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Created June 21, 2012 20:17
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Save rosshanney/2968287 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adds [if-swd], [if-spd], [if-mwd] and [if-mpd] shortcodes to the event display builder
class GCE_Event{
private $id;
private $title;
private $description;
private $location;
private $start_time;
private $end_time;
private $link;
private $type;
private $num_in_day;
private $pos;
private $feed;
private $day_type;
private $time_now;
private $regex;
function __construct( $id, $title, $description, $location, $start_time, $end_time, $link ) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->title = $title;
$this->description = $description;
$this->location = $location;
$this->start_time = $start_time;
$this->end_time = $end_time;
$this->link = $link;
//Calculate which day type this event is (SWD = single whole day, SPD = single part day, MWD = multiple whole day, MPD = multiple part day)
if ( ( $start_time + 86400 ) <= $end_time ) {
if ( ( $start_time + 86400 ) == $end_time ) {
$this->day_type = 'SWD';
} else {
if ( ( '12:00 am' == date( 'g:i a', $start_time ) ) && ( '12:00 am' == date( 'g:i a', $end_time ) ) ) {
$this->day_type = 'MWD';
} else {
$this->day_type = 'MPD';
} else {
$this->day_type = 'SPD';
function set_feed( $feed ) {
$this->feed = $feed;
function get_feed() {
return $this->feed;
function get_start_time() {
return $this->start_time;
function get_end_time() {
return $this->end_time;
function get_day_type() {
return $this->day_type;
//Returns an array of days (as UNIX timestamps) that this events spans
function get_days() {
//Round start date to nearest day
$start_time = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm', $this->start_time ), date( 'd', $this->start_time ) , date( 'Y', $this->start_time ) );
$days = array();
//If multiple day events should be handled, and this event is a multi-day event, add multiple day event to required days
if ( $this->feed->get_multi_day() && ( 'MPD' == $this->day_type || 'MWD' == $this->day_type ) ) {
$on_next_day = true;
$next_day = $start_time;
while ( $on_next_day ) {
//If the end time of the event is after 00:00 on the next day (therefore, not doesn't end on this day)
if ( $this->end_time > $next_day ) {
//If $next_day is within the event retrieval date range (specified by retrieve events from / until settings)
if ( $next_day >= $this->feed->get_feed_start() && $next_day < $this->feed->get_feed_end() ) {
$days[] = $next_day;
} else {
$on_next_day = false;
$next_day += 86400;
} else {
//Add event into array of events for that day
$days[] = $start_time;
return $days;
//Returns the markup for this event, so that it can be used in the construction of a grid / list
function get_event_markup( $display_type, $num_in_day, $num ) {
//Set the display type (either tooltip or list)
$this->type = $display_type;
//Set which number event this is in day (first in day etc)
$this->num_in_day = $num_in_day;
//Set the position of this event in array of events currently being processed
$this->pos = $num;
$this->time_now = current_time( 'timestamp' );
//Use the builder or the old display options to create the markup, depending on user choice
if ( $this->feed->get_use_builder() )
return $this->use_builder();
return $this->use_old_display_options();
//Return the event markup using the builder
function use_builder() {
//Array of valid shortcodes
$shortcodes = array(
//Event / feed information shortcodes
'event-title', //The event title
'start-time', //The start time of the event (uses the time format from the feed options, if it is set. Otherwise uses the default WordPress time format)
'start-date', //The start date of the event (uses the date format from the feed options, if it is set. Otherwise uses the default WordPress date format)
'start-custom', //The start time / date of the event (uses a custom PHP date format, specified in the 'format' attribute)
'start-human', //The difference between the start time of the event and the time now, in human-readable format, such as '1 hour', '4 days', '15 mins'
'end-time', //The end time of the event (uses the time format from the feed options, if it is set. Otherwise uses the default WordPress time format)
'end-date', //The end date of the event (uses the date format from the feed options, if it is set. Otherwise uses the default WordPress date format)
'end-custom', //The end time / date of the event (uses a custom PHP date format, specified in the 'format' attribute)
