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Last active May 24, 2017 12:03
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Behat / ES Helper
Feature: Cookie Jar
Scenario: The last cookie put in the jar is the first eaten
Given I put a raisin cookie in the jar
And I put a chocolate cookie in the jar
When I eat a cookie
Then I should have eaten a chocolate cookie
Scenario: I eat multiple cookies
Given I put a raisin cookie in the jar
And I put a chocolate cookie in the jar
When I eat a cookie
And I eat a cookie
Then I should have eaten a chocolate cookie
Then I should have eaten a raisin cookie
Scenario: Something something BDD
Given I put a raisin cookie in the jar
And I put a chocolate cookie in the jar
When I eat a cookie
And I eat a cookie
Then I should have eaten at least one chocolate cookie
use Assert\Assertion;
use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException;
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
* Defines application features from the specific context.
class FeatureContext implements Context, SnippetAcceptingContext
* @var EventTimeline
private $timeline;
public function __construct()
$this->timeline = new EventTimeline(CookieJar::class);
* @Given I put a :flavor cookie in the jar
public function iPutARaisinCookieInTheJar($flavor)
$this->timeline->given(new CookiePlacedInJar($flavor));
* @When I eat a cookie
public function iEatACookie()
* @Then I should have eaten a :flavor cookie
public function iShouldHaveEatenACookie($flavor)
new CookieEaten($flavor),
* @Then I should have eaten at least one :flavor cookie
public function iShouldHaveEatenAtLeastOneCookie($flavor)
new CookieEaten($flavor),
'', true, false //phpunit, yo
// Written for a Broadway style agregate
class EventTimeline
* @var string
private $aggregateClassName;
* @var object|null
private $aggregate;
* @var object[]
private $past = [];
* @var object[]
private $future = [];
* @var object[]
private $runningEvents = [];
* @param string $aggregateClassName
public function __construct($aggregateClassName)
$this->aggregateClassName = $aggregateClassName;
public function given($event)
$this->past[] = $event;
public function whenI()
if ($this->aggregate !== null) {
return $this->aggregate;
$this->aggregate = $this->aggregateClassName::reconstituteForHydration();
array_map([$this->aggregate, 'handleEvent'], $this->past);
return $this->aggregate;
public function next()
$nextEvent = array_shift($this->runningEvents);
if ($nextEvent === null) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No more events');
return $nextEvent;
public function getNewEvents()
return $this->future;
private function captureNewEvents()
$newEvents = $this->whenI()->getUncommittedEvents();
$this->future = array_merge($this->future, $newEvents);
$this->runningEvents = array_merge($this->runningEvents, $newEvents);
class CookieJar extends AggregateRoot
private $cookies = [];
public function restockCookie($flavor)
$this->apply(new CookiePlacedInJar($flavor));
public function eatCookie()
if (empty($this->cookies)) {
throw new \LogicException('Cookies all gone');
$this->apply(new CookieEaten(end($this->cookies)));
protected function applyCookiePlacedInJar(CookiePlacedInJar $event)
$this->cookies[] = $event->getFlavor();
protected function applyCookieEaten(CookieEaten $event)
if (empty($this->cookies)) {
throw new \LogicException('That...probably wasn\'t a cookie');
$key = array_pop($this->cookies);
abstract class AggregateRoot
private $pendingEvents = [];
public function handleEvent($event)
$classParts = explode('\\', get_class($event));
$methodName = 'apply' . end($classParts);
if (method_exists($this, $methodName)) {
protected function apply($event)
$this->pendingEvents[] = $event;
public function getUncommittedEvents()
$events = $this->pendingEvents;
$this->pendingEvents = [];
return $events;
public static function reconstituteForHydration()
return new static();
class CookiePlacedInJar
* @var string
private $flavor;
* @param string $flavor
public function __construct($flavor)
$this->flavor = $flavor;
* @return string
public function getFlavor()
return $this->flavor;
class CookieEaten
* @var string
private $flavor;
* @param string $flavor
public function __construct($flavor)
$this->flavor = $flavor;
* @return string
public function getFlavor()
return $this->flavor;
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