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Last active March 31, 2024 09:27
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//keybindings generales para simplificar la apariencia de VSCODE
//Quitar activitybar
"key": "ctrl+shift+1",
"command": "workbench.action.toggleActivityBarVisibility"
//Poner el foco en el side bar del explorador
"key": "ctrl+1",
//Ocultar el sidebar si el foco ya esta en el sidebar
"key": "ctrl+1",
"command": "workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility",
"when": "sideBarFocus"
//Usar enter para abrir ficheros dentro del sidebar
"key": "enter",
"command": "",
"when": "sideBarFocus"
//Volver el foco al editor cuando no este dentro del editor
"key": "escape",
"command": "workbench.action.focusActiveEditorGroup",
"when": "!editorTextFocus"
//Crear un fichero nuevo en donde me encuentre en el explorador
//verificar si me sirve xq hay un plugin que me permite hacerlo mas facil y estaria usando
//el mismo shortcut, la ventaja es que no necesitaria un plugin
"key": "ctrl+n",
"command": "explorer.newFile",
"when": "explorerViewletFocus"
//Crear una nueva carpeta en donde me encuentre en el explorador
//verificar si me sirve xq hay un plugin que me permite hacerlo mas facil
"key": "ctrl+alt+p",
"command": "explorer.newFolder",
"when": "explorerViewletFocus"
//Toggle statusBar
"key": "ctrl+alt+,",
"command": "workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility"
//Mostrar la terminal
"key": "ctrl+alt+t",
"command": "workbench.action.terminal.toggleTerminal"
//Quitar o mutear notificaciones
"key": "ctrl+alt+m",
"command": "notifications.clearAll"
//Duplicar una linea en el editor
"key": "ctrl+d",
"command": "editor.action.copyLinesDownAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
//Duplicar texto seleccionado
"key": "ctrl+alt+d",
"command": "editor.action.duplicateSelection"
// Mover linea hacia arriba
"key": "shift+alt+k",
"command": "editor.action.moveLinesUpAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
"key": "shift+alt+up",
"command": "editor.action.moveLinesUpAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
// funciona tambien el Alt + up
// Mover linea hacia abajo
"key": "shift+alt+j",
"command": "editor.action.moveLinesDownAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
"key": "shift+alt+down",
"command": "editor.action.moveLinesDownAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
// funciona tambien el Alt + down
// Ir al siguiente editor
"key": "ctrl+tab",
"command": "workbench.action.nextEditor"
// Ir al editor previo
"key": "ctrl+shift+tab",
"command": "workbench.action.previousEditor"
// Mover foco a la siguiente sugerencia
"key": "tab",
"command": "selectNextSuggestion",
"when": "editorTextFocus && suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && suggestWidgetVisible"
// Mover foco a la sugerencia previa
"key": "shift+tab",
"command": "selectPrevSuggestion",
"when": "editorTextFocus && suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions && suggestWidgetVisible"
// Hover de una linea vscode y nvim
"command": "editor.action.showHover",
"key": "shift+k",
"when": "neovim.init && neovim.mode == normal && editorTextFocus && editorHoverVisible"
// Activar o desactivar VIM
// {
// "key": "ctrl+alt+v",
// "command": "toggleVim"
// },
// "key": "ctrl+n",
// "command": "extension.advancedNewFile"
// Cerrar editor activo
"key": "ctrl+w",
"command": "workbench.action.closeActiveEditor"
// Mostrar los editores abiertos recientemente
"key": "ctrl+e",
"command": "workbench.action.showAllEditorsByMostRecentlyUsed"
// Tener en cuenta para estos 2 keybindings de navegacion la distribucion del teclado
// Navegar de regreso donde estuve antes
{ //en teclado español es ctrl + {, ingles es ctrl+[
"key": "ctrl+[",
"command": "workbench.action.navigateBack",
"when": "canNavigateBack"
// Navegar hacia delante donde estuve antes
{//en teclado español es ctrl + }, ingles es ctrl+]
"key": "ctrl+]",
"command": "workbench.action.navigateForward",
"when": "canNavigateForward"
//keybindings para saltar a los test de una clases usando la extension jump to test
"key": "ctrl+shift+t",
"command": "extension.jumpToTest",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
"key": "ctrl+b",
"command": "-workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility"
//Navegar a travez de diferentes ficheros usanod los breadcrumbs
// ctrl + shift + .
