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Last active September 8, 2020 00:20
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  • Save rougesheep/ce76cc068ef88cf7db3976d130cd97b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rougesheep/ce76cc068ef88cf7db3976d130cd97b8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Start BetterJoy and CEMU from one shortcut
$BetterJoy = "D:\Programs\BetterJoy\BetterJoyForCemu.exe"
$CEMU = "D:\WiiU\CEMU\Cemu.exe"
$GamePath = "`"D:\WiiU\Games\BOTW\Game\The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild [ALZE01]\code\U-King.rpx`""
Start-Process -FilePath $BetterJoy -WorkingDirectory (Get-Item $BetterJoy).DirectoryName
Start-Process -FilePath $CEMU -WorkingDirectory (Get-Item $CEMU).DirectoryName -ArgumentList "-g",$GamePath, -Wait
Get-Process -Name BetterJoyForCemu | Stop-Process
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