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Last active December 15, 2015 04:39
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  • Save rossmurray/5203220 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rossmurray/5203220 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rust 0.6 (incoming branch) solution to google code jam practice problem "Store Credit"
fn main() {
let mut input = get_lines();
let num_cases_str = vec::remove(&mut input, 0);
let num_cases = int::from_str(num_cases_str).get();
let mut i = 1;
while i <= num_cases {
let credit = int::from_str(vec::remove(&mut input, 0)).get();
let _num_items = int::from_str(vec::remove(&mut input, 0)).get();
let items = vec::map(str::split_char(vec::remove(&mut input, 0), ' '), |&s| int::from_str(s).get());
let (a, b) = best_buy(credit, items);
io::println(fmt!("Case #%d: %u %u", i, a, b));
i += 1;
fn best_buy(credit: int, items: &[int]) -> (uint, uint) {
let buyable = vec::filtered(items, |&itm| itm <= credit);
let mut best_pair = (0, 1);
let mut best_total = 0;
let mut i = 0;
let mut j: uint;
while i < buyable.len() - 1 {
j = i + 1;
while j < buyable.len() {
let tmp_total = items[i] + items[j];
if tmp_total <= credit && tmp_total > best_total {
best_pair = (i+1, j+1);
best_total = tmp_total;
j += 1;
i += 1;
fn get_lines() -> ~[~str] {
let mut result = ~[];
let reader = io::stdin();
let util = @reader as @io::ReaderUtil;
while !reader.eof() {
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In this problem you must grab 2 unique items (no more or less). So what looks like a dynamic programming problem at first is actually solved by simply searching all unique pairs. After eliminating unusable items, even google's large input file takes under a second.

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