'end-human', //The difference between the end time of the event and the time now, in human-readable format, such as '1 hour', '4 days', '15 mins'
'location', //The event location
'description', //The event deescription (number of words can be limited by the 'limit' attribute)
'link', //Anything within this shortcode (including further shortcodes) will be linked to the Google Calendar page for this event
'url', //The raw link URL to the Google Calendar page for this event (can be used to construct more customized links)
'feed-id', //The ID of this feed (Can be useful for constructing feed specific CSS classes)
'feed-title', //The feed title
'maps-link', //Anything within this shortcode (including further shortcodes) will be linked to a Google Maps page based on whatever is specified for the event location
'length', //How long the events lasts, in human-readable format
'event-num', //The position of the event in the current list, or the position of the event in the current month (for grids)
'event-id', //The event UID (unique identifier assigned by Google)
'cal-id', //The calendar ID
//Anything between the opening and closing tags of the following logical shortcodes (including further shortcodes) will only be displayed if:
'if-all-day', //This is an all-day event
'if-not-all-day', //This is not an all-day event
'if-title', //The event has a title
'if-description', //The event has a description
'if-location', //The event has a location
'if-tooltip', //The current display type is 'tooltip'
'if-list', //The current display type is 'list'
'if-now', //The event is taking place now (after the start time, but before the end time)
'if-not-now', //The event is not taking place now (may have ended or not yet started)
'if-started', //The event has started (and even if it has ended)
'if-not-started', //The event has not yet started
'if-ended', //The event has ended
'if-not-ended', //The event has not ended (and even if it hasn't started)
'if-first', //The event is the first in the day
'if-not-first', //The event is not the first in the day
'if-multi-day', //The event spans multiple days
'if-single-day', //The event does not span multiple days
$this->regex = '/(.?)\[(' . implode( '|', $shortcodes ) . ')\b(.*?)(?:(\/))?\](?:(.+?)\[\/\2\])?(.?)/s';
return $this->look_for_shortcodes( $this->feed->get_builder() );
//Look through the EDB markup for shortcodes
function look_for_shortcodes( $markup ) {
return preg_replace_callback( $this->regex, array( $this, 'process_shortcode' ), $markup );
//Parse a shortcode, returning the appropriate event information
//Much of this code is 'borrowed' from WordPress' own shortcode handling stuff!
function process_shortcode( $m ) {
if ( '[' == $m[1] && ']' == $m[6] )
return substr( $m[0], 1, -1 );
//Extract any attributes contained in the shortcode
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'newwindow' => 'false',
'format' => '',
'limit' => '0',
'html' => 'false',
'markdown' => 'false',
'precision' => '1',
'offset' => '0',
'autolink' => 'true'
), shortcode_parse_atts( $m[3] ) ) );
//Sanitize the attributes
$newwindow = ( 'true' === $newwindow );
$format = esc_attr( $format );
$limit = absint( $limit );
$html = ( 'true' === $html );
$markdown = ( 'true' === $markdown );
$precision = absint( $precision );
$offset = intval( $offset );
$autolink = ( 'true' === $autolink );
//Do the appropriate stuff depending on which shortcode we're looking at. See valid shortcode list (above) for explanation of each shortcode
switch ( $m[2] ) {
case 'event-title':
$title = esc_html( trim( $this->title ) );
if ( $markdown && function_exists( 'Markdown' ) )
$title = Markdown( $title );
if ( $html )
$title = wp_kses_post( html_entity_decode( $title ) );
return $m[1] . $title . $m[6];
case 'start-time':
return $m[1] . date_i18n( $this->feed->get_time_format(), $this->start_time + $offset ) . $m[6];
case 'start-date':
return $m[1] . date_i18n( $this->feed->get_date_format(), $this->start_time + $offset ) . $m[6];
case 'start-custom':
return $m[1] . date_i18n( $format, $this->start_time + $offset ) . $m[6];
case 'start-human':
return $m[1] . $this->gce_human_time_diff( $this->start_time + $offset, $this->time_now, $precision ) . $m[6];
case 'end-time':
return $m[1] . date_i18n( $this->feed->get_time_format(), $this->end_time + $offset ) . $m[6];
case 'end-date':
return $m[1] . date_i18n( $this->feed->get_date_format(), $this->end_time + $offset ) . $m[6];
case 'end-custom':
return $m[1] . date_i18n( $format, $this->end_time + $offset ) . $m[6];
case 'end-human':
return $m[1] . $this->gce_human_time_diff( $this->end_time + $offset, $this->time_now, $precision ) . $m[6];
