed.
## / </summary>
## / <remarks>
## / <para>
## / Requires an active script context.
## / </para>
## / <para>
## / The runtime will hold on to the buffer until all instances of any functions created from
## / the buffer are garbage collected.
## / </para>
## / </remarks>
## / <param name="buffer">The serialized script as an ArrayBuffer (preferably ExternalArrayBuffer).</param>
## / <param name="scriptLoadCallback">Callback called when the source code of the script needs to be loaded.</param>
## / <param name="sourceContext">
## / A cookie identifying the script that can be used by debuggable script contexts.
## / This context will passed into scriptLoadCallback.
## / </param>
## / <param name="sourceUrl">The location the script came from.</param>
## / <param name="result">
## / The result of running the script, if any. This parameter can be null.
## / </param>
## / <returns>
## / The code <c>JsNoError</c> if the operation succeeded, a failure code otherwise.
## / </returns>
proc JsRunSerialized*(buffer: JsValueRef;
scriptLoadCallback: JsSerializedLoadScriptCallback;
sourceContext: JsSourceContext; sourceUrl: JsValueRef;
result: ptr JsValueRef): JsErrorCode {.cdecl,
importc: "JsRunSerialized", dynlib: chakraLib.}
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