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Created March 2, 2024 15:23
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A PHP file watching watching server and JS reloading script for local development
Live.js - One script closer to Designing in the Browser
Written for by Martin Kool (@mrtnkl).
Updated by Ross Wintle ( to:
- Use EventSource for server-sent events
- Use async/await
- Use fetch instead of XMLHttpRequest for requests
- Be a JS class
- Use a hash of the HTML to check for content changes
- Use manually configured monitors (specify JS, CSS, HTML in the constructor)
- Update the CSS change detection to actually work with modern browsers
Comments from the original Live.js:
Version 4.
Recent change: Made stylesheet and mimetype checks case insensitive. (MIT)
Include live.js#css to monitor css changes only.
Include live.js#js to monitor js changes only.
Include live.js#html to monitor html changes only.
Mix and match to monitor a preferred combination such as live.js#html,css
By default, just include live.js to monitor all css, js and html changes.
Live.js can also be loaded as a bookmarklet. It is best to only use it for CSS then,
as a page reload due to a change in html or css would not re-include the bookmarklet.
To monitor CSS and be notified that it has loaded, include it as: live.js#css,notify
class Live {
constructor() {
* The URL of the watch script's server
* @type {string}
this.monitorUrl = 'http://localhost:8008';
* Set up the EventSource object
* @type {EventSource}
this.eventSrc = new EventSource(this.monitorUrl);
this.eventSrc.addEventListener('buildComplete', (event) => this.heartbeat());
* The headers to check for changes
* @type {Array<string>}
this.headers = [ "Etag", "Last-Modified", "Content-Length", "Content-Type" ];
* The list of resource to monitor
* @type {object}
this.resources = {};
* The hash of the current page's HTML
* @type {number|boolean}
this.htmlHash = false;
* The list of pending requests
* @type {object}
this.pendingRequests = {};
* The list of current link elements for CSS files
* @type {object}
this.currentLinkElements = {};
* The list of old link elements for CSS files
* @type {object}
this.oldLinkElements = {};
* The script's loaded state
* @type {boolean}
this.loaded = false;
* Which monitors are active
* @type {object}
*/ = { "html": 1, "css": 1, "js": 1 };
* The main checking function that runs when an event is received to say that
* something has changed.
async heartbeat() {
if (document.body) {
// make sure all resources are loaded on first activation
if (!this.loaded) {
await this.loadresources();
await this.checkForChanges();
* Helper method to assert if a given url is local
* @param {string} url
* @return {boolean}
isLocal(url) {
const loc = document.location;
const urlObject = new URL(url, loc.href);
return urlObject.origin === loc.origin;
* Loads all local css and js resources upon first activation
async loadresources() {
let uris = [];
// Set the HTML hash if we're tracking HTML
if ( {
this.htmlHash = await this.getCurrentPageHash();
// Track local JS URLs
if ( {
const scripts = this.getLocalScriptUris();
// Track local CSS URLs
if ( {
const cssLinks = this.getLocalCssUris();
// Initialize the resources info
( async url => {
const info = await this.getHead(url);
this.resources[url] = info;
} ).bind(this)
// Add styles for morphing between old and new css files
const head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
const style = document.createElement("style");
const rule = "transition: all .3s ease-out;";
const css = `.livejs-loading * { ${rule} }`;
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
// We are loaded!
this.loaded = true;
* Returns an array of uri's for all local scripts
* @returns {Array<string>}
getLocalScriptUris() {
const uris = [];
const scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
Array.from(scripts).forEach(script => {
const src = script.getAttribute("src");
if (src && this.isLocal(src)) {
return uris;
* Returns an array of uri's for all local css files
* @returns {Array<string>}
getLocalCssUris() {
const uris = [];
const links = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
Array.from(links).forEach(link => {
const rel = link.getAttribute("rel");
const href = link.getAttribute("href");
if (href && rel && rel.match(new RegExp("stylesheet", "i")) && this.isLocal(href)) {
// TODO: What is this for?
this.currentLinkElements[href] = link;
} )
return uris;
* Checks all tracking resources for changes
async checkForChanges() {
// Get the new content hash and reload if it has changed
if ( {
const newHash = await this.getCurrentPageHash();
if (newHash !== this.htmlHash) {
// Iterate over all resources and check for changes
Object.keys(this.resources).forEach(async (url) => {
await this.checkResourceForChanges(url);
* Checks a resource for changes
* @param {string} url
async checkResourceForChanges(url) {
if (this.pendingRequests[url]) {
let newInfo = await this.getHead(url);
let oldInfo = this.resources[url];
let contentType = newInfo["Content-Type"];
let hasChanged = false;
this.resources[url] = newInfo;
for (var header in oldInfo) {
// Do verification based on the header type
let oldHeaderValue = oldInfo[header];
let newHeaderValue = newInfo[header];
if (header.toLowerCase() === "etag" && !newHeaderValue) {
if (oldHeaderValue != newHeaderValue) {
hasChanged = true;
// If changed, act
if (hasChanged) {
this.refreshResource(url, contentType);
* Act upon a changed url of certain content type
* @param {*} url
* @param {*} resourceType
* @returns
refreshResource(url, resourceType) {
switch (resourceType.toLowerCase()) {
// CSS files can be reloaded dynamically by replacing the link element
case "text/css":
// debugger;
let link = this.currentLinkElements[url];
let html = document.documentElement;
let head = link.parentNode;
let newLink = document.createElement("link");
html.className = html.className.replace(/\s*livejs\-loading/gi, '') + ' livejs-loading';
newLink.type = 'text/css';
newLink.rel = 'stylesheet';
newLink.href = url + "?now=" + (new Date().getTime());
this.currentLinkElements[url] = newLink;
this.oldLinkElements[url] = link;
// schedule removal of the old link
// check if an html resource is our current url, then reload
case "text/html":
if (url != document.location.href) {
// local javascript changes cause a reload as well
case "text/javascript":
case "application/javascript":
case "application/x-javascript":
* Removes the old stylesheet rules only once the new one has finished loading.