case 'location':
$location = esc_html( trim( $this->location ) );
if ( $markdown && function_exists( 'Markdown' ) )
$location = Markdown( $location );
if ( $html )
$location = wp_kses_post( html_entity_decode( $location ) );
return $m[1] . $location . $m[6];
case 'description':
$description = esc_html( trim( $this->description ) );
//If a word limit has been set, trim the description to the required length
if ( 0 != $limit ) {
preg_match( '/([\S]+\s*){0,' . $limit . '}/', esc_html( $this->description ), $description );
$description = trim( $description[0] );
if ( $markdown || $html ) {
if ( $markdown && function_exists( 'Markdown' ) )
$description = Markdown( $description );
if ( $html )
$description = wp_kses_post( html_entity_decode( $description ) );
//Otherwise, preserve line breaks
$description = nl2br( $description );
//Make URLs clickable if required
if ( $autolink )
$description = make_clickable( $description );
return $m[1] . $description . $m[6];
case 'link':
$new_window = ( $newwindow ) ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
return $m[1] . '<a href="' . esc_url( $this->link . '&ctz=' . $this->feed->get_timezone() ) . '"' . $new_window . '>' . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . '</a>' . $m[6];
case 'url':
return $m[1] . esc_url( $this->link . '&ctz=' . $this->feed->get_timezone() ) . $m[6];
case 'feed-id':
return $m[1] . intval( $this->feed->get_feed_id() ) . $m[6];
case 'feed-title':
return $m[1] . esc_html( $this->feed->get_feed_title() ) . $m[6];
case 'maps-link':
$new_window = ( $newwindow ) ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
return $m[1] . '<a href="' . esc_url( '' . urlencode( $this->location ) ) . '"' . $new_window . '>' . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . '</a>' . $m[6];
case 'length':
return $m[1] . $this->gce_human_time_diff( $this->start_time, $this->end_time, $precision ) . $m[6];
case 'event-num':
return $m[1] . intval( $this->pos ) . $m[6];
case 'event-id':
return $m[1] . esc_html( $this->id ) . $m[6];
case 'cal-id':
$cal_id = explode( '/', $this->feed->get_feed_url() );
return $m[1] . esc_html( $cal_id[5] ) . $m[6];
case 'if-all-day':
if ( 'SWD' == $this->day_type || 'MWD' == $this->day_type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-not-all-day':
if ( 'SPD' == $this->day_type || 'MPD' == $this->day_type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-title':
if ( '' != $this->title )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-description':
if ( '' != $this->description )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-location':
if ( '' != $this->location )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-tooltip':
if ( 'tooltip' == $this->type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-list':
if ( 'list' == $this->type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-now':
if ( $this->time_now >= $this->start_time && $this->time_now < $this->end_time )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-not-now':
if ( $this->end_time < $this->time_now || $this->start_time > $this->time_now )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-started':
if ( $this->start_time < $this->time_now )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-not-started':
if ( $this->start_time > $this->time_now )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-ended':
if ( $this->end_time < $this->time_now )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-not-ended':
if ( $this->end_time > $this->time_now )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-first':
if ( 0 == $this->num_in_day )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-not-first':
if ( 0 != $this->num_in_day )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-multi-day':
if ( 'MPD' == $this->day_type || 'MWD' == $this->day_type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-single-day':
if ( 'SPD' == $this->day_type || 'SWD' == $this->day_type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-swd':
if ( 'SWD' == $this->day_type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-spd':
if ( 'SPD' == $this->day_type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-mwd':
if ( 'MWD' == $this->day_type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
case 'if-mpd':
if ( 'MPD' == $this->day_type )
return $m[1] . $this->look_for_shortcodes( $m[5] ) . $m[6];
return '';
//Return the event markup using the old display options
function use_old_display_options() {
$display_options = $this->feed->get_display_options();
