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Created April 13, 2020 19:00
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DEEP-FRI Algebraic Hash
e = 128
E.<X> = GF(2^e) # E = GF(2^e)
P.<Y> = PolynomialRing(E) # P = GF(2^e)[Y]
F = E.base_ring() # F = GF(2)
V = VectorSpace(F, e) # V = (GF(2))^e
# isomorphism \phi : E -> V
def to_vector(elem):
assert elem in E
coeff = map(F, '{:b}'.format(elem.integer_representation())[::-1])
coeff = coeff + [F(0)] * (V.dimension() - len(coeff))
return V(coeff)
# isomorphism \phi^{-1} : V -> E
def from_vector(vec):
assert vec in V
return sum([X^i * c for (i, c) in enumerate(vec)])
# initial subspace L0
def subspace(dim):
return V.subspace(
map(to_vector, [X^i for i in range(dim)])
# dimension one subspace
def subspace1(L):
return V.subspace([L.an_element()])
# construct the subspace polynomial
def subspace_polynomial(L0):
return prod([(Y - from_vector(v)) for v in L0])
# find the 2 distinct preimages of a dimension 1 subspace polynomial
def preimages(q, s):
return tuple((q - s).roots(multiplicities = False))
# this is the polynomial written by the prover during COMMIT of DEEP-FRI
def B(s, q, f):
s0, s1 = preimages(q, s)
return P.lagrange_polynomial([
(s0, f(s0)),
(s1, f(s1))
# returns a function which computes H_x[f] at any point
def Hp(q, f, x):
return lambda s: B(s, q, f)(x)
# Calculate the full polynomial for H_x[f].
# This implementation is clearly very niave:
# In a "real implemenation" there should
# be no reason to covert from the Lagrange to monomial basis
def H(q, f, x):
h = Hp(q, f, x)
p = []
for i, e in enumerate(E):
p.append((e, h(e)))
if i > / 2: # deg f / 2 + 1 points
return P.lagrange_polynomial(p)
# initial evaluation domain
L_0 = subspace(16)
L0_0 = subspace1(L_0)
q0 = subspace_polynomial(L0_0)
L_1 = map(from_vector, L_0.basis())
L_1 = map(q0, L_1)
L_1 = map(to_vector, L_1)
L_1 = V.subspace(L_1)
s = X^43 + X^7 + 1
x = X^32 + X^12 + X^86
f = Y^10 + Y^3 + 1
print H(q0, f, x)
def qoutient(f, z, b):
return f - b / (Y - z)
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