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Last active April 23, 2016 19:07
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A conversational free monad in java
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
public abstract class ChatterMonad<T> {
* A result.
* If deferred, a value can be found in 'yieldValue', and a continuation can be found in 'next'.
* If not, the result object is in obj.
public static class Result<T> {
public final T obj;
// The deferred section
public final boolean deferred;
public final String yieldValue;
public final ChatterMonad<T> next;
public Result(String yieldValue, ChatterMonad<T> next) {
this.deferred = true; = next;
this.yieldValue = yieldValue;
this.obj = null;
public Result(T obj) {
this.obj = obj;
this.deferred = false;
this.yieldValue = null; = null;
* Execute this monad until a yield occurs.
* @param is The 'environment' to use in execution.
protected abstract Result<T> go(String is);
* Monadic bind operator
public final <U> ChatterMonad<U> BIND(final Function<T, ChatterMonad<U>> f) {
return new ChatterMonad<U>() {
* Given a possibly-deferred result<T>, return a possibly-deferred result<U>
* The supplied InputStream is used if a is not deferred
private Result<U> step(final Result<T> a, final String is) {
if(!a.deferred) {
return f.apply(a.obj).go(is);
} else {
return new Result<>(a.yieldValue, new ChatterMonad<U>() {
protected Result<U> go(String is2) {
return step(, is2);
protected Result<U> go(String is) {
return step(ChatterMonad.this.go(is), is);
public <U> ChatterMonad<U> LIFT(Function<T, U> f) {
return BIND(a -> Immediate(f.apply(a)));
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<T> Immediate(final T v) {
return new ChatterMonad<T>() {
protected Result<T> go(String is) {
return new Result<T>(v);
public final static ChatterMonad<Void> Yield(final String toYield) {
return new ChatterMonad<Void>() {
protected Result<Void> go(String is) {
return new Result<>(toYield, new ChatterMonad<Void>() {
protected Result<Void> go(String is) {
return new Result<>(null);
public final static <O> ChatterMonad<String> CURRENT_INPUT() {
return new ChatterMonad<String>() {
protected Result<String> go(String is) {
return new Result<>(is);
* Yield an object, receive an object.
public final static ChatterMonad<String> Question(final String toYield) {
return Yield(toYield).THEN(CURRENT_INPUT());
* Combine this and another chatter monad, throwing away the intermediate result.
public <U> ChatterMonad<U> THEN(final ChatterMonad<U> b) {
return BIND(v -> b);
* Append an immediate value
public <U> ChatterMonad<U> THEN_RETURN(final U b) {
return THEN(Immediate(b));
* Follow this with another if result is not null
public <U> ChatterMonad<U> NOT_NULL(final ChatterMonad<U> b) {
return BIND(value -> value != null ? b : Immediate(null));
/* -------------------- Misc: -------------------- */
* ChatterMonad<T> -> ChatterMonad<Boolean>
* Yield true if result is equal to given value. False otherwise.
public final ChatterMonad<Boolean> EQ(final T value) {
return LIFT(in -> (value == in) || (value != null && value.equals(in)));
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<List<T>> SEQUENCE(ChatterMonad<T>... ds) {
return SEQUENCE(Arrays.asList(ds));
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<List<T>> SEQUENCE(final List<ChatterMonad<T>> ds) {
if(ds.size() == 0) {
return Immediate((List<T>)new LinkedList<T>()); // Empty list
} else {
return ds.get(0)
.BIND(first -> SEQUENCE(ds.subList(1, ds.size()))
.LIFT(rest -> {
final List<T> l = new LinkedList<>();
return l;
* Run multiple branches until one is found which yields non-null
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<T> FIRST_NOT_NULL(final List<ChatterMonad<T>> ds) {
if(ds.size() == 0) {
return Immediate(null);
} else {
return ds.get(0).BIND(first ->
first != null ?
