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REU Site Proposal: Ecology, evolution, and equity of environmental change
Nature of student activities
Proposals should address the approach to undergraduate research training being taken and should provide detailed descriptions of examples of research projects that students will pursue. So that reviewers can evaluate intellectual merit, this discussion should indicate the significance of the research area and, when appropriate, the underlying theoretical framework, hypotheses, research questions, etc. Undergraduate research experiences have their greatest impact in situations that lead the students from a relatively dependent status to as independent a status as their competence warrants. Proposals must present plans that will ensure the development of student-faculty interaction and student-student communication. Development of collegial relationships and interactions is an important part of the project.
The research environment
This subsection should describe the history and charac
# OK we're missing bits on ends
group_by(x,V1) %>%
#spline to get them
rossibarra / bad_bottleneck.R
Created April 10, 2019 17:56
bad R/ms simulation of bottlenecks
before<-as.numeric(sapply(1:20, function(i)
system(paste("~/src/msdir/ms 10 1000 -t", 4*theta, "-r", 4*theta, "1000 | ~/src/msdir/sample_stats | cut -f 2 | ~/src/msdir/stats | cut -f 1")
#find outliers for some cutoff
probs<-lapply(1:5, function(pop) pbinom(dh_freq[[pop]],size=sample_size,prob=filtered_pop_ancestral[[pop]]))
outliers<-lapply(1:5, function(pop) probs[[pop]]<cutoff)
#find shared loci. calculate their mean freq.
# This is the server logic of a Shiny web application. You can run the
# application by clicking 'Run App' above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
rossibarra / gist:888b0eae4af606e82fffb6c902a8ca82
Created July 10, 2017 00:46
replicate genome size from Bilinski
Line Gsize Rep
Ki3 6.01 1
Ky21 5.63 1
NC358 5.88 1
B73 5.46 1
CML247 6.05 1
CML52 6.13 1
P39 5.5 1
H95 5.8 1
A188 5.63 1
rossibarra / rayburn.csv
Created May 1, 2017 01:01
Rayburn flowering time
cycle genome_size_arbitrary_units num_plants_observed
0 98.01819754107606 11.902720858242162
0 99.93708563622464 26.918449449186003
0 101.98794350240003 33.1647679562858
0 104.03729743956086 19.73894298855761
0 105.96658771039341 5.820330613728373
0 107.99914777355843 2.7222368437543096
6 97.94738754997431 0.6726322517577188
6 99.99786943389606 7.000914890150526
6 102.00360942963493 23.082929152410674
title: "Identifying sweeps with reduced representation sequencing"
html_document: default
bibliography: biblio.bib
## Setup
To run this, you will need the R packages ``gsl``, ``cowplot``, ``tidyverse``, and ``viridis`` installed, as well as the software [ms]( installed. The original R markdown code can be found on [github](
fullid AcID Pop Ind genomesize leaf3.0 leaf3.1 leaf3.2 leaf3.3 dailyavg3 leaf4.0 leaf4.1 leaf4.2 leaf4.3 dailyavg4 dailyavgall stom_cell1 stom_cell2 stom_cell3 stom_cell4 stom_cell5 stom_cell6 stom_cell7 stom_cell8 stom_cell9 stom_cell10 stom_cell11 stom_cell12 stom_cell13 stom_cell14 stom_cell15 stom_cell16 stom_cell17 stom_cell18 stom_cell19 stom_cell20 stom_cell21 stom_cell22 stom_cell23 stom_cell24 stom_cell25 stom_cell26 stom_cell27 stom_cell28 stom_cell29 stom_cell30 stom_cell31 stom_cell32 stom_cell33 stom_cell34 stom_cell35 stom_cell36 stom_cell37 stom_cell38 stom_cell39 stom_cell40 stom_cell41 stom_cell42 stom_cell43 stom_cell44 stom_cell45 stom_cell46 stom_cell47 stom_cell48 stom_cell49 stom_cell50 stom_cell51 stom_cell52 stom_cell53 stom_cell54 stom_cell55 stom_cell56 stom_cell57 stom_cell58 stom_cell59 stom_cell60 stom_cell61 mid_cell1 mid_cell2 mid_cell3 mid_cell4 mid_cell5 mid_cell6 mid_cell7 mid_cell8 mid_cell9 mid_cell10 mid_cell11 mid_cell12 mid_cell13 mid_cell14 mid_cell15 mid_cell16 mid_cel
rossibarra / sfsPC
Created June 21, 2016 18:51
sfs planar chico methylation data
f Freq
0 240519
1 15155
2 8763
3 6083
4 4801
5 3999
6 3652
7 3225
8 3005