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Last active February 6, 2020 14:49
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  • Save roubachof/4fc4b4721021d84d4aed9442493a3067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save roubachof/4fc4b4721021d84d4aed9442493a3067 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
XamlStyler json config file supporting all the `Xamarin.Forms` attributes for all my projects and decided to share it with you. So you won't start from nothing :)
"AttributesTolerance": 2,
"KeepFirstAttributeOnSameLine": true,
"MaxAttributeCharactersPerLine": 0,
"MaxAttributesPerLine": 1,
"NewlineExemptionElements": "RadialGradientBrush, GradientStop, LinearGradientBrush, ScaleTransfom, SkewTransform, RotateTransform, TranslateTransform, Trigger, Condition, Setter",
"SeparateByGroups": false,
"AttributeIndentation": 0,
"AttributeIndentationStyle": 1,
"RemoveDesignTimeReferences": false,
"EnableAttributeReordering": true,
"AttributeOrderingRuleGroups": [
"xmlns, xmlns:x, xmlns:d, xmlns:mc, mc:Ignorable",
"x:Key, Key, x:Name, Name, x:Uid, Uid, Title",
"x:TypeArguments, x:DataType",
"Grid.Row, Grid.RowSpan, Grid.Column, Grid.ColumnSpan, RowSpacing, ColumnSpacing, Spacing, AbsoluteLayout.LayoutFlags, AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds",
"Style, WidthRequest, HeightRequest, MinimumWidthRequest, MinimumHeightRequest",
"Margin, Padding, HorizontalOptions, VerticalOptions, HorizontalTextAlignment, VerticalTextAlignment",
"*:*, *",
"PageSource, PageIndex, Offset, Color, TargetName, Property, Value, StartPoint, EndPoint",
"mc:Ignorable, d:IsDataSource, d:LayoutOverrides, d:IsStaticText",
"Scale, Translation*, Rotation*, Storyboard.*, From, To, Duration",
"Text, Source, SelectedIndex, ItemTemplate, ItemsSource",
"FirstLineAttributes": "",
"OrderAttributesByName": true,
"PutEndingBracketOnNewLine": false,
"RemoveEndingTagOfEmptyElement": true,
"SpaceBeforeClosingSlash": true,
"RootElementLineBreakRule": 0,
"ReorderVSM": 2,
"ReorderGridChildren": false,
"ReorderCanvasChildren": false,
"ReorderSetters": 0,
"FormatMarkupExtension": true,
"NoNewLineMarkupExtensions": "x:Bind, Binding",
"ThicknessSeparator": 2,
"ThicknessAttributes": "Margin, Padding, BorderThickness, ThumbnailClipMargin",
"FormatOnSave": true,
"CommentPadding": 2,
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All formattings are my own.

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