Immediate(first) :
FIRST_NOT_NULL(ds.subList(1, ds.size())));
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<T> FIRST_NOT_NULL(ChatterMonad<T>... ds) {
return FIRST_NOT_NULL(Arrays.asList(ds));
* This 'executes' a ChatterMonad, returning the final result
* If a string is yielded which ends in a question mark, the continuation is called with
* a line form stdin. If any other string is yielded, the continuation is called with null.
private final static <T> T dialogue(ChatterMonad<T> m) throws IOException {
Result<T> r = m.go("");
while(r.deferred) {
if(r.yieldValue.endsWith("?")) {
r =;
} else {
r =;
return r.obj;
private final static ChatterMonad<String> ASK(String thing) {
return Question("What is your " + thing + "?");
private final static ChatterMonad<Integer> GET_RETRY_INT(String text) {
final ChatterMonad<Integer>[] m = new ChatterMonad[1];
return m[0] = Question(text).BIND(in -> {
try {
Integer age = Integer.parseInt(in);
return Immediate(age);
} catch(Exception e) {
return m[0]; // Recur...ew.
private final static ChatterMonad<String> GET_PREFERENCE = GET_RETRY_INT("What is your age?").BIND(in ->
in < 16 ? Yield("Sorry, you're too young").THEN_RETURN(null) :
Question("Okay, what is your preference?"));
public final static ChatterMonad<String> GET_PREFERENCE_EXTENDED = GET_PREFERENCE.BIND(in ->
in == null ? Immediate(null) :
Question("And how much do you like " + in + "?")
.LIFT(prefLevel -> "likes " + in + " " + prefLevel));
public static void main(String[] str) throws IOException {
dialogue(Yield("Hello, I am a thing"));
ChatterMonad<String> askNameAndGreet = ASK("name").BIND(in -> Yield("Hello, " + in).THEN_RETURN(in));
List<String> result = dialogue(SEQUENCE(askNameAndGreet, askNameAndGreet, ASK("age")));
System.out.println("Got result of dialogue: " + result);
Object result2 = dialogue(GET_PREFERENCE_EXTENDED);
System.out.println("Got result of dialogue: " + result2);
dialogue(GET_RETRY_INT("Please enter an integer?"));
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class ChatterMonad<T> {
* A result.
* If deferred, a value can be found in 'yieldValue', and a continuation can be found in 'next'.
* If not, the result object is in obj.
public static class Result<T> {
public final T obj;
// The deferred section
public final boolean deferred;
public final String yieldValue;
public final ChatterMonad<T> next;
public Result(String yieldValue, ChatterMonad<T> next) {
this.deferred = true; = next;
this.yieldValue = yieldValue;
this.obj = null;
public Result(T obj) {
this.obj = obj;
this.deferred = false;
this.yieldValue = null; = null;
* Execute this monad until a yield occurs.
* @param is The 'environment' to use in execution.
protected abstract Result<T> go(String is);
public abstract class Bind<U> extends ChatterMonad<U> {
protected abstract ChatterMonad<U> next(T in);
* Given a possibly-deferred result<T>, return a possibly-deferred result<U>
* The supplied InputStream is used if a is not deferred
private Result<U> step(final Result<T> a, final String is) {
if(!a.deferred) {
return next(a.obj).go(is);
} else {
return new Result<>(a.yieldValue, new ChatterMonad<U>() {
protected Result<U> go(String is2) {
return step(, is2);
protected Result<U> go(String is) {
return step(ChatterMonad.this.go(is), is);
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<T> Immediate(final T v) {
return new ChatterMonad<T>() {
protected Result<T> go(String is) {
return new Result<T>(v);
public final static ChatterMonad<Void> Yield(final String toYield) {
return new ChatterMonad<Void>() {
protected Result<Void> go(String is) {
return new Result<>(toYield, new ChatterMonad<Void>() {
protected Result<Void> go(String is) {
return new Result<>(null);
public final static <O> ChatterMonad<String> CURRENT_INPUT() {
return new ChatterMonad<String>() {
protected Result<String> go(String is) {
return new Result<>(is);
* Yield an object, receive an object.
public final static ChatterMonad<String> Question(final String toYield) {
return Yield(toYield).THEN(CURRENT_INPUT());
* Lifts a function
public abstract class Lift<U> extends ChatterMonad<U> {
public final ChatterMonad<T>.Bind<U> b;
public Lift() {
b = Bind<U>() {
protected ChatterMonad<U> next(T value) {
return Immediate(f(value));
public final Result<U> go(String is) {
return b.go(is);
protected abstract U f(T in);
* Combine this and another chatter monad, throwing away the intermediate result.
