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Created December 11, 2018 06:11
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Processing HW05
PImage sprite;
int numBullet = 5;
int currentBullet = 0;
float imageW = 130, imageH = 160;
boolean shot; // once click per shot
class Bullet
float x, y;
float [] target, from;
boolean valid, move;
final float unit = 10;
final float speed = 1;
target = new float[2];
from = new float[2];
valid = true;
move = false;
Bullet(int x, int y)
target = new float[2];
from = new float[2];
from[0] = this.x = x;
from[1] = this.y = y;
valid = true;
void start(float x, float y)
target[0] = x;
target[1] = y;
move = true;
void update()
if(valid && move)
x += (target[0] - from[0]) / unit * speed;
y += (target[1] - from[1]) / unit * speed;
void display()
image(sprite, x, y, imageW, imageH);
Bullet [] b = new Bullet[numBullet];
void setup()
size(800, 600);
// Init
sprite = loadImage("bullet.png");
shot = false;
for(int i = 0; i < numBullet; i++)
b[i] = new Bullet(100 + i*100, 400);
void draw()
// Processing Input
if(!shot && mouseButton == LEFT)
b[currentBullet].start(mouseX, mouseY);
currentBullet %= numBullet;
shot = true;
shot = false;
// Update
for(int i = 0; i < numBullet; i++)
// Draw
for(int i = 0; i < numBullet; i++)
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