//Navegar por los simbolos del fichero
// ctrl + shift + o
// Ir a un numero de linea especifico del archivo
// ctrl + G
// Ir a la definicion de una clase, método, etc de un código
// F12, ctrl + F12, shift + F12
// Rafa recomienda el shortcut "ctrl + b", pero esto lo usa el plugin neovim para hacer un retroceso
// de página cuando esta activo el editor, seleccionado algun texto y no esta en modo !insert.
// Usare Alt + B que no se esta usando
//Si uso el ctrl + b recordar que debo desactivar el comando que se usaba antes para postar el sidebar
"key": "ctrl + b",
"command": "-workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility"
"key": "f12",
"command": "-editor.action.revealDefinition",
"when": "editorHasDefinitionProvider && editorTextFocus && !isInEmbeddedEditor"
"key": "alt+b",
"command": "editor.action.revealDefinition",
"when": "editorHasDefinitionProvider && editorTextFocus && !isInEmbeddedEditor"
// Seleccion smart texto de forma semantica cuando escribimos código
// override o desactivo shortcut con comando anterior
{ "key": "alt+up",
"command": "-editor.action.moveLinesUpAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
"key": "alt+up",
"command": "editor.action.smartSelect.expand",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
{//seleccion smart en vim
"key": "alt+k",
"command": "editor.action.smartSelect.expand",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
// Deseleccion smart de texto de forma semantica cuando escribimos codigo
// desactivo shortcut con comando anterior
{ "key": "alt+down",
"command": "-editor.action.moveLinesDownAction",
"when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly"
"key": "alt+down",
"command": "editor.action.smartSelect.shrink",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
{//deseleccion smart en caso de vim
"key": "alt+j",
"command": "editor.action.smartSelect.shrink",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
// Desactivo este shorcut por el de git
"key": "ctrl+shift+b",
"command": "",
"when": "taskCommandsRegistered"
// Crear una nueva branch en git antes de hacer commit
"key": "ctrl+shift+b",
"command": "git.checkout"
//Crear un commit con plugin Conventional Commits de vivaxy
"key": "ctrl+alt+k",
"command": "extension.conventionalCommits"
"key": "ctrl+k ctrl+oem_5",
"command": "-workbench.action.splitEditorRight"
"key": "ctrl+k ctrl+oem_5",
"command": "-workbench.action.splitEditorLeft"
"key": "ctrl+k ctrl+oem_5",
"command": "-workbench.action.splitEditorUp"
"key": "ctrl+k ctrl+oem_5",
"command": "workbench.action.splitEditorDown"
// Navegar entre brackets
// Multicursor
// ctrl+alt+up o ctrl+alt+down
//Seleccionar todas las ocurrencias con multicursores
// ctrl+shift+L
// Ver las sugerencias de Quick Fix
// ctrl+.
// Renombrar variables, funciones, clases y sus usos
// F2
// Refactorizar código [extraer codigo como a una funcion o método, constante, etc]
// ctrl+shift+r
// Refactorizar moviendo de clase o archivo a otra carpeta, o cuando cambio nombre de clase
// y que se refactorizen los imports y se cambie tambien el nombre del fichero
// CTRL+. debo decirle que me la mueva a un nuevo archivo y luego eliminar el último fichero vacio
// Neovim
* Multiple cursors work in:
- Insert mode
- Visual line mode
- Visual block mode
-> ma/mA or mi/mI
"command": "vscode-neovim.compositeEscape1",
"key": "j",
"when": "neovim.mode == insert && editorTextFocus",
"args": "j"
"command": "vscode-neovim.compositeEscape2",
"key": "k",
"when": "neovim.mode == insert && editorTextFocus",
"args": "k"
// Delete Trailing spaces
"key": "alt+shift+t",
"command": "trailing-spaces.deleteTrailingSpaces",
"when": "editorTextFocus"
//Cofiguracion general minima
"editor.fontSize": 15,
"editor.fontFamily": "'JetBrains Mono'",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
// Lineheigt de separacion
"editor.lineHeight": 2.0,
//Que no se pierda el formato de lo que pego desde afuera
"editor.formatOnPaste": false,
//Que elija o se posicione en la primera opcion sugerida
"editor.suggestSelection": "first",
