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Last active March 23, 2019 12:30
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Using redux thunk to for async
// Dependencies
const { applyMiddleware, createStore } = Redux;
const { connect, Provider } = ReactRedux;
// GitHub API
const gitHubApi = (username) => {
// Put your Api call here
// redux-thunk implementation
// source:
// Redux-thunk handles most use cases for async actions in your application
function thunkMiddleware(store) {
return function(next) {
return function(action) {
if (typeof action === "function") {
return action(store.dispatch, store.getState);
} else {
return next(action);
// Action creator
const getUserSuccess = (user) => {
return {
// User reducer implementation.
// Simply returns the new user object to the store on LOAD_USER_SUCCESS.
// Always remember to return state as the default case
const userReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return action.user;
return state;
// fetchUserDetails thunk
// It returns a function that takes dispatch as the first argument. When AJAX
// request is successful, it dispatches getUserSuccess action with user object.
const fetchUserDetails = (username) => {
return dispatch => {
return gitHubApi(username)
.then(user => {
.catch(error => { throw error; })
// React component
class UserProfile extends React.Component {
constructor() {
// We call our thunk here.
// componentDidmount is for dynamic behavior, side effects, AJAX, etc.
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const { user } = this.props;
return (
// Display the user value received from the store
// Setup store
const store = createStore(userReducer, applyMiddleware(thunkMiddleware));
// Map the store's state to component's props.
// This way you keep the component in sync with Redux store
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
user: state
// Wrap the thunk with dispatch method and
// merge them to component's props
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
fetchUserDetails: (username) => dispatch(fetchUserDetails(username))
// Connect React component to Redux store with React-redux connect()
const UserProfilePage = connect(
// Mount the component to the DOM
// Provider makes available the store's state to component's below
// the hierarchy via connect() call.
const element = document.getElementById('root');
<Provider store={store}>
<UserProfilePage />
element, 0
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