public <U> ChatterMonad<U> THEN(final ChatterMonad<U> b) {
return Bind<U>() {
protected ChatterMonad<U> next(T value) {
return b;
* Append an immediate value
public <U> ChatterMonad<U> THEN_RETURN(final U b) {
return Bind<U>() {
protected ChatterMonad<U> next(T value) {
return Immediate(b);
* Follow this with another if result is not null
public <U> ChatterMonad<U> NOT_NULL(final ChatterMonad<U> b) {
return Bind<U>() {
protected ChatterMonad<U> next(T value) {
if(value != null)
return b;
return Immediate(null);
/* -------------------- Misc: -------------------- */
* ChatterMonad<T> -> ChatterMonad<Boolean>
* Yield true if result is equal to given value. False otherwise.
public final ChatterMonad<Boolean> EQ(final T value) {
return Lift<Boolean>() {
protected Boolean f(T in) {
return (value == in) || (value != null && value.equals(in));
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<List<T>> SEQUENCE(ChatterMonad<T>... ds) {
return SEQUENCE(Arrays.asList(ds));
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<List<T>> SEQUENCE(final List<ChatterMonad<T>> ds) {
if(ds.size() == 0) {
return Immediate((List<T>)new LinkedList<T>()); // Empty list
} else {
return ds.get(0).new Bind<List<T>>() {
protected ChatterMonad<List<T>> next(final T first) {
return SEQUENCE(ds.subList(1, ds.size())).new Lift<List<T>>() {
protected List<T> f(List<T> rest) {
final List<T> l = new LinkedList<>();
return l;
* Run multiple branches until one is found which yields non-null
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<T> FIRST_NOT_NULL(final List<ChatterMonad<T>> ds) {
if(ds.size() == 0) {
return Immediate(null);
} else {
return ds.get(0).new Bind<T>() {
protected ChatterMonad<T> next(final T first) {
if(first != null) {
return Immediate(first);
} else {
return FIRST_NOT_NULL(ds.subList(1, ds.size()));
public final static <T> ChatterMonad<T> FIRST_NOT_NULL(ChatterMonad<T>... ds) {
return FIRST_NOT_NULL(Arrays.asList(ds));
* This 'executes' a ChatterMonad, returning the final result
* If a string is yielded which ends in a question mark, the continuation is called with
* a line form stdin. If any other string is yielded, the continuation is called with null.
private final static <T> T dialogue(ChatterMonad<T> m) throws IOException {
Result<T> r = m.go("");
while(r.deferred) {
if(r.yieldValue.endsWith("?")) {
r =;
} else {
r =;
return r.obj;
private final static ChatterMonad<String> ASK(String thing) {
return Question("What is your " + thing + "?");
private final static ChatterMonad<Integer> GET_RETRY_INT(String text) {
return Question(text).new Bind<Integer>() {
protected ChatterMonad<Integer> next(String in) {
try {
Integer age = Integer.parseInt(in);
return Immediate(age);
} catch(Exception e) {
return this; // Recur
private final static ChatterMonad<String> GET_PREFERENCE =
GET_RETRY_INT("What is your age?").new Bind<String>() {
protected ChatterMonad<String> next(Integer in) {
if(in < 16) {
return Yield("Sorry, you're too young").THEN_RETURN(null);
} else {
return Question("Okay, what is your preference?");
public final static ChatterMonad<String> GET_PREFERENCE_EXTENDED = Bind<String>() {
protected ChatterMonad<String> next(final String in) {
if(in == null)
return Immediate(null);
return Question("And how much do you like " + in + "?").new Lift<String>() {
protected String f(String prefLevel) {
return "likes " + in + " " + prefLevel;
public static void main(String[] str) throws IOException {
dialogue(Yield("Hello, I am a thing"));
ChatterMonad<String> askNameAndGreet = ASK("name").new Bind<String>() {
protected ChatterMonad<String> next(String in) {
return Yield("Hello, " + in).THEN_RETURN(in);
List<String> result = dialogue(SEQUENCE(askNameAndGreet, askNameAndGreet, ASK("age")));
System.out.println("Got result of dialogue: " + result);
Object result2 = dialogue(GET_PREFERENCE_EXTENDED);
System.out.println("Got result of dialogue: " + result2);
dialogue(GET_RETRY_INT("Please enter an integer?"));
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