"editor.rulers": [
//Espacios del tab
"editor.tabSize": 2,
//Desactviar wordwrap y muestre la linea
"editor.wordWrap": "off",
// Hihgtligth Matching y auto renames tags
"editor.linkedEditing": true,
// activar bracket pair colorization
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
// colorea las lineas guias
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": true,
// sticky scroll
// "editor.stickyScroll.enabled": true,
// animacion de seleccion smooth o mas lenta
"editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": "on",
// animacion de scroll smooth o mas lenta en el editor
"editor.smoothScrolling": true,
// Numero de lineas relativo para nvim
"editor.lineNumbers": "relative",
// Surrounding Lines siempre dejar 1 linea antes o despues de inicio y fin de buffer
"editor.cursorSurroundingLines": 4,
// Colorear el par de brackets
"editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal": true,
// Ver espacios en blanco al seleccionar el texto
"editor.renderWhitespace": "selection",
// No forzar performance o syntax highlight en archivos grandes
"editor.largeFileOptimizations": false,
// Ocultar el minimap
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,
// Desactivar drag and drop del texto al editar codigo
"editor.dragAndDrop": false,
// Señala tambien el numero de linea de la columna de numero de linea
"editor.renderLineHighlight": "gutter",
// Resaltado semantico
"editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": false,
// No mostrar Scrollbar del editor
"editor.scrollbar.vertical": "hidden",
"editor.scrollbar.horizontal": "hidden",
//Que ya no pregunte si quiero eliminar o mover ficheros
"explorer.confirmDelete": false,
"explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false,
//Mostras las carpetas o ficheros ignorados
"explorer.excludeGitIgnore": false,
//Buscar sobre los ficheros ignorados
"search.useGlobalIgnoreFiles": true,
"search.useIgnoreFiles": true,
//activa autosave cuando cambie el foco
"files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
//Agregar este espacio por defecto en los ficheros
"files.eol": "\n",
// Ocultar tabs
"workbench.editor.showTabs": "single",
// Iniciar visual studio code con un nuevo archivo en blanco
"workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile",
// Desactivar el control de layouts
"workbench.layoutControl.enabled": false,
// Ocultar el barra de busqueda de comandos central
"window.commandCenter": false,
// "window.zoomLevel": 0.5,
// No mostrar seccion openEditors en el explorer
"explorer.openEditors.visible": 0, //ahora cambio esto se lo hace de forma grafica
//Usamos la propiedad anterior con los keybinding ctrl+p o ctrl+e
// Acciones segun el tipo de archivo
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
// acciones que se ejecuten en el editor al guardar
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": [
"source.addMissingImports", // add imports
"source.fixAll.eslint" , // fix eslint
// Extensions
/////Añadir funcionalidades instalando plugins
//1. Excel Viewer: Tratamiento de CSV
//2. Rainbow CSV: Colorear las columnas del csv sin verlo en formato tabla
//3. Focus de QuanLi: Ayuda a enfocarme a trabajar en lo que estoy haciendo, en programar algo todo el dia.
"focus.opacity": "0.7",
"focus.highlightRange": "fixed",
// Jest de Orta(oficial): Plugin que lanza todos los test desde el editor para proyectos pequeños
// "jest.autoRun": "off", //deprecated
"jest.runMode": "deferred",
//Jest Runner de firsttris(extra oficial) para proyectos grandes o enormes, corre un test a la vez
//Conventional Commits de vivaxy
// Agregamos shortcut ctrl+alt+k
// VScode Neovim
"vscode-neovim.neovimExecutablePaths.win32": "C:\\tools\\neovim\\nvim-win64\\bin\\nvim.exe",
"extensions.experimental.affinity": {
"asvetliakov.vscode-neovim": 1
// Tailwind CSS Intellisense
"files.associations": {
"*.css": "tailwindcss"
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"strings": "on"
// Appearence
// Temas como CodelyTv, Monokai Pro, Tokyo Night, Atom One Light o Gruvbox son buenos.
"workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai Pro",
// animacion de scroll smooth o mas lenta en el workbench
"workbench.list.smoothScrolling": true,
// Ver carpetas compactadas(una dentro de otra) en una sola linea
"explorer.compactFolders": false,
//scroll horizontal en el workbench
"workbench.list.horizontalScrolling": true,
// ubicacion del sidebar
"workbench.sideBar.location": "left",
// dar espacio e identacion al arbol del workbench
"workbench.tree.indent": 20,
//Quitar el simbolo del breadcrumbs y la estructura del fichero
"breadcrumbs.symbolPath": "off",
// Plugins para mejorar la apariencia de VSCode
//1. Error Lens: de Alexander: muestra errores inline
// 2. Symbols de Miguel Solorio, iconos
// 3. Fluent Icons de Miguel Solorio, iconos para otros sitios
"workbench.iconTheme": "symbols",
"workbench.productIconTheme": "fluent-icons",
// Configuracion del terminal
"terminal.integrated.fontSize": 14,
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font",
//Activar eslint como formater
"eslint.format.enable": true,
// Por lenguaje le doy el formater a eslint vscode
"[javascript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
"[javascriptreact]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
"[typescript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint",
"[typescriptreact]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
"[json]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "dbaeumer.vscode-eslint"
"": "open",
"gitlens.currentLine.uncommittedChangesFormat": "✏️ ${ago}",
"gitlens.codeLens.enabled": false,
"symbols.hidesExplorerArrows": false,
"explorer.fileNesting.enabled": true,
"explorer.fileNesting.expand": false,
"explorer.fileNesting.patterns": {
"*.asax": "$(capture).*.cs, $(capture).*.vb",
"*.ascx": "$(capture).*.cs, $(capture).*.vb",
"*.ashx": "$(capture).*.cs, $(capture).*.vb",
"*.aspx": "$(capture).*.cs, $(capture).*.vb",
"*.bloc.dart": "$(capture).event.dart, $(capture).state.dart",
"*.c": "$(capture).h",
"*.cc": "$(capture).hpp, $(capture).h, $(capture).hxx",
"*.cjs": "$(capture), $(capture).*.cjs, $(capture)_*.cjs",
"*.component.ts": "$(capture).component.html, $(capture).component.spec.ts, $(capture).component.css, $(capture).component.scss, $(capture).component.sass, $(capture).component.less",
"*.cpp": "$(capture).hpp, $(capture).h, $(capture).hxx",
"*.cs": "$(capture).*.cs",
"*.cshtml": "$(capture).cshtml.cs",
"*.csproj": "*.config, *proj.user, appsettings.*, bundleconfig.json",
"*.css": "$(capture), $(capture).*.css",
"*.cxx": "$(capture).hpp, $(capture).h, $(capture).hxx",
"*.dart": "$(capture).freezed.dart, $(capture).g.dart",
"*.ex": "$(capture).html.eex, $(capture).html.heex, $(capture).html.leex",
"*.go": "$(capture)_test.go",
"*.java": "$(capture).class",
"*.js": "$(capture), $(capture).*.js, $(capture)_*.js",
"*.jsx": "$(capture).js, $(capture).*.jsx, $(capture)_*.js, $(capture)_*.jsx",
"*.master": "$(capture).*.cs, $(capture).*.vb",
"*.mjs": "$(capture), $(capture).*.mjs, $(capture)_*.mjs",
"*.module.ts": "$(capture).resolver.ts, $(capture).controller.ts, $(capture).service.ts",
"*.pubxml": "$(capture).pubxml.user",
"*.resx": "$(capture).*.resx, $(capture).designer.cs, $(capture).designer.vb",
"*.tex": "$(capture).acn, $(capture).acr, $(capture).alg, $(capture).aux, $(capture).bbl, $(capture).blg, $(capture).fdb_latexmk, $(capture).fls, $(capture).glg, $(capture).glo, $(capture).gls, $(capture).idx, $(capture).ind, $(capture).ist, $(capture).lof, $(capture).log, $(capture).lot, $(capture).out, $(capture).pdf, $(capture).synctex.gz, $(capture).toc, $(capture).xdv",
"*.ts": "$(capture).js, $(capture), $(capture).*.ts, $(capture)_*.js, $(capture)_*.ts",
"*.tsx": "$(capture).ts, $(capture).*.tsx, $(capture)_*.ts, $(capture)_*.tsx",
"*.vbproj": "*.config, *proj.user, appsettings.*, bundleconfig.json",
"*.vue": "$(capture).*.ts, $(capture).*.js, $(capture).story.vue",
"*.xaml": "$(capture).xaml.cs",
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"+page.svelte": "+page.server.ts,+page.server.js,+page.ts,+page.js,+page.gql",
".clang-tidy": ".clang-format, .clangd, compile_commands.json",
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".env": ".env*,*.env, .env.*, .envrc, env.d.ts",
".gitignore": ".gitattributes, .gitmodules, .gitmessage, .mailmap, .git-blame*",
".project": ".classpath",
"BUILD.bazel": "*.bzl, *.bazel, *.bazelrc, bazel.rc, .bazelignore, .bazelproject, WORKSPACE",
"CMakeLists.txt": "*.cmake, *, .cmake-format.yaml, CMakePresets.json",
