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Forked from mottosso/
Created February 22, 2016 22:09
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QML Console Test

QML Console Test


import sys
import contextlib
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtQuick
def application():
app = QtGui.QGuiApplication(sys.argv)
class Model(QtCore.QAbstractListModel):
def __init__(self, items, parent=None):
super(Model, self).__init__(parent)
self._items = items
def rowCount(self, parent=None):
return len(self._items)
def data(self, index, role=QtCore.QModelIndex()):
if role == QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 0:
return self._items[index.row()]
def roleNames(self):
return {
QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 0: "line",
if __name__ == '__main__':
import json
with open("data.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)
qml = QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile("console.qml")
with application():
window = QtQuick.QQuickView()
engine = window.engine()
context = engine.rootContext()
model = Model(data * 2000) # Loads of items
context.setContextProperty("myModel", model)
import QtQuick 2.3
Rectangle {
width: 500
height: 300
color: "steelblue"
ListView {
id: listview
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 5
model: myModel
delegate: Text {
text: line
width: ListView.view.width
Scrollbar {
flickable: listview
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
width: 25
"Bye bye!",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:36",
"Hello Marcus!",
"I have a quick question: Would it be ok for you if we postpone the start to the next Monday?",
"I have a deadline till Friday for a few documents and I don't think I will make it.",
"Would it be ok for you? Let me know. If not, i will try to move a few things around.",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:37",
"Hey Rostik",
"Oh, okay",
"Yes, sure, that's ok",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:37",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:38",
"It would be best if we could decide on 2 days up-front, so I can better manage my schedule",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:38",
"Yehh, sorry.",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:38",
"These things are probably something good for a contract of sorts",
"No worries, we'll work it out as we go",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:38",
"If you have already planned everything out, We can start tomorrow",
"but I won't be able to stay the whole day",
"if that's ok?",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:39",
"No that's ok, don't worry, do what you got to do",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:39",
"This way we can keep Thursday and Friday, so your schedule stays the same",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:40",
"I wouldn't want you to stress",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:40",
"That would be ok.",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:40",
"Ok, how would you like to proceed?",
"Thursday or Monday?",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:41",
"Monday to be honest. And from then on every Monday/Tuesday?",
"so, your schedule is always the same",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:41",
"Ok, let's do that",
"I've got lots of things to fill the comings days with, this works well for me too",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:42",
"perfekt, thanks. Sorry for the inconvinience",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:42",
"No problem, so Monday/Tuesday? Or Monday/Friday? Next week that is",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:42",
"What days are better for you?",
"We can do Monday/Thursday?",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:43",
"I think consecutive days would be better concentration-wise, what do you think?",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:43",
"so, during the week I can work on things and ask you on Thursday :-)",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:43",
"Ok, let's do that :)",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:43",
"ok, great.",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:43",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:44",
"Till next monday then! Have a nice day",
"mottosso Sep 02 15:44",
"No problem",
"You too, talk soon!",
"rostikL Sep 02 15:44",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:00",
"Good morning @rostikL!",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:00",
"Good morning, Marcus!",
"Was about to write you",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:00",
"How's things?",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:01",
"but your were faster",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:01",
"Was staring at the clock!",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:01",
"Hehe, me too :-)",
"How are you?",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:01",
"All good",
"Had a nice weekend of C++",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:02",
"So do you hate the world now? Like most people feel after c++ :-)",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:02",
"Hah, no not at all",
"I like it a lot",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:02",
"then you are an exception",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:03",
"Hehe, I get the feeling most of the hate comes from pre-c++11",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:03",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:03",
"How was your weekend?",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:04",
