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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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public extension Array {
:param: transform The closure to apply to each value of `self`.
:returns: `Array` containing the results of mapping `transform` over `self` and removing all `nil` values.
public func filterMap<U>(transform: (T) -> U?) -> [U] {
var mapped = [U]()
for item in self {
if let unwrapped = transform(item)? {
return mapped
public extension Dictionary {
Create a `Dictionary` from an `Array` of `Elements` (`Elements` are `(Key, Value)` pairs).
public init(elements: [Element]) {
for (k, v) in elements {
self[k] = v
:param: transform The closure to apply to each value of `self`.
:returns: `Dictionary` containing the results of mapping `transform` over `self.values`. Keys are the same as 'self'.
public func map<K: Hashable, V>(transform: Element -> (K, V)) -> [K: V] {
return Dictionary<K, V>(elements:, transform))
:param: includeElement The closure that determines if a given `Element` should be included in the output array.
:returns: `Dictionary` containing the elements of `self`, in order, that satisfy the predicate includeElement.
public func filter(includeElement: Element -> Bool) -> [Key: Value] {
return Dictionary(elements: Swift.filter(self, includeElement))
:param: transform The closure to apply to each value of `self`.
:returns: `Dictionary` containing the results of mapping `transform` over `self.values` and removing all keys for `nil` values. Non-nil keys are the same as 'self'.
public func filterMap<U>(transform: (Key, Value) -> (Key, U?)) -> [Key: U] {
var mapped = { transform( $0, $1) }
var filtered = mapped.filter { $1 != nil}
return { ($0, $1!) }
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