$markup = '<p class="gce-' . $this->type . '-event">' . esc_html( $this->title ) . '</p>';
$start_end = array();
//If start date / time should be displayed, set up array of start date and time
if ( 'none' != $display_options['display_start'] ) {
$sd = $this->start_time;
$start_end['start'] = array(
'time' => date_i18n( $this->feed->get_time_format(), $sd ),
'date' => date_i18n( $this->feed->get_date_format(), $sd )
//If end date / time should be displayed, set up array of end date and time
if ( 'none' != $display_options['display_end'] ) {
$ed = $this->end_time;
$start_end['end'] = array(
'time' => date_i18n( $this->feed->get_time_format(), $ed ),
'date' => date_i18n( $this->feed->get_date_format(), $ed )
//Add the correct start / end, date / time information to $markup
foreach ( $start_end as $start_or_end => $info ) {
$markup .= '<p class="gce-' . $this->type . '-' . $start_or_end . '"><span>' . esc_html( $display_options['display_' . $start_or_end . '_text'] ) . '</span> ';
switch ( $display_options['display_' . $start_or_end] ) {
case 'time': $markup .= esc_html( $info['time'] );
case 'date': $markup .= esc_html( $info['date'] );
case 'time-date': $markup .= esc_html( $info['time'] . $display_options['display_separator'] . $info['date'] );
case 'date-time': $markup .= esc_html( $info['date'] . $display_options['display_separator'] . $info['time'] );
$markup .= '</p>';
//If location should be displayed (and is not empty) add to $markup
if ( isset( $display_options['display_location'] ) ) {
$event_location = $this->location;
if ( '' != $event_location )
$markup .= '<p class="gce-' . $this->type . '-loc"><span>' . esc_html( $display_options['display_location_text'] ) . '</span> ' . esc_html( $event_location ) . '</p>';
//If description should be displayed (and is not empty) add to $markup
if ( isset($display_options['display_desc'] ) ) {
$event_desc = $this->description;
if ( '' != $event_desc ) {
//Limit number of words of description to display, if required
if ( '' != $display_options['display_desc_limit'] ) {
preg_match( '/([\S]+\s*){0,' . $display_options['display_desc_limit'] . '}/', $this->description, $event_desc );
$event_desc = trim( $event_desc[0] );
$markup .= '<p class="gce-' . $this->type . '-desc"><span>' . $display_options['display_desc_text'] . '</span> ' . make_clickable( nl2br( esc_html( $event_desc ) ) ) . '</p>';
//If link should be displayed add to $markup
if ( isset($display_options['display_link'] ) )
$markup .= '<p class="gce-' . $this->type . '-link"><a href="' . esc_url( $this->link ) . '&amp;ctz=' . esc_html( $this->feed->get_timezone() ) . '"' . ( ( isset( $display_options['display_link_target'] ) ) ? ' target="_blank"' : '' ) . '>' . esc_html( $display_options['display_link_text'] ) . '</a></p>';
return $markup;
//Returns the difference between two times in human-readable format. Based on a patch for human_time_diff posted in the WordPress trac ( by Viper007Bond
function gce_human_time_diff( $from, $to = '', $limit = 1 ) {
$units = array(
31556926 => array( __( '%s year', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ), __( '%s years', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ) ),
2629744 => array( __( '%s month', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ), __( '%s months', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ) ),
604800 => array( __( '%s week', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ), __( '%s weeks', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ) ),
86400 => array( __( '%s day', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ), __( '%s days', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ) ),
3600 => array( __( '%s hour', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ), __( '%s hours', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ) ),
60 => array( __( '%s min', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ), __( '%s mins', GCE_TEXT_DOMAIN ) ),
if ( empty( $to ) )
$to = time();
$from = (int) $from;
$to = (int) $to;
$diff = (int) abs( $to - $from );
$items = 0;
$output = array();
foreach ( $units as $unitsec => $unitnames ) {
if ( $items >= $limit )
if ( $diff < $unitsec )
$numthisunits = floor( $diff / $unitsec );
$diff = $diff - ( $numthisunits * $unitsec );
if ( $numthisunits > 0 )
$output[] = sprintf( _n( $unitnames[0], $unitnames[1], $numthisunits ), $numthisunits );
$seperator = _x( ', ', 'human_time_diff' );
if ( ! empty( $output ) ) {
return implode( $seperator, $output );
} else {
$smallest = array_pop( $units );
return sprintf( $smallest[0], 1 );
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