"Ok. Had to work on a few documents",
"But now it's done",
"so i am happy",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:04",
"Sounds boring",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:04",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:05",
"The API of humans",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:05",
"Had to be done",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:05",
"Should we get right to it?",
"Oh actually there is one thing",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:06",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:06",
"I might be heading out for a project soon",
"This is the part where 2 days a week serves it's purpose, it means I might be busy during weekdays",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:07",
"Ahh, so you can still work with us?",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:08",
"If it's allright with you, I could do DICE on Saturdays and Sundays",
"Of course",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:08",
"For me these are workdays too, so that wouldn't be a problem",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:08",
"Just that it might be difficult on weekdays",
"When do you take a break?",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:08",
"Next year I hope :smile:",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:08",
"Hehe, ok, perfect",
"Was dreading to tell you",
"But it's a really great project",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:09",
"No, some sundays I have to pause",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:09",
"Difficult to pass up",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:09",
"But would it be just for a month?",
"or longer?",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:09",
"At least a month, at most three",
"Expecting to hear from them tomorrow morning",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:10",
"and you will work from Monday to Friday?",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:10",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:11",
"Ok, I have to discuss it with my collegues",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:11",
"Please do",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:11",
"but I think if we plan everything out, it could work",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:11",
"Me too",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:11",
"But when do you take a break?",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:12",
"Next year I hope",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:12",
"If you work from Monday till Sunday?",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:12",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:12",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:12",
"Let's kickstart today?",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:12",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:13",
"Were we splitting up the repo in GitHub?",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:13",
"should we do a hangout (now/later?) or do your prefer writing?",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:13",
"I figured we'd write",
"We could talk if you'd like",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:13",
"I think it could be faster",
"mottosso Sep 07 09:14",
"Let's do it",
"rostikL Sep 07 09:14",
"I'll call you",
"mottosso Sep 09 09:09",
"Hey @rostikL, sorry for not getting back sooner, I'm still awaiting to hear back about the project.",
"I'll get back to you as soon as I know anything, but it's safe to say I'll be here tomorrow",
"rostikL Sep 09 09:12",
"Hi Marcus!",
"No problem. Thanks for the info.",
"rostikL 14:13",
"Quick question: Should we work tomorrow or move it to another day? What is best for you?",
"mottosso 14:14",
"Tomorrow works well for me",
"rostikL 14:14",
"Ok, great. Looking forward to it.",
"mottosso 14:14",
"I won't be heading anywhere until Monday, earliest",
"Me too",
"rostikL 14:15",
"I have already separated the repos and created submodules, looks really nice now",
"mottosso 14:15",
"Ah, that's great :smile:",
"mottosso 19:02",
"Ok, so I'm heading down on Monday, staying until 13th October, possibly but unlikely longer",
"Just wanted to let you know!",
"Working on finding a place to sleep and work with you on the weekends now, will let you know how that turns out.",
"rostikL 19:07",
"Ok. Thanks. Only until 13th October is not much anyway, only 4 weeks :smile:",
"Will be over before you know it",
"Talk to you tomorrow!",
"rostikL 08:57",
"Hi, Marcus. I'll be a little late at my PC, in about 30min.",
"mottosso 08:57",
"Hi Rostik, no problem, see you in a bit!",
"rostikL 09:30",
"Ok, i am here. Hi!",
"mottosso 09:30",
"30 mins on the dot",
"I like punctuality :smile:",
"I'm working on a console example"
import QtQuick 2.3
Item {
property Flickable flickable
visible: flickable.visibleArea.heightRatio < 1.0
MouseArea {
id: handle
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: "yellow"
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
width: 20
height: Math.max(30, flickable.visibleArea.heightRatio * flickable.height)
y: ! && !isNaN(flickable.visibleArea.heightRatio) ? (drag.maximumY * flickable.contentY) / (flickable.contentHeight * (1 - flickable.visibleArea.heightRatio)) : 0 handle
drag.axis: Drag.YAxis
drag.minimumY: 0
drag.maximumY: flickable.height - handle.height
Binding {
target: flickable
property: "contentY"
value: ((flickable.contentHeight * (1 - flickable.visibleArea.heightRatio)) * handle.y) / handle.drag.maximumY
when: !flickable.moving && && flickable !== undefined
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