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Created September 5, 2017 20:00
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
int startTime, endTime, weight;
} Job;
struct S {
// current job, last job.
int cJob, lJob, weight;
} *jobSeq;
// Comparator function to be passed to qsort.
int comparator(const void *a, const void *b) {
return ((Job *)a) -> endTime - ((Job *)b) ->endTime;
// Find last non - conflicting job using binary search.
int lastNonConflict(Job jobs[], int curJob) {
int lo, hi, mid;
lo = 0;
hi = curJob - 1;
while(lo <= hi) {
mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if(jobs[mid].endTime <= jobs[curJob].startTime) {
if(jobs[mid + 1].endTime <= jobs[curJob].startTime) {
lo = mid + 1;
else {
return mid;
else {
hi = mid - 1;
return -1;
// Helper function to display job sequence.
void dispSeq(int endJob) {
int i = endJob;
while(i != -1){
printf("%d <-- ", jobSeq[i].cJob);
i = jobSeq[i].lJob;
// Core part of algortihm.
int findMaxWeight(Job jobs[], int nJobs) {
int i, lastJob, curWeight, maxWeight, endJob;
jobSeq = (struct S *)malloc(nJobs*sizeof(struct S));
// Sort the jobs according to end times.
qsort(jobs, nJobs, sizeof(Job), comparator);
jobSeq[0].cJob = 0;
jobSeq[0].lJob = -1;
jobSeq[0].weight = jobs[0].weight;
endJob = 0;
for(i = 1;i<nJobs;i++) {
// Calculate weight including current job.
curWeight = jobs[i].weight;
// Find last non conflicting job.
lastJob = lastNonConflict(jobs, i);
// If latest job found.
if(lastJob != -1) {
curWeight += jobSeq[lastJob].weight;
if(curWeight>jobSeq[i - 1].weight) {
if(lastJob != -1) {
// If last job exists, store it.
jobSeq[i].lJob = lastJob;
else {
jobSeq[i].lJob = -1;
jobSeq[i].cJob = i;
jobSeq[i].weight = curWeight;
endJob = i;
else {
// Store latest max weight.
jobSeq[i].weight = jobSeq[i - 1].weight;
jobSeq[i].cJob = -1;
jobSeq[i].lJob = -1;
// Display job sequence.
maxWeight = jobSeq[nJobs - 1].weight;
return maxWeight;
// Driver function.
int main() {
Job arr[] = {{3, 5, 20}, {1, 2, 50}, {6, 19, 100}, {2, 100, 200}};
int n = sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]);
printf("Max profit - %d\n", findMaxWeight(arr, n));
return 0;
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