* The delayed retrys on deleting links are to allow the transition animation to happen
* when the new sheet loads. It waits until the new stylesheet is loaded before
* deleting the old one. There is no event that tells us when a stylesheet is loaded!
removeOldLinkElements() {
// debugger;
let pending = 0;
for (var url in this.oldLinkElements) {
// Check if the new links has finished loading
const link = this.currentLinkElements[url];
if (!link.sheet) {
// The new link has finished loading. We can delete the old link now.
const oldLink = this.oldLinkElements[url];
const html = document.documentElement;
delete this.oldLinkElements[url];
// Wait for animations to complete. This is a guess/hack.
setTimeout(function () {
html.className = html.className.replace(/\s*livejs\-loading/gi, '');
}, 100);
// Retry if the new sheets weren't all loaded.
if (pending) {
setTimeout(this.removeOldLinkElements.bind(this), 50);
* Loads the current page and returns a hash of the content
* @returns {Promise<number|boolean>}
async getCurrentPageHash() {
const html = await this.getNewHtml();
if (!html) {
return false;
return this.hashCode(html);
* Fetches up to date HTML for the current page
* @returns {Promise<string|boolean>}
async getNewHtml() {
try {
const response = await fetch(document.location.href, { method: 'GET' });
if (response.ok) {
return await response.text();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
return false;
* Performs a HEAD request and returns the header info
* @param {string} url
* @return {Promise<object>}
async getHead(url) {
let response;
this.pendingRequests[url] = true;
try {
response = await fetch(url, { method: 'HEAD' });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Fetch Error: ${error}`);
return {};
if (!response.ok) throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
let headerInfo = {};
// Process the headers that we want to check
this.headers.forEach((header) => {
let value = response.headers.get(header);
if (header.toLowerCase() === "etag" && value) {
value = value.replace(/^W\//, '');
if (header.toLowerCase() === "content-type" && value) {
value = value.replace(/^(.*?);.*?$/i, "$1");
headerInfo[header] = value;
delete this.pendingRequests[url];
return headerInfo;
* Generates a simple hash of the string
* @param {string} str
* @return {number}
hashCode(str) {
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
let chr = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
return hash;
if (document.location.protocol != "file:") {
if (!window.liveJsLoaded) {
var LiveJs = new Live();
window.liveJsLoaded = true;
} else {
console.log("Live.js doesn't support the file protocol. It needs http.");
* A file watch script that sends server-side events to the client when a file is modified.
* Requires a build script: ``
* This will create files called `.modified_time` - be sure to add this to your `.gitignore` file.
* Events sent are:
* - ping: A ping event to keep the connection alive - no data is sent.
* - buildComplete: A build has completed. This sends a JSON object with a timestamp of the build: { timestamp: 1234567890 }
// Directories to watch - modify if necessary
$directories = [
$modifiedFilename = '.modified_time';
$projectModifiedFilename = 'public/' . $modifiedFilename;
function getDirectoryModifiedTime($directory) {
// Check if we are running on MacOS
if (PHP_OS === 'Darwin') {
return getDirectoryModifiedTimeMac($directory);
} else {
return getDirectoryModifiedTimeLinux($directory);
* Get the modified time of the most recently modified file in a directory (MacOS version).
* @param string $directory The directory to check.
* @return int
function getDirectoryModifiedTimeMac($directory) {
global $modifiedFilename;
exec ("find \"$directory\" -type f -not -name \"$modifiedFilename\" -exec stat -f '%m' {} \; | sort -n | tail -1", $output);
return (int)$output[0];
* Get the modified time of the most recently modified file in a directory (Linux version).
* @param string $directory
* @return int
function getDirectoryModifiedTimeLinux($directory) {
global $modifiedFilename;
exec ("find \"$directory\" -type f -not -name \"$modifiedFilename\" -exec stat -c '%Y' {} \; | sort -n | tail -1", $output);
return (int)$output[0];
header("Cache-Control: no-store");
header("Content-Type: text/event-stream");
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
$lastModifiedTime = 0;
$lastRunTime = 0;
$lastRunTime = time();
if (! file_exists($projectModifiedFilename)) {
file_put_contents($projectModifiedFilename, 0);
} else {
$lastModifiedTime = (int)(file_get_contents($projectModifiedFilename));
while (true) {
if (connection_aborted() === 1) {
echo "event: ping\n\n";
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
$modifiedTime = getDirectoryModifiedTime($directory);
if ($modifiedTime > $lastModifiedTime) {
$lastModifiedTime = $modifiedTime;
if ($lastModifiedTime > $lastRunTime) {
file_put_contents($projectModifiedFilename, $lastModifiedTime);
$lastRunTime = $lastModifiedTime;
echo "event: buildComplete\n";
echo "data: " . json_encode(['timestamp' => $lastRunTime]) . "\n\n";
echo "Starting PHP watch server on localhost:8008"
echo "Press Ctrl+\ to stop the server"
php -S localhost:8008 watch.php
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