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Created March 9, 2012 23:21
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Save rottmanj/2009257 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
| Name | InstanceID | State | Flavor | Image | AZ | Public IP | Private IP | Created At | Volumes | Elastic IP | launchable? |
| node-simple-0 | i-9b59eaff | pending | c1.medium | ami-e358958a | us-east-1d | | | 20120309-232032 | | | - |
Waiting for servers:
0/1 | | 0:51 node-simple-0: Syncing to cloud
node-simple-0: attaching volumes
node-simple-0: labeling servers and volumes
node-simple-0: tagging node-simple-0 with {"name"=>"node-simple-0"}
node-simple-0: tagging root on node-simple-0 (vol-f5ffb899 @ /dev/sda1) with {"server"=>"node-simple-0", "name"=>"node-simple-0-root", "device"=>"/dev/sda1", "mount_point"=>"/", "cluster"=>:node, "facet"=>:simple, "index"=>0}
1/1 |**************************************************| 0:55
ERROR: TypeError: can't convert nil into String
┌─ {15:21} rottmanj@Jeremys-MacBook-Pro-2 ~/workspace/homebase ‹1.9.3-p125› [ master ✗ ]
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