"I*.cs": "$(capture).cs",
"artisan": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, server.php, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, webpack.mix.js, windi.config.*",
"astro.config.*": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",
"cargo.toml": ".clippy.toml, .rustfmt.toml, cargo.lock, clippy.toml, cross.toml, rust-toolchain.toml, rustfmt.toml",
"composer.json": ".php*.cache, composer.lock, phpunit.xml*, psalm*.xml",
"default.nix": "shell.nix",
"deno.json*": "*.env, .env.*, .envrc, api-extractor.json, deno.lock, env.d.ts, import-map.json, import_map.json, jsconfig.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*",
"dockerfile": ".dockerignore, docker-compose.*, dockerfile*",
"flake.nix": "flake.lock",
"gatsby-config.*": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, gatsby-browser.*, gatsby-node.*, gatsby-ssr.*, gatsby-transformer.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",
"gemfile": ".ruby-version, gemfile.lock",
"go.mod": ".air*, go.sum",
"": "",
"mix.exs": ".credo.exs, .dialyzer_ignore.exs, .formatter.exs, .iex.exs, .tool-versions, mix.lock",
"next.config.*": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, next-env.d.ts, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",
"nuxt.config.*": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",
"package.json": ".browserslist*, .circleci*, .commitlint*, .cz-config.js, .czrc, .dlint.json, .dprint.json, .editorconfig, .eslint*, .firebase*, .flowconfig, .github*, .gitlab*, .gitpod*, .huskyrc*, .jslint*, .lintstagedrc*, .markdownlint*, .node-version, .nodemon*, .npm*, .nvmrc, .pm2*, .pnp.*, .pnpm*, .prettier*, .releaserc*, .sentry*, .simple-git-hooks*, .stackblitz*, .styleci*, .stylelint*, .tazerc*, .textlint*, .tool-versions, .travis*, .versionrc*, .vscode*, .watchman*, .xo-config*, .yamllint*, .yarnrc*, Procfile, apollo.config.*, appveyor*, azure-pipelines*, bower.json, build.config.*, commitlint*, crowdin*, dangerfile*, dlint.json, dprint.json, eslint*, firebase.json, grunt*, gulp*, jenkins*, lerna*, lint-staged*, nest-cli.*, netlify*, nodemon*, npm-shrinkwrap.json, nx.*, package-lock.json, package.nls*.json, phpcs.xml, pm2.*, pnpm*, prettier*, pullapprove*, pyrightconfig.json,, release.config.*, renovate*, rollup.config.*, rspack*, simple-git-hooks*, stylelint*, tslint*, tsup.config.*, turbo*, typedoc*, unlighthouse*, vercel*, vetur.config.*, webpack*, workspace.json, xo.config.*, yarn*",
"pubspec.yaml": ".metadata, .packages, all_lint_rules.yaml, analysis_options.yaml, build.yaml, pubspec.lock, pubspec_overrides.yaml",
"pyproject.toml": ".pdm.toml, pdm.lock, pyproject.toml",
"quasar.conf.js": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, quasar.extensions.json, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",
"readme*": "authors, backers*, changelog*, citation*, code_of_conduct*, codeowners, contributing*, contributors, copying, credits,,, license*, maintainers, readme*,, sponsors*",
"remix.config.*": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, remix.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",
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"shims.d.ts": "*.d.ts",
"svelte.config.*": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, houdini.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, mdsvex.config.js, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vite.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",
"vite.config.*": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*",
"vue.config.*": "*.env, .babelrc*, .codecov, .cssnanorc*, .env.*, .envrc, .htmlnanorc*, .lighthouserc.*, .mocha*, .postcssrc*, .terserrc*, api-extractor.json, ava.config.*, babel.config.*, contentlayer.config.*, cssnano.config.*, cypress.*, env.d.ts, formkit.config.*, formulate.config.*, histoire.config.*, htmlnanorc.*, jasmine.*, jest.config.*, jsconfig.*, karma*, lighthouserc.*, playwright.config.*, postcss.config.*, puppeteer.config.*, rspack.config.*, svgo.config.*, tailwind.config.*, tsconfig.*, tsdoc.*, uno.config.*, unocss.config.*, vitest.config.*, webpack.config.*, windi.config.*"
"workbench.activityBar.location": "hidden",
"zenMode.hideLineNumbers": false,
"zenMode.hideStatusBar": false,
"zenMode.showTabs": "single",
"git.openRepositoryInParentFolders": "never",
// Extension Console Ninja
"console-ninja.featureSet": "Community"
"cSpell.enabled": false,
// Others
// Extension Jump to test de Blake Herington
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