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Roy Gustafson royagustafson

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royagustafson /
Last active October 24, 2016 22:47
My Proposal for project part 2

##Project Part 2 ###What will I do different? While I'm happy with the basic layout of the site I've made, I'd like to do two main things. First: add better content - graphs, forms, better menus, etc. The site was very minimalistic, which is not a bad thing, but it isn't common for websites to be that sparse. Second: streamline. The code base got to be very spaghetti-ish. This was the result of a lot of tweaking, but I'd like it to be more organized from the start.

###New site? Hell yeah. The old site will be lit on fire in a ship bound for Valhalla... But I will learn from it. This one will be for a restaraunt. Dining menus, google maps integration, etc.

###What have I learned?

#####Roy Gustafson - #####CS0134 - Project Proposal

##How do you plan on using our tech stack?

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • JS


royagustafson /
Last active September 14, 2016 21:29
My Proposal for project 1

#####Roy Gustafson - #####CS0134 - Project Proposal

##How do you plan on using our tech stack?

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • PHP
  • JS
