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Last active September 19, 2021 23:23
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RC Database Server (Swift/Vapor)
import Vapor
import RediStack
The following is a routes file for a Vapor server that exposes two routes, "get" and "set", both of which accept query params.
The "get" route returns the value of a given key if it exists, while the "set" route stores each provided key/value pair in a Redis cache.
As per Vapor's conventions, the Redis configuration exists in the `Sources/App/Controllers/configure.swift` file which is not included in this Gist.
// MARK: - Response Models
struct SetRouteResponse: Content {
var success: Bool
struct GetRouteResponse: Content {
var value: String?
// MARK: - Query Param Models
struct SetRouteQueryParams: Content, RESPValueConvertible {
var somekey: String
init?(fromRESP value: RESPValue) {
self.somekey = value.string!
func convertedToRESPValue() -> RESPValue {
.simpleString(ByteBuffer(bytes: self.somekey.utf8))
struct GetRouterQueryParams: Content {
var key: String
// MARK: - Routes
func routes(_ app: Application) throws {
app.get("set") { req -> SetRouteResponse in
let url = URL(string: req.url.string)
let components = URLComponents(url: url!, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
guard let components = components, let queryItems = components.queryItems else {
throw Abort(.custom(code: 500, reasonPhrase: "Failed to parse query params from route"))
for item in queryItems {
_ = app.redis.set(RedisKey(, to: item.value)
return SetRouteResponse(success: true)
app.get("get") { req -> EventLoopFuture<GetRouteResponse> in
let params = try req.query.decode(GetRouterQueryParams.self)
let key = RedisKey(stringLiteral: params.key)
let promise = req.eventLoop.makePromise(of: GetRouteResponse.self) {
do {
guard let value = try app.redis.get(key, as: String.self).wait() else {
throw Abort(.notFound)
let response = GetRouteResponse(value: value)
} catch let error {
return promise.futureResult
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