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Created November 20, 2012 21:12
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Run iwyu on compile_commands.json file created by CMake with CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import subprocess
import sys
def run(cmd):
# print(cmd)
stringCmd = u" ".join(cmd), shell=True)
def runIWYUGDB(wd, args):
cmd =[u"gdb", u"--args"]
def runIWYU(wd, args):
cmd = basecmd[:]
f = open("compile_commands.json", "r")
tunits = json.load(f)
extraArg = u" ".join([u"-Xiwyu " + x for x in sys.argv[1:]])
basedir = u"/home/rpavlik/llvm-trunk/"
basecmd = [basedir + u"bin/include-what-you-use", u"-Xiwyu", u"--verbose=2", extraArg] # "-working-directory", wd]
srcdir = "/home/rpavlik/src/third-party/llvm/tools/clang/tools/include-what-you-use/"
mappingFiles = ["gcc.libc.imp", "gcc.stl.headers.imp", "gcc.symbols.imp", "google.imp", "third_party.imp"] # "iwyu.gcc.imp"
for mapping in mappingFiles:
basecmd.extend(["-Xiwyu", "--mapping_file="+srcdir+mapping])
for tu in tunits:
oldDriver = tu["command"].split(None)[0]
cmd = tu["command"].replace(oldDriver, u"")
runIWYU(tu["directory"], [cmd])
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