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Created June 20, 2017 15:59
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A d3v4 visualization of yearly submission deadlines (conference, grant, etc). Tool for the hungry assistant professor.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
body {
text-align: center;
font-family: Sans-serif;
margin: 0;
.background {
stroke-width: 0;
fill: Lavender;
fill-opacity: 0.3;
.axis .domain, .axis .tick line {
stroke-width: 2px;
stroke: lightgrey;
.axis .tick:first-of-type {
display: none; // hide 0 tick
.axis .tick text {
font-size: 14px;
fill: blue;
.chart rect {
fill: transparent;
.label {
font-size: 18pt;
<svg id="canvas"></svg>
// Add your deadlines here.
// type: "[grant, conf, conf_venue][1, 2]"
var data = [
{name: "NSF M3X", date: new Date("Jan 10 2017"), type: "grant1"},
{name: "NSF M3X", date: new Date("Sep 1 2017"), type: "grant1"},
{name: "NSF BIO-ABI", date: new Date("Sep 8 2017"), type: "grant1"},
{name: "NSF Core Medium", date: new Date("Oct 12 2017"), type: "grant1"},
{name: "NSF BIO-MCB", date: new Date("Nov 15 2017"), type: "grant1"},
{name: "NSF S&AS", date: new Date("Dec 11 2017"), type: "grant1"},
{name: "NSF Core Small", date: new Date("Nov 2 2017"), type: "grant2"},
{name: "NSF CRII", date: new Date("Aug 9 2017"), type: "grant2"},
{name: "SIGGRAPH", date: new Date("Jan 16 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "ICCV", date: new Date("Mar 15 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "UIST", date: new Date("Apr 10 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "CSCW", date: new Date("Apr 20 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "SIGGRAPH Asia", date: new Date("May 20 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "NIPS", date: new Date("May 25 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "BMVC", date: new Date("May 15 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "CHI", date: new Date("Sep 10 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "AAAI", date: new Date("Sep 20 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "Eurographics", date: new Date("Oct 10 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "CVPR", date: new Date("Nov 15 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "ISMAR", date: new Date("Mar 15 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "UbiComp", date: new Date("Nov 15 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "UbiComp", date: new Date("Feb 15 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "UbiComp", date: new Date("May 15 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "UbiComp", date: new Date("Aug 15 2017"), type: "conf1"},
{name: "DIS", date: new Date("Jan 9 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "C&C", date: new Date("Jan 13 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "Compu. Fab.", date: new Date("Jan 31 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "Compu. Fab.", date: new Date("Apr 10 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "Mobile HCI", date: new Date("Feb 15 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "ICDAR", date: new Date("Mar 5 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "DocEng", date: new Date("Mar 25 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "Expressive", date: new Date("Apr 1 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "CHI Play", date: new Date("Apr 15 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "SUI", date: new Date("Jun 30 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "VRST", date: new Date("Jun 30 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "ISS", date: new Date("Jun 28 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "ASSETS", date: new Date("Jul 25 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "TEI", date: new Date("Aug 1 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "Graph. Intrf.", date: new Date("Dec 23 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "IUI", date: new Date("Oct 1 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "Augm. Human", date: new Date("Nov 1 2017"), type: "conf2"},
{name: "CHI", date: new Date("Apr 21 2017"), type: "conf_venue1"},
{name: "SIGGRAPH", date: new Date("Jul 30 2017"), type: "conf_venue1"},
{name: "UIST", date: new Date("Oct 22 2017"), type: "conf_venue1"},
{name: "CVPR", date: new Date("Jul 21 2017"), type: "conf_venue1"},
{name: "UbiComp", date: new Date("Sep 11 2017"), type: "conf_venue1"},
{name: "MobileHCI", date: new Date("Sep 4 2017"), type: "conf_venue2"},
{name: "TEI", date: new Date("Mar 20 2017"), type: "conf_venue2"},
{name: "SIGGRAPH Asia", date: new Date("Nov 27 2017"), type: "conf_venue2"},
{name: "AH", date: new Date("Feb 7 2017"), type: "conf_venue2"},
{name: "ASSETS", date: new Date("Oct 29 2017"), type: "conf_venue2"},
// determine how far apart the labels will be (also from their dots)
const labelPadding = 8;
// the radii for label types: [grant, conf, conf_venue]
const typeRadiiOffset = [75, 0, 150];
// the radius of the circle (from the window size)
const r = Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight) / 2 - 100;
// the scale is linear chronological, mapped to [0, 2pi]
const yearScale = d3.scaleTime()
.domain([new Date(2017, 0, 0), new Date(2017, 11, 30)])
.range([0, 2 * Math.PI]);
// Size canvas
const svg ='#canvas')
.attr('width', r * 2 + 300) // extra width space
.attr('height', r * 2 + 100)
.attr('viewBox', `${-r - 150} ${-r - 150} ${r*2 + 300} ${r*2 + 300}`)
// add chart group
var chart = svg.append('g')
.classed("chart", true)
.attr("transform","translate(0, 50)");
// Add background
chart.append('circle').classed('background', true)
.attr('cx', 0)
.attr('cy', 0)
.attr('r', r)
// Set axis at (r - 100)
var radialAxis = d3.axisRadialInner(yearScale.copy(), r - 100)
.tickSize(-170) //push the ticks way out
// draw radial axis
.classed('axis', true)
/********** Dont worry about this stuff ************/
/* It's to make sure labels won't overlap. */
var textLabel = fc.layoutTextLabel()
.value(function(d) { return; });
var strategy = fc.layoutAnnealing();
var labels = fc.layoutLabel(strategy)
.size(function(_, i, g) {
// measure the label and add the required padding
var textSize =[i])
return [textSize.width + labelPadding * 2,
textSize.height + labelPadding * 2];
.position(function(d) {
var a = yearScale(;
// this puts the papers, grants and venues on different radii
const rad = d.type.startsWith("conf_venue") ? r - typeRadiiOffset[2] :
d.type.startsWith("grant") ? r - typeRadiiOffset[0] :
r - typeRadiiOffset[1] ;
return [ Math.sin(a) * rad, -Math.cos(a) * rad];
/**************** Resume worrying ****************/
// render non-overlapping labels!
// style the labels according to their type
.style("fill-opacity", (d)=>d.type.endsWith("1") ? 1 : 0.65 )
.style("font-weight", (d)=>d.type.endsWith("1") ? "bold" : "normal")
.style("font-size", (d)=>d.type.endsWith("1") ? "18pt" : "16pt" )
.style("fill", (d)=>d.type.startsWith("conf_venue") ? "green" :
d.type.startsWith("grant") ? "black" :
"red" );
// Add title
.text("Circle of Deadlines")
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", -r - 50)
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.style("font-size", "36pt");
// Add reader
.attr("width", 150)
.attr("height", 300)
.attr("x", r + 100)
.attr("y", -r)
.style("font", "14px 'Helvetica Neue'")
.style("text-align", "left")
.html("<p><b>1st Tier</b><br/>2nd Tier</p>" +
"<p>Grant<br/><span style='color: red'>Conference Paper</span>" +
"<br/><span style='color: green'>Conference Venue</span></p>");
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