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Last active May 5, 2018 13:02
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Pupil Center Labeling Tool
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
from cv2 import waitKey
from cv2 import imshow
from cv2 import imread
from cv2 import namedWindow
from cv2 import setMouseCallback
from cv2 import destroyAllWindows
from cv2 import EVENT_LBUTTONUP
__name__ = 'Pupil Center Labeling Tool'
ix, iy = -1, -1
read_next = False
def ispressed(button, delay=1):
return True if waitKey(delay) == button else False
def read_coordinates(event, x, y, flags, param):
Mouse callback function
global ix, iy
global read_next
if event == EVENT_LBUTTONUP:
ix, iy = x, y
read_next = True
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Tool for fast manual pupil center labeling.')
help='Path to dataset with eye images in PNG format.')
help='Path to file for writing coordinates.',
args = parser.parse_args()
pictures = Path(args.dataset).glob('*.png')
data = 'Image_num X Y\n'
setMouseCallback(__name__, read_coordinates)
picture_path = next(pictures)
picture_num = int('.')[0])
image = imread(str(picture_path))
while not ispressed(27):
if read_next:
data += f'{picture_num} {ix} {iy}\n'
read_next = False
picture_path = next(pictures)
picture_num = int('.')[0])
image = imread(str(picture_path))
imshow(__name__, image)
with open(args.storelabels, 'w') as f:
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